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  Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    Cedar Rapids Jefferson Show Choir Invitational 2007

Event Info

March 10th, 2007

Venue Info

Thomas Jefferson High School
1243 20th Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Phone: (319) 558-2435

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  17 Mixed Groups
  2 Treble Groups


  Cedar Rapids Jefferson "West Side Delegation"
  Cedar Rapids Jefferson "Ovation"


  Zach Durlam

  Bill Griffel

  Antwon Chavis

  Denise Johnson

  Jeni Donahue (Critique)

  Jason Johnson (Critique)


Ticket prices unknown.


Cedar Rapids Jefferson Show Choir Invitational 2007

Event Site
Live Stream



 Company of Singers
 Totino-Grace High School
Grand Champion 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Female Soloist (Samantha Johnson) 

 The Headliners
 Sioux City East High School
First Runner Up 
Best Vocals 
Best Male Soloist (Nick Anderson) 
People's Choice 

 WD Forté
 West Delaware High School
Second Runner Up 

 Islander Prestige
 Grand Island Senior High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Encore Singers
 Totino-Grace High School
4th Runner Up 

 Celebration Co.
 Benton Community High School
5th Runner Up 

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)
Click here to expand:  

Mixed Division - Tier II

Groups in order of performance

 Main Street West Singers

 New Hampton High School
Placement Unknown 

 Sadie Street Singers

 Anamosa High School
Placement Unknown 

 Celebration Co.

 Benton Community High School
Placement Unknown 

Mixed Division - Tier IV

Groups in order of performance


 Preston High School
Placement Unknown 


 Keota High School
Placement Unknown 

Prep Division


 Encore Singers
 Totino-Grace High School
First Place 

 West Delaware High School
Second Place 

 New Sound
 Sioux City East High School
Third Place 

 Jubilation, Inc.
 Benton Community High School
4th Place 

 Davenport West High School
5th Place 

 Fairfield Jr/Sr High School
6th Place 

 Sioux City East High School
7th Place 

Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

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Storm on Feb 11, 2007, 5:59 PM
Post #84
QUOTE(~*Rawr*~ @ Feb 11 2007, 11:09 AM) [snapback]382642[/snapback]
Um if your director is playing? Then I am not sure. In our case are combo has had the highest score at both Pleasant Hill and Troy Compitions but because one of our members is in college and the other is an adult we are never able to win. So If both are playing then maybe...

The director does count as the adult. So, if your director is playing piano, that is the only adult you can have playing. Also, that adult can only play a keyboard instrument. You can't have an adult trumpet player, drummer, etc...

This rule makes a little more sense to me. The band can make or break a show. Using the extreme example of an all adult, professional band, one can see how that would not be fair competition against an all high school student band. Even if you didn't let the professional band win "best band awards," the effect a professional band can have on a total show is broad.

I wish they would allow one adult on any instrument. Some schools have keyboard players coming out the wazoo, but don't have any student drummers. How nice would it be to be able to use your one adult on the drums in that situation. If you're going to let one adult play, it doesn't make much sense to me to limit what they can play.


~*Rawr*~ on Feb 11, 2007, 3:09 PM
Post #83
QUOTE(cj-mckay @ Feb 11 2007, 10:49 AM) [snapback]382627[/snapback]
Does the one adult per combo include the director? Because we have an accompanist and a director (both adults).

Um if your director is playing? Then I am not sure. In our case are combo has had the highest score at both Pleasant Hill and Troy Compitions but because one of our members is in college and the other is an adult we are never able to win. So If both are playing then maybe...


cj-mckay on Feb 11, 2007, 2:49 PM
Post #82
QUOTE(adancinmomma @ Feb 11 2007, 12:41 PM) [snapback]382598[/snapback]
I know that many of my "Non-Iowa" groups would love to come to some of the Iowa competitions but can not because of all the rules that apply in Iowa. That's not to say that all rules are bad, each state is entitled to have the rules they wish, but I really feel that you could draw a much broader competition if they were eased up on a bit. While in Iowa, prep groups are more the norm. A group where younger students get the experience in show choir before being part of a varsity group with more difficult choreography and vocals. In Iowa you would not be in both because one is considered more for beginners/less experienced/ or younger members. While In Illinois we have more Single-Gender groups (all females or males), this is not necessarily a younger group or less experienced. At a majority of schools the girls group is just as good if not better than the mixed groups--they compete on the same playing field and most schools allow girls to be in both groups.

I know another rule that has stopped some of my groups from attending Iowa competitions is the -One adult in the combo. Some of the schools I work with have more than one only because they are unable to get students to play due to the fact that the schedules for band students wont permit them time to go to competitions. At most Illinois competitions this just means that the competiting show choir in ineligable for best combo/best band award. But if my memory serves me correctly, any group with more than one adult in their combo is disqualified or not allowed to compete due to Iowa rules.

