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  Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Eau Claire Memorial Winterfest 2011

   Event Info

February 5th, 2011

Venue Info

Eau Claire Memorial High School
2220 Fairfax Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701

Phone: (715) 852-6300

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  11 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups


  Memorial "Old Abe Show Choir"
  Memorial "Eagle Show Choir"

Judges: Unknown


$10 Prelims
$10 Finals
$15 All Day


Eau Claire Memorial Winterfest 2011

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Power Company
 Waconia High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Female Soloist (Ann Marie Powers) 

 Bemidji High School
First Runner Up 
Best Male Soloist (Tony Naylor) 

 Jefferson Connection
 Bloomington Jefferson High School
Second Runner Up 

 Rhythm in Gold
 Bloomington Kennedy High School
3rd Runner Up 

 The Current
 Waconia High School
4th Runner Up (TIE) 
Best Band 

 Bloomington Jefferson High School
4th Runner Up (TIE) 

 Northern Lights
 North St. Paul High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Prep Division



 Bloomington Jefferson High School
First Place 

 The Current
 Waconia High School
Second Place 

 Encore Singers
 Totino-Grace High School
Third Place 

 Cricket Choralation

 Fall Creek High School
No Placement 


 Altoona High School
No Placement 

 Silver Dimension

 Monona Grove High School
No Placement 

 Fire and Ice

 Washburn High School
No Placement 

 East Side Swingers

 Bloomington Kennedy High School
No Placement 

 La Voce Ballo

 Bemidji High School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 36 members (view all)  





Jenna Grochow


102 comments • Sort by

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Margaux on Feb 6, 2011, 3:43 AM
Post #82
Congrats to everyone and a HUGE thank you to Eau Claire for hosting such a great competition!
I am so proud of Power Company, the Current, and WATT for their best band award!!
As for the errors, they were unfortunate, but at this point there is not much that can be done about it. The Current was announced as being a finalist and had little time to prepare, let alone make major decisions about whether or not to perform. The situation was far beyond Current's control and they were at no fault whatsoever. They were incredible sports about the whole situation and I was truly impressed by their attitudes. Whatever your opinion may be about whether or not they should have been judged or exhibition in finals, both the Current and Jive handled the situation with tact and respect. There is no use blaming the Current. All that can be done at this point is trying to prevent an error like this in the future.
Thanks again, this was really a fun day!


shelbster on Feb 6, 2011, 3:28 AM
Post #81
First of all, I would like to say that I really enjoyed watching Power Company, they blew me away, Bemidji was very good as well, I had a lot of fun watching these guys perform.

Now, I was personally in Jefferson Jive when the first scoring error was made in 2008. We were in the [i]exact[/i] same position as The Current this year, so I know exactly what it feels like, and I mean no offense to the kids in that group. I was very impressed with them and enjoyed watching their show. [i]However,[/i] when this same error occurred in 2008, Jefferson Jive was allowed to perform as an exhibition but we were [i]not[/i] eligible for a placing in finals. As I remember it, it was very upsetting to find out that we weren't truly in first place, but we enjoyed the privilege of performing in finals as a jv group even though we were not allowed a placing in finals. If I remember correctly, we also were not allowed to have a trophy, since we did not place in finals.

I feel that the incident should have been handled the same way it was handled three years ago. They not only stole from Jive the satisfaction of hearing that they had been first in their division, when they went on stage after they announced the tie, the other group had already walked off with the trophy and I don't believe Jive even got to hold it on stage.

I felt the need to post here because this incident really affected me, as it was one of my first show choir competitions ever.

Besides all of this, I am shocked that this error could occur once, let alone twice. Very unprofessional. I don't think I will be able to attend this competition again.

bethieboo102 on Feb 6, 2011, 3:22 AM
Post #80
[quote name='L1ghts' date='1296974364' post='513771']Well, this was the first competition I attended since I graduated last year. While I'm extremely proud of how everyone placed, and thoroughly enjoyed the competition as a whole, I'm appalled at how the error was handled. I'm all for allowing The Current to perform in finals, but as an exhibitionist ONLY.

Not only did the error take away Jive's ability to celebrate their first place victory at the right time, but they took away the satisfaction of moving up in finals. Waconia's prep group had absolutely no business competing in finals. They were a great group, but the fact of the matter is, they didn't earn their place in finals, they were there on a fluke. At the very least, the tie should have been broken using preliminary scores, and Jive should have taken fifth place over The Current and Northern Lights.

Flame all you want, but I promise I won't be swayed on the issue. I was on the end of TWO ties with the same group my senior year, so I know exactly how it feels.[/quote]

And when there was a scoring error in 2008 with Jive and they were called as first when they were really 4th...they still were able to [b]perform[/b] in finals not as exibition, and I'm pretty sure they walked away with 6th Runner Up place trophy that they got made and Encore singers ended up 5th Runner Up....I'd say it was handled very well both of those years! And congrats to Waconia and Kevin Chase with all the great groups you had there today!! And of course all the other groups, it made for a very good competition!!

