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  Show Choir Community    Events    2007 Season    West Virginia State Show Choir Festival 2007

   Event Info

March 10th, 2007

Venue Info

Cabell Midland High School
2300 US Route 60
Ona, WV 25545

Phone: (304) 743-7579

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  14 Mixed Groups
  1 Treble Groups
  4 Middle School Groups



Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


West Virginia State Show Choir Festival 2007

Event Site
Live Stream

   Mixed Division



 Red Hot
 Hurricane High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Female Soloist (Mara Stewart) 
Superior Rating 

 Good Times
 Martinsburg High School
Second Place 
Best Band 
Superior Rating 

 St. Albans High School
Third Place 
Superior Rating 

 Rhythm In Red
 Cabell Midland High School
4th Place 
Best Male Soloist (John Wolfe) 
Superior Rating 

 Visual Volume
 Poca High School
5th Place 

 Nitro High School
6th Place 

 Morgantown High School
7th Place 

 Buckhannon-Upshur High School
8th Place 

 Huntington High School
9th Place 

 Grafton High School
10th Place 

 Melodic Fusion
 Riverside High School
11th Place 

 North Marion High School
12th Place 

 Show Choir
 James Monroe High School
No Placement 
Comments Only 

 Musselman High School
No Placement 
Comments Only 

   Treble Division


 Class Act
 St. Albans High School

   Middle School Division


Groups in order of performance

 Show Choir

 Spencer Middle School
Placement Unknown 

 Show Choir

 Princeton Middle School
Placement Unknown 

 Show Choir

 South Harrison Middle School
Placement Unknown 


 Dunbar Middle School
Placement Unknown 

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

202 comments • Sort by

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showchoirmom on Mar 13, 2007, 9:02 AM
Post #182
Just wanted to take a moment to congratulate all the schools. Everyone did a wonderful job this past weekend representing your schools. I have read all the comments.....concerning rule changes, time slots, questionable judges, etc. I know that everyone feels like they were cheated on something. Bottom line, regardless of where you placed, you all did a good job and you should be proud of that. Martinsburg....I had not seen you guys in a were awesome. You came out with a bang and never stopped the whole show! Way to Perform!!! For most of us, this wraps up this season. It has been good. If you still have other competitions, then I want to wish you luck and make WV proud! And for all of you proud of what you have accomplished. Show Choir will always mean a lot to you. I have one that was in it for 4 years and is now a jr in college, and my youngest is a freshman in show choir. You have made memories and formed bonds that you won't forget. I sure hope that everyone made it home safely. I haven't heard anything, so I take that as a good sign. Good Luck in all you do! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!


GAsax27 on Mar 13, 2007, 1:10 AM
Post #181
I have the rules right here, and I'm really not seeing how they are any different than they are anywhere else...I'm not trying to start a fight, I like Morgantown's show this year...I just don't really see what you mean.


dunbarmamma on Mar 13, 2007, 12:08 AM
Post #180
QUOTE(acrazysaru @ Mar 12 2007, 06:29 PM) [snapback]394022[/snapback]
Yeah we had to leave early because we werent going to stay for 12 to 14 hours at the same competition. We had to be there at 7am. We would all get tired and restless. And we had to drive down the night before late at night and pay for a hotel because of our wonderful placement.

Wont get into what certain directors think and hold against morgantown, but trust me theyre there.

Ancient rules yes. Compare those rules to those of any Fame, Showstoppers, Midwest or California rules. Theyre ridiculous. Not to mention that one of the judges was a 19 year old who graduated last year. At a state competition? Real professional. And her performing in Electrical Parade at Disney is no claim to fame. I should know i helped choreograph some of that and used to cast it. Definately does not qualify someone to judge such a professionally run state competition.

Congratulations to all those who placed and performed their butts off! I am ordering a dvd to watch all of you since we had to leave early. The kids at Morgantown want to watch you all as well!

Sergio Mejia
Choreographer Morgantown HS

I do agree that the time slot was unfortunate for Morgantown. I did not like our time slot as well but it was what we were given. At all of out of state competitions this year, our time slot required us to stay two nights.

How do the rules differ from other competition? This is my son's first year in a high school show choir. He was previously in a middle school choir for three years but I know that the rules differ from the high school level. Can you elaborate on the differences? It could perhaps enhance the current rules. Just a thought.

Correct me if I am wrong, but the best preformer judge does only that correct. I did not see a problem with the selection of that judge. I believe we all watch a show and can select one or two performers that stand out above the rest.

Again, let me say, that I am sorry for any adult drama that has effected your students. I personally have always enjoyed Morgantown's shows.

Let me say that I am just asking questions and not being agruementitive. I know that sometimes people might come across that way in writing and not mean to be. Just new to the high school show choir world!

