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  Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Viterbo 101 2011

Event Info

January 8th, 2011


Venue Info

Viterbo University
Fine Arts Center
815 South 9th Street
La Crosse, WI 54601

Phone: (608) 796-3737

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  8 Mixed Groups


  Viterbo "Platinum Edition"


  Stephanie Field

  Robert Jones

  Stephen Todd (Critique)

  Terry Voss (Critique)

  Steve Woodin


Day: $12, Finals: $12


Viterbo 101 2011

Event Site
Live Stream




 Riverside Company
 Hastings High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Amazing Technicolor Show Choir
 Westside High School
First Runner Up 
Best Female Soloist (Abbey Stewart) 

 10th Street Edition
 Linn-Mar High School
Second Runner Up 

 Xavier High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Band 
Best Male Soloist (Jimmy Deignan) 

 Milton High School
4th Runner Up 

 In Step
 Linn-Mar High School
5th Runner Up 

Mixed Division (Prelims)

Prep Division (Prelims)

Attending Members displaying 6 of 20 members (view all)  



Kaitlin Tu...




50 comments • Sort by

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iowagirl27 on Jan 30, 2011, 12:29 AM
Post #50

QUOTE (lmlion17 @ Dec 29 2010, 08:21 PM) *

Why isn't CR Kennedy Happiness coming to Viterbo this year?

happpiness did not go to viterbo because our dance team went to regionals that weekend and most of the dance team is in happiness only on is in protege


samiamiwami09 on Jan 13, 2011, 10:50 AM
Post #49

QUOTE (Stolby @ Jan 07 2011, 12:00 AM) *

Does anyone know when finals are slated to start? Thanks!

the female soloists name from westside is Chole Heyman.


cschulz826 on Jan 12, 2011, 11:01 PM
Post #48
10th Street's songs are
Lacrymosa by Evanescence. It's all one song, just a reworking of it.
Heartache Tonight by Michael Buble
La Fuerza Mayor by Il Divo
Black and Gold by Sam Sparro
American Band/Good Rockin' Tonight.

Instep's are
Something Coming
Ain't that a Kick in the Head
On Faith Alone
Poison Medley

jbliakos on Jan 11, 2011, 11:21 PM
Post #47

QUOTE (juliofrommississippi @ Jan 09 2011, 04:44 AM) *

Yah but they were the rules. Your director should've known having competed in Wisconsin and Iowa before, where those have been the rules for a long time. If he did know he should have told the competition the band was ineligible way before today. The correct decision was made regarding the best band trophy.

Our director did inform the people in charge that our band would not be eligible and it must have gotten skipped over. In the end though I will admit the right thing was done

FindYourStage on Jan 10, 2011, 2:30 AM
Post #46
would someone possibly be able to post a "song list" from each of the choirs? i had forgotten to buy a program but i really liked some of the songs that other groups performed and really want to listen to the real version and compare them. but list please?

AP on Jan 10, 2011, 12:08 AM
Post #45
Wow my predictions were off, haha. But nonetheless it was a fun competition.

First off, congratulations to Hastings! You did great. Your show was really entertaining. I enjoyed the first half the most. The show in it's entirety flowed very well. It just flew right by. I'm definitely watching from father back next time though. Front row was awesome but I really wanna see it farther back. You have a great sound. It's so open and mature. It's different from last year. I haven't heard you in person before last year and I could notice a difference, especially in the girls. The women's sound sounded much stronger and full. I really liked in the opener when the whole group stopped and just sang a little snippet from your ballad "Somewhere." It was really cool. I don't know why I liked that you did that so much. You're ballad was awesome. Vocals were just amazing. Over all you were clean and you made your novelty work. I'm not a big fan of novelties but I really liked "Cooler than Me." Thought it was cool how the soloist came out of the locker. Congrats Riverside!

Omaha Westside I thought you guys were great. Your sound was amazing. The blend especially. It was so good. I don't know what else to say about it. You have to hear it in person to understand. I have never seen you before so it was a nice surprise. I could have seen Hastings or ATSC taking it. I don't remember what your ballad was but I remember hearing it. You did a really good job.

Linn-Mar I really liked your opener, a lot! The soloist was good and the Mozart's Requiem, Lacrymosa, went really well with whatever the other song was. I think your show has a lot of potential! It could be cleaned up a little and I think you will do great. I thought you had a terrific women's sound. I'm happy I get to see you perform again in a week at Supernova!

Xavier You were super clean! "Anxiety" was stuck in my head all day, haha. Congrats on best male soloist. Almost forgot, your band was great! Really good. Definitely memorable.