The Ethan Price on Feb 6, 2011, 3:16 AM
Post #79
(I really wish the edit option would work. Haakon...)

Basically both groups did fantastic. The judges screwed up, not the students and performers. Our argument is doing nothing for us, them, or anyone. Lets agree to disagree. They all put everything they had out there tonight. Congratulations to Jive on winning GC of prep, and congratulations to The Current for overcoming all the difficult circumstances and stepping up in finals.

The Ethan Price on Feb 6, 2011, 3:06 AM
Post #78
[quote name='L1ghts' date='1296975642' post='513785']
How does Waconia have any "right" to stay in finals? A computational error was made, an error on the part of a computer does not equate to a more skilled group. I'm not taking anything away from Waconia's prep group. I'm also not discrediting The Current, because I saw their show today, and they were a strong JV group. But according to the PROPER numbers,[b] Jive placed above The Current in prelims, and you can't argue with that. [/b]The Current's place in finals rightfully belonged to Jive, it can't always be about "making everyone feel good" at the end of the day it's a competition, and there are winners and losers.

I think the error as a whole was handled poorly, and I'm just disappointed with what happened.[/quote]

And The Current tied with Jive in finals. You can't argue with that. So maybe mathematically speaking they shouldn't have been there. But they proved themselves worthy with their finals performance.

L1ghts on Feb 6, 2011, 3:00 AM
Post #77
[quote name='The Ethan Price' date='1296974828' post='513774']I hope you realize that members of Waconia "The Current" will be on here reading your post. I hope you enjoy verbally abusing not Varsity show choir members, but JV members who are just getting their foot in the door in the show choir world. I get how this must be frustrating for you, but look at it from the other way. At least you got corrected to be in finals. How would you feel if Jive was on the other end? The error made them not be able to compete in finals. The error shouldn't have happened. I agree with you there. But do not take anything away from members of Waconia's prep group. That is just ridiculous.

Also, "Jive" went into finals ahead of "The Current". If they really deserved 4th runner up alone, they would have gotten it. Fact of the matter is Waconia's prep performed equally well as Jive did. That's bottom line. Final results are final results. After the error, after prelims. When it came down to it, Jive and The Current performed equally.

It happened. I, and many others feel that the situation was handled to the best. Waconia Prep was rightfully allowed to stay in finals. Do not blame them and take away for what they DID earn by performing their heart out on stage. Blame the judges.[/quote]

How does Waconia have any "right" to stay in finals? A computational error was made, an error on the part of a computer does not equate to a more skilled group. I'm not taking anything away from Waconia's prep group. I'm also not discrediting The Current, because I saw their show today, and they were a strong JV group. But according to the PROPER numbers, Jive placed above The Current in prelims, and you can't argue with that. The Current's place in finals rightfully belonged to Jive, it can't always be about "making everyone feel good" at the end of the day it's a competition, and there are winners and losers.

I think the error as a whole was handled poorly, and I'm just disappointed with what happened.

The Ethan Price on Feb 6, 2011, 2:47 AM
Post #76
[quote name='L1ghts' date='1296974364' post='513771']Well, this was the first competition I attended since I graduated last year. While I'm extremely proud of how everyone placed, and thoroughly enjoyed the competition as a whole, I'm appalled at how the error was handled. I'm all for allowing The Current to perform in finals, but as an exhibitionist ONLY.

Not only did the error take away Jive's ability to celebrate their first place victory at the right time, but they took away the satisfaction of moving up in finals. Waconia's prep group had absolutely no business competing in finals. They were a great group, but the fact of the matter is, they didn't earn their place in finals, they were there on a fluke. At the very least, the tie should have been broken using preliminary scores, and Jive should have taken fifth place over The Current and Northern Lights.

Flame all you want, but I promise I won't be swayed on the issue. I was on the end of TWO ties with the same group my senior year, so I know exactly how it feels.[/quote]
I hope you realize that members of Waconia "The Current" will be on here reading your post. I hope you enjoy verbally abusing not Varsity show choir members, but JV members who are just getting their foot in the door in the show choir world. I get how this must be frustrating for you, but look at it from the other way. At least you got corrected to be in finals. How would you feel if Jive was on the other end? The error made them not be able to compete in finals. The error shouldn't have happened. I agree with you there. But do not take anything away from members of Waconia's prep group. That is just ridiculous.

Also, "Jive" went into finals ahead of "The Current". If they really deserved 4th runner up alone, they would have gotten it. Fact of the matter is Waconia's prep performed equally well as Jive did. That's bottom line. Final results are final results. After the error, after prelims. When it came down to it, Jive and The Current performed equally.

It happened. I, and many others feel that the situation was handled to the best. Waconia Prep was rightfully allowed to stay in finals. Do not blame them and take away for what they DID earn by performing their heart out on stage. Blame the judges.