Rian on Mar 12, 2007, 11:13 PM
Post #179
Probably because he's a dance major too.

pumpitup07 on Mar 12, 2007, 10:55 PM
Post #178
QUOTE(katestir12 @ Mar 12 2007, 09:40 PM) [snapback]394032[/snapback]
I can say with 100% assurance that Kara Call was more than qualified to be the best performer judge. After all, who knows what it takes to be a good performer better than a former show choir member, especially one who got best performer awards themselves.

thats true. at our competition the last two years, we had the same judge do best performer, and he had graduated the year before our first competition and two years out the second. he won i think a total of 3 best performers. nobody had a problem with him doing the judging for that.


GAsax27 on Mar 12, 2007, 10:54 PM (Edited)
Post #177
QUOTE(dranscht @ Mar 12 2007, 07:50 PM) [snapback]394043[/snapback]
Now that this event is over, it certainly merits discussion, but not backhanded jabs at one another.

I wasn't trying to be backhanded, I just know that every judge that actually had a hand in the outcome was more than qualified to be there. Dr. Stroeher probably didn't know much about show choir, but he was only judging the bands...and trust me...the man knows his bands.

MisterInformative on Mar 12, 2007, 10:50 PM (Edited)
Post #176
Now that this event is over, it certainly merits discussion, but not backhanded jabs at one another.

Not a reaction to any one post, but just a general... PSA, if you will.


GAsax27 on Mar 12, 2007, 10:49 PM
Post #175
yeah, I really don't think you need too much schooling to be a best performer judge


pocavvtenor21 on Mar 12, 2007, 10:44 PM
Post #174 offense but complaining about a best performer judge is kind of goofy anyways..especially when it has zero effect on the outcome...and didnt even get to see who got best performer from your group was in the first offense to morgantown cuz i know it had to suck performing that early and stuff being far away and all..and im not talkin about ur group..just his comment..i just think his comment was rather..well..silly i guess lol


katestir12 on Mar 12, 2007, 10:40 PM
Post #173
QUOTE(acrazysaru @ Mar 12 2007, 10:29 PM) [snapback]394022[/snapback]
Not to mention that one of the judges was a 19 year old who graduated last year. At a state competition? Real professional. And her performing in Electrical Parade at Disney is no claim to fame. I should know i helped choreograph some of that and used to cast it. Definately does not qualify someone to judge such a professionally run state competition.

Wow, you know what else is real professional? A director getting on here bashing a 19 year old kid. Since I know her personally, I can say with 100% assurance that Kara Call was more than qualified to be the best performer judge. After all, who knows what it takes to be a good performer better than a former show choir member, especially one who got best performer awards themselves. And also, considering that 19 year old judge's pics for best performer had nothing to do with your actual standing in the competition, that was a cheap shot. Very professional.


acrazysaru on Mar 12, 2007, 10:29 PM (Edited)
Post #172
QUOTE(davep @ Mar 12 2007, 03:27 PM) [snapback]393944[/snapback]
So what exactly happened with Morgantown? I got there around lunchtime and somebody told me they had already left. Seemed kind of strange to drive that long way, perform, and then leave.

And what did the other directors do to Morgantown? Ludicrous and ancient rules? Just wondering.

Yeah we had to leave early because we werent going to stay for 12 to 14 hours at the same competition. We had to be there at 7am. We would all get tired and restless. And we had to drive down the night before late at night and pay for a hotel because of our wonderful placement.

Wont get into what certain directors think and hold against morgantown, but trust me theyre there.

Ancient rules yes. Compare those rules to those of any Fame, Showstoppers, Midwest or California rules. Theyre ridiculous. Not to mention that one of the judges was a 19 year old who graduated last year. At a state competition? Real professional. And her performing in Electrical Parade at Disney is no claim to fame. I should know i helped choreograph some of that and used to cast it. Definately does not qualify someone to judge such a professionally run state competition.

Congratulations to all those who placed and performed their butts off! I am ordering a dvd to watch all of you since we had to leave early. The kids at Morgantown want to watch you all as well!

Sergio Mejia
Choreographer Morgantown HS


davep on Mar 12, 2007, 7:27 PM
Post #171
QUOTE(acrazysaru @ Mar 10 2007, 06:33 PM) [snapback]393303[/snapback]
All students I have encountered have been extremely supportive of Morgantown. i think its really funny that the ones that have been bashing and anti Morgantown, have been other directors who have HUGE grudges against Morgantown, as well as many of the WVMEA association. Sad thing is, the kids have no fault in these reasons there are grudges. I know this first hand. And have been told by a certain Director, that yes it is sad that the students have to pay the price for the grudges that many have against us. And that indeed many directors have said horrible things about our program. So its funny to me how the adult directors and association are more drama and catty than the students. Were all here to perform and have a good time. I have been thoroughly disguisted with the rules the WVMEA has implemented, as well as all the adult drama that has gone on. I have judged Showstoppers on several occasions, and Fame as well as doing clinics around the country. Originally from Southern California, if the rules set out by WVMEA were presented anywhere else in the country, they would be completely laughed at. They are ludicrous and ancient.

