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 Show Choir Community    Events    2022 Season    Cedar Rapids Jefferson Show Choir Invitational 2022
Event Info

March 4th-5th, 2022
Venue Info
Thomas Jefferson High School
1243 20th Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Phone: (319) 558-2435
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
14 Mixed Groups
1 Treble Group
9 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Cedar Rapids Jefferson "West Side Delegation"
Cedar Rapids Jefferson "Ovation"
Event Judges:
Andrea Cooper (HS scoring/finals)
Ines Cring (MS scoring/finals)
Bob Demaree (MS scoring/HS scoring/finals)
Ben Eklund (MS critique/HS critique/finals)
Brett Epperson (MS scoring/HS scoring/finals)
Aaron Malec (MS critique/HS critique/finals)
Matthew Nicholson (band)
Middle School Competition Only - $10
Saturday all day Adults - $15
Saturday Finals Only Adults - $10
Friday or Saturday Seniors and Students - $10
Children 3 and under Free
Cedar Rapids Jefferson Show Choir Invitational 2022

Event Site
Live Stream

Middle School Division

Classic Edition
McKinley Middle School
First Place

Benton Community Middle School
Second Place
Best Male Soloist (Nolan Harbach)

Franklin Middle School
Third Place

Vernon Middle School
4th Place

Taft Middle School
5th Place
Best Female Soloist (Alivia Weise)

Mazzuchelli Catholic Middle School
6th Place

LaSalle-St. Joseph Middle School
No Placement

Cedar Rapids Wilson Middle School
No Placement

Cedar Rapids Roosevelt Middle School
No Placement


Valley High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band

Northside Establishment
Davenport North High School
First Runner Up
Best Male Soloist (Devonte Westley)

Happiness, Inc.
Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School
Second Runner Up

Wahlert Catholic High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Female Soloist (Marley McSwain)

Side One
Indianola High School
4th Runner Up

The Ambassadors
Prairie High School
5th Runner Up
People's Choice

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II

Sound Attraction
Williamsburg Jr/Sr High School
First Place

Sadie Street Singers
Anamosa High School
Second Place

Mixed Division - Tier III
MFL MarMac High School
Mixed Division - Tier IV
Keota High School
Prep Division

Valley High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band
Best Male Soloist (Jaedon Hennessy)
Best Female Soloist (Catherine May)

Flip Side
Indianola High School
Second Place

Center Stage
Davenport North High School
Third Place

Brooklyn-Guernsey-Malcom Jr/Sr High School
4th Place

Attending Members displaying 6 of 16 members (view all)
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15 comments • Sort by

MakeaBelief on Mar 6, 2022, 6:37 PM
Post #15
Other results from Saturday (I'm guessing on most of the soloist names)

Prep Results:
GC: Valley "Ignition" (BV, BC, BB)
1RU: Indianola "Flip Side"
2RU: Davenport North "Center Stage"
3RU: BGM "Dynamics"

People's Choice Award: Prairie "The Ambassadors"
Prep Best Male Solo: Valley "Ignition" (Jaden Hensley?, not confident on how it's spelled)
Prep Best Female Solo: Valley "Ignition" (Catherine May)
Varsity Best Male Solo: Davenport North "Northside Establishment" (Devonte Westley)
Varsity Best Female Solo: Wahlert "Impulse" (Marley Mcswain)

3A Division Results:
GC: Williamsburg "Sound Attraction"
1RU: Anamosa "Sadie Street Singers"


MakeaBelief on Mar 6, 2022, 1:43 AM
Post #14
Final results

GC: Valley (BV, BB, BC)
1RU: Davenport North
2RU: Kennedy
3RU: Wahlert
4RU: Indianola
5RU: Prairie

thebetterbauer on Mar 5, 2022, 8:23 PM
Post #12
Does anybody have any daytime results???

juliofrommississippi on Mar 5, 2022, 8:55 PM (Edited)
Post #13
It looks like Indianola is performing first in finals. I’m sitting in the gym and hearing and seeing a lot of Wahlert and Davenport North people, so I’m assuming they are in finals as well. Also have to assume Kennedy, Prairie, and Valley are in.