Linn-Mar "In Step" Prep group? You rocked it. So clean. "10th Street" has some talent coming into the group in the coming years! But for real, one of the best prep groups I've seen. Great job for making it into finals.

A really fun competition!


pplplezr on Jan 9, 2011, 7:00 PM
Post #44
Does anyone have show information?

Stolba on Jan 9, 2011, 6:58 PM
Post #43

QUOTE (jhawkpb23 @ Jan 09 2011, 06:36 PM) *

Cool your jets, sir. I have no disrespect for the rules at all, as I competed in competitions in both Wisconsin and Iowa during my show choir days, and know of the existence of such rules. As mentioned before, it was pure sarcasm in my original statement. Agree to disagree on this topic, because it's wayyyyy off topic from what should be discussed on here. Soooooo...CONGRATS TO THE CHOIRS THAT PERFORMED!

The point of these boards are to discuss anything.

The topic of adults in bands has been around since the time of show choir (slight sarcasm but... its been around for awhile). It is not off topic because of a choir being awarded a Best Band award, when they were not eligible.

And remember, while you may post something to be sarcastic it can come off differently so just beware of that.

jhawkpb23 on Jan 9, 2011, 6:36 PM
Post #42

QUOTE (juliofrommississippi @ Jan 09 2011, 04:18 PM) *

Replacing stupid with silly leaves the same connotation: a lack of respect for the rules. The rules are the rules and the correct outcome happened. They have been in place in Iowa forever, and IDK about Wisconsin/Viterbo, but we've never had any problems in Iowa having all-student bands. So no. The rules are not silly, nor are they stupid. They are meant to promote equality and fairness, otherwise the richer choirs could hire professional bands to boost their shows.

The emcee at Viterbo said beforehand the director had declared the band ineligible but I thought he said "eligible" (why are they so similar sounding?!?!? lol) so I apologize for misunderstanding what he said. Viterbo was responsible for the mix up. Still. The rule is not silly.

Cool your jets, sir. I have no disrespect for the rules at all, as I competed in competitions in both Wisconsin and Iowa during my show choir days, and know of the existence of such rules. As mentioned before, it was pure sarcasm in my original statement. Agree to disagree on this topic, because it's wayyyyy off topic from what should be discussed on here. Soooooo...CONGRATS TO THE CHOIRS THAT PERFORMED!

Lewbag on Jan 9, 2011, 5:35 PM
Post #41

QUOTE (DanceCaptainChica @ Jan 09 2011, 02:53 AM) *

... come to the midwest cup.

We are (:

Jorge on Jan 9, 2011, 4:49 PM
Post #40

QUOTE (juliofrommississippi @ Jan 09 2011, 04:13 PM) *

They have varsity level choreography (credit Kevin Chase for being a genius with this show) and it is perfectly executed. Watch out!!!

I can't gush enough about Kevin Chase as a choreographer, clinician, and a person. I can't wait to see their show and others like Waconia!

ghunt on Jan 9, 2011, 4:23 PM
Post #39

QUOTE (Jorge @ Jan 09 2011, 02:32 AM) *

Who judged?

The judges were:
Stephanie Feld
Rob Jones (Critique, but added for finals)
Stephen Todd (only critique)
Terry Voss
Steve Woodin

juliofrommississippi on Jan 9, 2011, 4:18 PM (Edited)
Post #38

QUOTE (jhawkpb23 @ Jan 09 2011, 03:37 PM) *

Thank you, Jeff. I meant silly instead of stupid, as he mentioned. Mr. Johnson is always on top of the rules, so I'm sure that wasn't a problem with him at all. I was just being a little sarcastic...that's all Sorry for the confusion!

Replacing stupid with silly leaves the same connotation: a lack of respect for the rules. The rules are the rules and the correct outcome happened. They have been in place in Iowa forever, and IDK about Wisconsin/Viterbo, but we've never had any problems in Iowa having all-student bands. So no. The rules are not silly, nor are they stupid. They are meant to promote equality and fairness, otherwise the richer choirs could hire professional bands to boost their shows.

The emcee at Viterbo said beforehand the director had declared the band ineligible but I thought he said "eligible" (why are they so similar sounding?!?!? lol) so I apologize for misunderstanding what he said. Viterbo was responsible for the mix up. Still. The rule is not silly.

juliofrommississippi on Jan 9, 2011, 4:13 PM (Edited)
Post #37
OMG I only got to see finals but I absolutely had a blast. My favorite show was Milton- this is the 2nd best Milton group I have EVER seen. Soooooo good, guys. Really you should be super proud of your show. Your new director is doing a very good job with you guys.

