Burbank - 1st W/ Showmanship
Burroughs - 2nd Place
Arcadia- 3rd Place W/ Music
Hart- 4th Place
Burroughs - Very interesting set peices going on in your set, lovved the trees but the lights were just a bit TOO bright! The new songs were a great add-on to your already energetic show! That A capella is beautiful!! I love the energy from this group, i wish all groups would perform to this level!!
Arcadia- Again another flawless vocal performance, congrats on the music plaque!
Burbank- Easily the best sounding and performing choir in California. Your tap closer thing, was jaw dropping, i was way in the back and you guys looked perfectly (forgive the pun) In Sync.
I had chills throughout your entire show . Probably the best singing of the night in terms of vocal power and maturity, and may i say your women sound like they are 25 years old! This Group has definitly set the bar for California choirs and all choirs across the nation for that matter. Where are you guys traveling this year? Wherever that is, those choirs better be ready!
Hart- I missed you guys but from what i heard from others , you all were very impressive. Hope to see you another time!
Chula Vista- W0WZERS! IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT! Loved the entire show, start to finish!!
teehee :> mark keppel didn't perform songs from high school musical i think you've mistaken us with the azusa aztec singers
excellent energy!
I loved your set!
Africa! O MY GOSH!!!
That was one of the best numbers i've seen
so congratz i can't wait to see it again!
AWWW I'm so proud of my infusioners!
The past 3 years I went to the Diamond Bar Comp
We always got last place!
I still havn't seen Rowland's show yet.. due to the fact that I don't have a car...
POST MORE COMMENTS on Rowland's Show!
I want to know what you guys thought!
I have uploaded the photos from this event, again sorry there are so many. My apologies to Burbank and Arcadia, I had to give my camara to someone else so that I could work backstage for Powerhouse and they only took a few shots of Burbank and none of Arcadia.
Congratulations everyone! I think all of the shows were super entertaining..
i totally agree with clem :-D
Can't wait for the next comp!
P.S. i reallllly liked the black screen thingies from hart..at first ,to be honest, i was like...WUHH?...and then i was like WHOA lol so yeah major props that was so creative and it really added to the show " border="0" alt="happy.gif" />
chula vista: wow! you looked awesome. i do admit its a bit hard to watch another group with april james screaming out, however being that you are the other group with her, i am very appreciative and glad! your band was awesome. soloists were amazing! michelle and robert have amazing voices...lucky for their kids lol. your hard work really shows, and my gosh its only your first competition. your vocals were good, but they can defintely be better; if you work on them as much as your choreography, there's no doubt you will be a force to be reckoned with. as far as results from the night, we can all agree that you de*se*v*d a be*t*te* pla*emen*. haha. im very proud of you all. props to MA as a whole, mr. a, brandan, pablo, matt, and stella...and april
burbank: i've learned to be honest and blatant as possible with my commentary of your performances, since carroll always asks me...anyways...what impressive progress from last week. the set additions, powerful dynamics, cleaner choreography, and the return of the burbank orchestra really gave you all the upperhand at brea - no doubt about it! i DO think your band can be a lot louder even though carroll seems to think theyre just about ruining his ear drums. i think the transitions could use some extra rehearsal. nice save for the guys costume change, clark. the backdrops were beautiful and fitting. your a capella is euphonious to the ears. highly commendable altoghether, and without hesitation - deservable of first and show! great job my btown haamies. p.s. to poche...your family(aunt) is sooooo funny.
hart: the show choir community was defintely anxious for your performance at brea. i really enjoy your costumes - a very different color, appealing and refreshing. your vocals sounded nice, alongside your solos. i loved the energy throughout the set! i like the panel transitions; very clever, original for west coast, and clean! excellent!!! i also really enjoyed your choreography, as it was very entertaining and original. i can really see you guys pull through to the top with a little more practice. defintely a great improvement from last year, in my opinion.
los alamitos: i really enjoyed watching a student direct the a capella, associated with a vivacious, enthusiastic attitude, and leading with such intense, powerful, and persistent command. bravo! you guys look like you've gotten a tad bigger in size. very nice show. entertaining!
burroughs: i love you all. it was very nice seeing awesome friends again. i'm obligated to give dylan crap for not trying (if you dont understand, dont worry about it..he will). i enjoyed your human trees. very creative and unique. the energy was intense, and best of all - consistent! i enjoyed your gospel number a lot. journey is one of my favorites, and dont stop believin is my favorite of them. i could barely hear agina in some instances, but when i did hear the snippets, they sounded amazing. i really enjoyed your sets. i can say that im loving your costume change, but i know that we dont really have a choice. your show was enjoyable anyways. geee the scores were very close! for some reason the band isnt loud enough for me in the closer, and the dynamics dont stick out like they used to. im just giving you guys a little constructive commentary, in a different view. i enjoyed you all nonetheless. im excited for showcase..dont forget jordan...the leather whip! lol " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />
brea was an awesome competition. i enjoyed hanging out with friends, meeting new faces, and observing from the seats again. good luck to all attending diamondbar, and see you all at showcase in burbank. if you see me, say hi..i'll try not to bite. thank you brea, mr. willert, and doug kuhl for an entertaining compeition.
Africa was definitely my favorite number of the night. I love Burbank's arrangements, it really shows off their strengths. I'm excited to see the rest of their show progress to match Africa's level of coolness (the closer is already almost there).
She's starting to grow on me since we're doing her songs, after all.
Hannah Montana is basically a goddess.