ShowChoirWannaBe on Mar 5, 2022, 1:07 PM
Post #10
Are there middle school results?


Big-E on Mar 5, 2022, 2:58 PM
Post #11
GC: Mckinley Classic Edition
1RU: Benton Illusions
2RU: Franklin Illumination
3RU: Vernon Velocity
4RU: Taft Adrenaline
5RU: Mazzuchelli Catholic Ignite


MakeaBelief on Feb 28, 2022, 12:55 PM
Post #1
Friday March 4th: Middle School Schedule

5:00pm: Lasalle "Center Stage"
5:25pm: Wilson "Starfleet"
5:50pm: Benton "Illusions"
6:15pm: Mazzuchelli "Ignite"
7:40pm: Vernon "Velocity"
8:05pm: RCCBA "Regeneration"
8:30pm: Taft "Adrenaline"
8:55pm: McKinley "Classic Edition"
9:20pm: Franklin "Illumination"
9:45pm: EXHIBITION "Ovation"

Saturday March 5th: High School Schedule

8:25am: Indianola Prep "Flip Side"
8:50am: Sioux Falls Washington Prep "Stage Lights"
9:15am: Davenport North Prep "Center Stage"
9:40am: Valley Prep "Ignition"
10:05am: Onalaska Prep "Express"
3:00pm: BGM "Dynamics"

10:45am: Keota "EagleRock!"

11:10am: MFL Marmac "Legacy"

1:50pm: Williamsburg "Sound Attraction"
2:15pm: Anamosa "Sadie Street Singers"

12:35pm: Indianola "Side One"
1:00pm: Onalaska "Hilltoppers"
1:25pm: Sioux Falls Washington "Classic Connection"
3:25pm: Des Moines Roosevelt "Revelation"
3:50pm: Davenport North "Northside Establishment"
4:15pm: Wahlert "'Impulse"
4:40pm: Prairie "The Ambassadors"
5:05pm: Kennedy "Happiness Inc."
5:30pm: Valley "Choralation"
5:55pm: EXHIBITON Jefferson "West Side Delegation"

Finals Schedule:
7:55pm: Finalist #1
8:20pm: Finalist #2
8:45pm: Finalist #3
9:10pm: Finalist #4
9:35pm: Finalist #5
10:00pm: Finalist #6
10:25pm: EXHIBITON Mount Mercy University


Big-E on Mar 1, 2022, 9:51 AM
Post #2
West Side Delegation is also performing friday night after ovation.


Majastik on Mar 4, 2022, 6:59 PM
Post #9
West side is also performing tonight right after ovation

rickymcgarry on Mar 4, 2022, 1:44 PM
Post #8
Due to a high number of illnesses within Onalaska’s show choir’s, we unfortunately will not be attending this weekend.


Alexandra on Mar 3, 2022, 3:52 PM
Post #4
Just curious - Sioux Falls Washington will not be attending because Tru Hotel Westdale released all of our rooms and so we had no where to stay. I'm just wondering if anyone else had their rooms released by that or any other hotel or if we are the only ones? I don't understand how something like this can happen. And best of luck to all the groups that will be competing in Cedar Rapids this weekend!!!

juliofrommississippi on Mar 4, 2022, 5:43 AM
Post #5
There’s nowhere else to stay in Cedar Rapids??


aricwilcox on Mar 4, 2022, 10:00 AM
Post #6
Not on such short notice


Alexandra on Mar 4, 2022, 12:26 PM
Post #7
We have like 75 kids in our 2 show choirs, plus their bands, crew, chaperones, etc. As a mom, I paid for my own room, so my own room was still there, but the school's rooms were all released. Not sure how that happened.


aricwilcox on Mar 3, 2022, 10:35 AM
Post #3
SF Washington is very upset that we're unable to attend. Thank you so much to Cedar Rapids Jefferson for being so understanding of our situation!


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