I might be the only one to say this... I actually like Hastings' vocals a lot. Sometimes the women's sound got a little pinched, but overall it was very free and spinny and actually had body to the sound which let it carry. I called it. Only thing for the future is watch out for covering the vocals in the closer. I honestly couldn't hear anything over the drums. I really like the show this year though, even though it is COMPLETELY different from any RC show i've ever seen.

Omaha Westside. I literally sat in your ballad and shivered the WHOLE SONG. OMG your ballad was so exquisitely sung, so musical, so haunting of a sound. Xavier was IMO the cleanest group of the night. Linn-Mar's opener is so nice (i would love a build up of volume throughout the song to make it just that more interesting) The tone is great though.

In-Step. I have NEVER seen a prep group this clean. EVER. And it is the first competition. I was BLOWN AWAY. I am so glad I am not in a prep choir competing against them. They have varsity level choreography (credit Kevin Chase for being a genius with this show) and it is perfectly executed. Watch out!!!

IDK if it was just finals, or the whole competition but the sound system was barely picking up ANY choir's sound, except Hastings, but it looked like they had a good 10/12 people on everyone else. I think that should be fixed for next year, because all these amazing groups in finals sounded like 2nd-tier choirs, and I know that is not how they sing.

Anyway, I had a blast and it was great meeting/seeing all these amazing people!!!

jhawkpb23 on Jan 9, 2011, 3:39 PM
Post #36

QUOTE (DanceCaptainChica @ Jan 09 2011, 02:53 AM) *

... come to the midwest cup.

Oh, and I might just do that ;)

jhawkpb23 on Jan 9, 2011, 3:37 PM
Post #35

QUOTE (ATSChicks @ Jan 09 2011, 10:37 AM) *

Just to be clear, Phil was by no means suggesting that the Best Band rules were actually stupid. If you replaced when he used 'stupid' with 'silly' it would probably be more clear. Our director was aware that ATSC's band was ineligible and I wouldn't be too surprised if he self-reported after having initially been given the award. To my knowledge most competitions don't ask if your band is eligible or not beforehand, they simply decide by viewing the band when they step onto the stage. Our current pianist, David Plank, is a somewhat-recent ATSC alum and so it is quite possible that he assumed to not be an 'adult.'

This is not an official statement.

Thank you, Jeff. I meant silly instead of stupid, as he mentioned. Mr. Johnson is always on top of the rules, so I'm sure that wasn't a problem with him at all. I was just being a little sarcastic...that's all Sorry for the confusion!

ATSChicks on Jan 9, 2011, 10:37 AM
Post #34

QUOTE (juliofrommississippi @ Jan 09 2011, 04:44 AM) *

Yah but they were the rules. Your director should've known having competed in Wisconsin and Iowa before, where those have been the rules for a long time. If he did know he should have told the competition the band was ineligible way before today. The correct decision was made regarding the best band trophy.

Just to be clear, Phil was by no means suggesting that the Best Band rules were actually stupid. If you replaced when he used 'stupid' with 'silly' it would probably be more clear. Our director was aware that ATSC's band was ineligible and I wouldn't be too surprised if he self-reported after having initially been given the award. To my knowledge most competitions don't ask if your band is eligible or not beforehand, they simply decide by viewing the band when they step onto the stage. Our current pianist, David Plank, is a somewhat-recent ATSC alum and so it is quite possible that he assumed to not be an 'adult.'

This is not an official statement.

juliofrommississippi on Jan 9, 2011, 4:44 AM
Post #33

QUOTE (jhawkpb23 @ Jan 08 2011, 11:36 PM) *

Stupid "Best Band" rules. Plank is still a kid in my eyes.

Yah but they were the rules. Your director should've known having competed in Wisconsin and Iowa before, where those have been the rules for a long time. If he did know he should have told the competition the band was ineligible way before today. The correct decision was made regarding the best band trophy.

stephhyatt on Jan 9, 2011, 2:53 AM
Post #32

QUOTE (jhawkpb23 @ Jan 08 2011, 11:56 PM) *

Congrats to all groups that performed at Viterbo today! I'm definitely a little sad to see ATSC fall to 2nd after their 1st place performance in the daytime, but congrats to Hastings! Best Vocals AND Choreography! I can't wait to see their show at some point this year.

... come to the midwest cup.

Jorge on Jan 9, 2011, 2:32 AM
Post #31
Who judged?

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