Am i saying this because im bitter? Am i saying this because i really want a trophey and havent recieved one this year? Not even a tiny bit. I am an outsider who has come into this for the first time ever here in West Virginia, and am bothered by what i have witnessed. I can say whole heartedly, even though many will reply and object, that winning a trophey is not my first goal while working with a show choir. I really want the best show out there. I want to see the energy and passion that comes with performing.

I have had an amazing time working with Morgantown this year, and these kids have worked really hard. They have made my first time ever in west virginia awesome.

I hope that all the Directors that are catty and extremely selfish will one day realize why there is show choir--to teach the fine art of dancing singing and performing. Not all this finger pointing to each other, and all the, "well theyre not allowed to do that" "this director acted mean to me so now this and that" kind of stuff. Its sad to say that the kids all have it right on while the adults dont. Im not saying all Directors here have been like that, but there are several who are. Even one spreading this kind of attitude is like a cancer.

And to all the students that have had nothing but awesome positive things to say about Morgantown, I say to you all thanks for all your support and dedication. Youre all what its about. Many of you have been so amazing on stage. Continue the support for each other and the ARTS. Hope to see many of you at a Showstoppers or Fame one day soon!

Sergio Mejia
Proud to be Choreographer for Morgantown HS Images

So what exactly happened with Morgantown? I got there around lunchtime and somebody told me they had already left. Seemed kind of strange to drive that long way, perform, and then leave.

And what did the other directors do to Morgantown? Ludicrous and ancient rules? Just wondering.


pocavvtenor21 on Mar 12, 2007, 3:40 PM
Post #170
QUOTE(fischerclassix06 @ Mar 12 2007, 04:13 AM) [snapback]393824[/snapback]
Well yeah, most of the things that we go to are in the midwest, sometimes I try to start a thread in east coast, but it is always already started in the midwest section, so i've stopped fighting.

haha good seems impossible 2 keep stuff in the east coast forums lol


pocavvbass10 on Mar 12, 2007, 12:19 PM
Post #169
yeah, riverside wasn't bad at all...i would put them up a little higher than that, but i'm not a judge and therefore don't have the final say...everyone did awesomely this weekend and a special congrats to hurricane for a well-deserved GC...and st. albans, have you added the ballad since musicfest?? i thought it sounded like it was new and i didnt remember it...poca, just keep plugging along and get ready for this weekend, it's gonna be a tough one, but you can do it...i didn't get to see martinsburg or cabell, but i'm sure you both did fantastic...martinsburg, my friend brandon bought a dvd of your show b/c he liked it so much LoL ...again, congrats to all especially hurricane


showmom05 on Mar 12, 2007, 10:51 AM (Edited)
Post #168
QUOTE(Soundsationboi @ Mar 11 2007, 08:41 PM) [snapback]393793[/snapback]
Martinsburg went to a VA competition. I think Hurricane went to Manchester if Im not mistaken.

Martinsburg and Capital High School VIPs went to Manchester. Hurricane was at Fairfield the weekend that Manchester held their competition.


GAsax27 on Mar 12, 2007, 10:05 AM
Post #167
oh, and I really liked St. Albans ballad. They had really come a long way sence Teays Valley


fischerclassix06 on Mar 12, 2007, 4:13 AM
Post #166
Well yeah, most of the things that we go to are in the midwest, sometimes I try to start a thread in east coast, but it is always already started in the midwest section, so i've stopped fighting.

MisterInformative on Mar 12, 2007, 12:52 AM
Post #165
It wouldn't really be a problem to have topics involving WV show choirs in both Midwest and East Coast.

Rian on Mar 12, 2007, 12:41 AM (Edited)
Post #164
Martinsburg & Capital went to a VA competition.


pocavvtenor21 on Mar 12, 2007, 12:02 AM
Post #163
QUOTE(dunbarmamma @ Mar 11 2007, 10:12 PM) [snapback]393725[/snapback]
I think that it might be because quite a few WV groups compete in Ohio and are interested in the groups in that area. East Coast threads have never really included WV information since I have been on this site.

not only that, but the majority of choirs in WV are from the western part of the state and compete from WV to IN or so...i actually dont know if any schools this year went anywhere east

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