Jeni Donahue

Does the one adult per combo include the director? Because we have an accompanist and a director (both adults).


adancinmomma on Feb 11, 2007, 1:41 PM
Post #81
I know that many of my "Non-Iowa" groups would love to come to some of the Iowa competitions but can not because of all the rules that apply in Iowa. That's not to say that all rules are bad, each state is entitled to have the rules they wish, but I really feel that you could draw a much broader competition if they were eased up on a bit. While in Iowa, prep groups are more the norm. A group where younger students get the experience in show choir before being part of a varsity group with more difficult choreography and vocals. In Iowa you would not be in both because one is considered more for beginners/less experienced/ or younger members. While In Illinois we have more Single-Gender groups (all females or males), this is not necessarily a younger group or less experienced. At a majority of schools the girls group is just as good if not better than the mixed groups--they compete on the same playing field and most schools allow girls to be in both groups.

I know another rule that has stopped some of my groups from attending Iowa competitions is the -One adult in the combo. Some of the schools I work with have more than one only because they are unable to get students to play due to the fact that the schedules for band students wont permit them time to go to competitions. At most Illinois competitions this just means that the competiting show choir in ineligable for best combo/best band award. But if my memory serves me correctly, any group with more than one adult in their combo is disqualified or not allowed to compete due to Iowa rules.

Jeni Donahue

juliofrommississippi on Feb 11, 2007, 2:19 AM
Post #80
QUOTE(lowbass @ Feb 11 2007, 12:10 AM) [snapback]382468[/snapback]
Very good point.

As for the justification? The only thing I can think of is that it gives them something to do while sitting around their conference table.

I'm often mystified by random rules that seem to be piled on to just about everything. Many times, I don't know how you directors do it all - it seems you have to be something short of a psychic to follow each and every rule to not get disqualified at some of these State things, and it leaves little time for actual music making.

Furthermore - I don't see how they can expect out of state competitors to know all the quirky rules that differ from their home state rulebook. I think it kind of makes Iowa a bit unwelcoming - which is a pity, because I know we would all love for more out of staters to visit and compete. And I don't see why IOWA rules would have to apply to a program from outside the Iowa jurisdiction.

Thankfully any major disappointment has been avoided - but really, it's just one more example that something needs to be done. IHSMA - are you listening?!?

Bravo!!! Well said!!!

lowbass on Feb 11, 2007, 2:10 AM
Post #79
QUOTE(batonking @ Feb 9 2007, 08:03 PM) [snapback]382224[/snapback]
IMHO, this rule is so rediculous because it is hypocritical. Iowa does allow the sharing of personal for concert groups, so long as they are not of the same gendered make-up. So, the girls from your concert choir can be a women's choir on their own, but they could not be in another mixed group (for purposes of state contest). If that is the rule for concert groups, what is the justification for having a different standard for show choirs?

Very good point.

As for the justification? The only thing I can think of is that it gives them something to do while sitting around their conference table.

I'm often mystified by random rules that seem to be piled on to just about everything. Many times, I don't know how you directors do it all - it seems you have to be something short of a psychic to follow each and every rule to not get disqualified at some of these State things, and it leaves little time for actual music making.

Furthermore - I don't see how they can expect out of state competitors to know all the quirky rules that differ from their home state rulebook. I think it kind of makes Iowa a bit unwelcoming - which is a pity, because I know we would all love for more out of staters to visit and compete. And I don't see why IOWA rules would have to apply to a program from outside the Iowa jurisdiction.

Thankfully any major disappointment has been avoided - but really, it's just one more example that something needs to be done. IHSMA - are you listening?!?


Storm on Feb 9, 2007, 10:03 PM
Post #78
IMHO, this rule is so rediculous because it is hypocritical. Iowa does allow the sharing of personal for concert groups, so long as they are not of the same gendered make-up. So, the girls from your concert choir can be a women's choir on their own, but they could not be in another mixed group (for purposes of state contest). If that is the rule for concert groups, what is the justification for having a different standard for show choirs?


~*Rawr*~ on Feb 9, 2007, 5:54 PM
Post #77
QUOTE(Jorge @ Feb 9 2007, 01:51 PM) [snapback]382175[/snapback]
I'm glad you all have been spared something potentially bad happening... but I hope you guys at least considered maybe sending one group to Jefferson and the other to Washington. Both competitions are wonderful, on the same day, and only 10-15 minutes from each other.

I really dont know what is going to happen next. I heard rumors of chicago but I really dont know. We will see.