L1ghts on Feb 6, 2011, 2:39 AM
Post #75
Well, this was the first competition I attended since I graduated last year. While I'm extremely proud of how everyone placed, and thoroughly enjoyed the competition as a whole, I'm appalled at how the error was handled. I'm all for allowing The Current to perform in finals, but as an exhibitionist ONLY.

Not only did the error take away Jive's ability to celebrate their first place victory at the right time, but they took away the satisfaction of moving up in finals. Waconia's prep group had absolutely no business competing in finals. They were a great group, but the fact of the matter is, they didn't earn their place in finals, they were there on a fluke. At the very least, the tie should have been broken using preliminary scores, and Jive should have taken fifth place over The Current and Northern Lights.

Flame all you want, but I promise I won't be swayed on the issue. I was on the end of TWO ties with the same group my senior year, so I know exactly how it feels.

The Ethan Price on Feb 6, 2011, 1:49 AM
Post #74
Waconia is killing it this year. Great to see another Minnesota school lighting up the stage (just as Bloomington Kennedy, Bloomington Jefferson, Hastings, and Totino Grace have done in past years). Glad to see the scoring error didn't effect things terribly here. Kind of ironic that they ended in a tie in finals after the controversy. Great showing by everyone today. Good luck in the future!

Bae on Feb 6, 2011, 12:54 AM
Post #73
WOW. I think I might try and go to FAME Chicago just to see Totino and Waconia now. Power Company is tearing it up this year!

AP on Feb 6, 2011, 12:41 AM
Post #72
GC: Waconia
1RU: Bemidji
2RU: Jefferson
3RU: Kennedy
4RU: Jive & Current (TIE)
5RU: North St. Paul

Vocals & Choreography: Waconia Power Company

AmirandaRebecca on Feb 6, 2011, 12:25 AM
Post #71
[quote name='Tucker' date='1296966219' post='513700']I stand corrected. Current IS being scored and a seventh trophy was ordered, according to a few Waconia alum (hey Cece and Margaux). I apologize for the misinformation, but I was told two different things. Go show choir.[/quote]

Yay! Go Waconia! :D

AmirandaRebecca on Feb 6, 2011, 12:25 AM
Post #70
[quote name='Tucker' date='1296966219' post='513700']I stand corrected. Current IS being scored and a seventh trophy was ordered, according to a few Waconia alum (hey Cece and Margaux). I apologize for the misinformation, but I was told two different things. Go show choir.[/quote]

Yay! Go Waconia! :D

Tucker on Feb 6, 2011, 12:23 AM
Post #69
I stand corrected. Current IS being scored and a seventh trophy was ordered, according to a few Waconia alum (hey Cece and Margaux). I apologize for the misinformation, but I was told two different things. Go show choir.

Tucker on Feb 5, 2011, 11:21 PM
Post #68
[quote name='MargauxLOVESyou!' date='1296960960' post='513677']YEAH TUCK come see us again![/quote]

I will find you. And Cece. What whaaat.

Margaux on Feb 5, 2011, 10:56 PM
Post #67
YEAH TUCK come see us again!

cecelia. on Feb 5, 2011, 10:49 PM
Post #66
tuck! are you still here? come find me. I wanna talk to you!

Tucker on Feb 5, 2011, 10:45 PM
Post #65
I'm personally not in a group competing in finals, but I would imagine it's frustrating to the performers to have to deal with the schedule changes, as Jive got added into the schedule after North Saint Paul. Everything is behind, but c'est la vie, right?

Aside from the unexpected changes, the competition is great. The theatre is a great place to watch groups from a distance, and the acoustics and sound system are really working to the advantage of the choirs.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 5, 2011, 10:40 PM
Post #64
[quote name='Stolby' date='1296959460' post='513669']

I guess that is where i would take a look at the rules and have made modifications, but I 100% understand what you mean. [/quote]

Since this is the 2nd scoring error in 4 years I really think they need to make modifications with how they tabulate/collect/enter scores. Obviously, we don't know at this time exactly what happened, but I've seen competitions that have never had a scoring error, and others that have them frequently. Scores need to be double and triple checked, and then double and triple checked again. This should not happen, and it only makes groups feel really bad.

Stolba on Feb 5, 2011, 10:31 PM
Post #63
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1296958840' post='513667']
I'm totally in agreeance on this issue, but, as Tucker said, the same thing happened in 2008 and Jive was not allowed to compete in finals. [b]I'd be just as mad if Current were able to compete this year and I was unable to compete in 2008. I guess you just have to stick to the rules. [/b] But if they are just going to do an exhibition performance and not be scored, then I don't really see the reason for them to perform at all. Let them eat and rest, and get ready to cheer on Power Company. Also would let PC rest up a bit more before their appearance but i guess that's just my opinion. Seems like a lot of hassle for little reason.[/quote]

I guess that is where i would take a look at the rules and have made modifications, but I 100% understand what you mean.

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