Jorge on Feb 9, 2007, 5:51 PM
Post #76
QUOTE(~*Rawr*~ @ Feb 9 2007, 03:44 PM) [snapback]382173[/snapback]
Okay, well I talked to my director at RBHS today and he had NO idea about this rule. He called some people up though and the rule was proven true. So Rock Bridge CITY LIGHTS and SATIN N LACE will NOT be attending Cedar Rapids Jefferson. Althought it sucks, This has saved us all from a lot of dissapointment! SO THANKS FOR THE INFO!!! We would have gone all the way down there for nothing! I dont know where we are going now that we arnt going to cedar rapids. I will keep you all posted when I find out, GOOD LUCK AT CEDAR RAPIDS EVERYONE!

I'm glad you all have been spared something potentially bad happening... but I hope you guys at least considered maybe sending one group to Jefferson and the other to Washington. Both competitions are wonderful, on the same day, and only 10-15 minutes from each other.


~*Rawr*~ on Feb 9, 2007, 5:44 PM
Post #75
Okay, well I talked to my director at RBHS today and he had NO idea about this rule. He called some people up though and the rule was proven true. So Rock Bridge CITY LIGHTS and SATIN N LACE will NOT be attending Cedar Rapids Jefferson. Althought it sucks, This has saved us all from a lot of dissapointment! SO THANKS FOR THE INFO!!! We would have gone all the way down there for nothing! I dont know where we are going now that we arnt going to cedar rapids. I will keep you all posted when I find out, GOOD LUCK AT CEDAR RAPIDS EVERYONE!


ana on Feb 9, 2007, 11:46 AM
Post #74
I would suggest that the director at Rock Bridge contact Andrew Eley. He or she should have Andrew's information.

UOSCF on Feb 9, 2007, 9:24 AM
Post #73
Seriously. I saw a prominent program that was brought before their review board for much less serious offenses and nearly had the book thrown at them.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 9, 2007, 1:11 AM
Post #72
QUOTE(I_Got_Rhythm @ Feb 8 2007, 09:34 PM) [snapback]381970[/snapback]
Make your director aware that it's not a competition rule it's a statewide rule and if the competition breaks it they may face penalty from the state music association.

penalty meaning they will become non-sanctioned and anyone that competes at the competition will no longer be eligible for state-wide competitions like All-State, State Large Group Contest, and State Solo/Ensemble Contest. pretty much the competition would just die.


ajm41827 on Feb 8, 2007, 11:34 PM
Post #71
Make your director aware that it's not a competition rule it's a statewide rule and if the competition breaks it they may face penalty from the state music association.


~*Rawr*~ on Feb 8, 2007, 11:33 PM
Post #70
QUOTE(I_Got_Rhythm @ Feb 8 2007, 07:23 PM) [snapback]381955[/snapback]
You won't be asked to leave, if you are both chosen for finals, one of your groups will have to make a decision to drop out of finals, it's an Iowa rule. There's another competition in the same city on the same day and potentially you could just have the other group compete there, if you wanted.

Um.... yeah, didnt know that and I will be sure to inform everyone... their are going to be some angry people to say the least

Jorge on Feb 8, 2007, 11:25 PM
Post #69
QUOTE(KioshoJake @ Feb 8 2007, 07:47 PM) [snapback]381908[/snapback]
You can come with me to Mundelein

I wanna see Haakon, and Burbank, choirs I rarely/never get to see.

You can "see" Haakon on SCC everyday.

But, if you were going to meet him, that might be a different story.


ajm41827 on Feb 8, 2007, 11:23 PM
Post #68
You won't be asked to leave, if you are both chosen for finals, one of your groups will have to make a decision to drop out of finals, it's an Iowa rule. There's another competition in the same city on the same day and potentially you could just have the other group compete there, if you wanted.


~*Rawr*~ on Feb 8, 2007, 11:20 PM
Post #67
QUOTE(I_Got_Rhythm @ Feb 8 2007, 07:17 PM) [snapback]381947[/snapback]
Yes it really is a rule. In 2005 our school had one group compete at Cedar Rapids Jefferson and the other Compete at Cedar Rapids Washington because they couldn't be at the same competition (the prep group had 2 guys from the varsity group).

Wait, I am really confused... Both of our groups, satin n lace and city Lights, are going to Cedar Rapids Jefferson (I think) and are in the open group( I think thats what its called) together. We have girls that are in both choirs, is that allowed or are we going to be asked to leave?


ajm41827 on Feb 8, 2007, 11:17 PM
Post #66
Yes it really is a rule. In 2005 our school had one group compete at Cedar Rapids Jefferson and the other Compete at Cedar Rapids Washington because they couldn't be at the same competition (the prep group had 2 guys from the varsity group).


~*Rawr*~ on Feb 8, 2007, 11:08 PM
Post #65
WOAH WOAH WOAH! Hold the phone... Is that really a rule???? You cant have girls that are in both Satin n Lace and City Lights? Cause I dont think our director knows that if it is? Some one fill me in PLEASE!! " border="0" alt="ermm.gif" />

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