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  Show Choir Community    Events    2004 Season    Ramona Jamboree 2004

Event Info

March 20th, 2004

Venue Info

Ramona Junior High School
Performing Arts Center
4575 Walnut Ave
Chino, CA 91710

Phone: (909) 627-9144

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  7 Mixed Groups


  Ramona "Encore!"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Ramona Jamboree 2004

Event Site
Live Stream

Mixed Division

Groups in order of placement

 Vista High School
First Place 

 Center Stage
 Eastlake High School
Second Place 

 Celebration Entertainment Academy
Third Place 

 Rhapsody In Blue
 Madison High School
4th Place 

 Opus 1
 Orange Glen High School
5th Place 

 Oceanside High School
6th Place 

 San Pasqual High School
7th Place 

Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

134 comments • Sort by

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user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 4:57 PM
Post #94
QUOTE(TinaBina @ Mar 21 2004, 10:05 PM)
But I had a blast and I don't think you should be sad about the placings, although, who am I to say what you should or shouldn't be sad about? The fact is, you know your scores now and you know how well you did. A trophy is a matter of plastic and that doesn't even begin to depict the amounts of hardwork and effort a group puts in to their show. Trust me, I've been seeing a lot of that this year....being "ripped" off. And you weren't ripped off, you got the score you deserved, myabe just not the "plastic". Besides, if you really wanted it, I'm sure you could go make your own trophy. ;) I'm just kidding....I know I probably would. LOL

Nice thought Tina.

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 4:02 PM
Post #93
celebration got cheated...


ThisAintNoHolidayInn on Mar 22, 2004, 3:42 PM
Post #92
Okie you guys lets get off the timers back here. First off, I was given the job Saturday when I got there. Second off, I for the most part was given different instructions for every single group here. Third off, much to Celebrarions opinion their tech WERE still setting up their dry ice or white little blocks underneath the risers which is why the time kept running.That IS part off set-up and it sure isnt the set-up of the band which would make it part of the official set-up time and to make everything all clear here, I have no grudges against any group here so can anyone tell me why i would want to time different groups unfairly? If you can give one reason why I would do that then man you guys sure know me better then I know myself.

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 2:43 PM
Post #91
Luke Manley here... host for Vista...

I want to say it was a pleasure and an honor being host for Showcats, and I was fortunate enough to fill in as host all day for treble cats. You are all VERY talented... I know me and Alex had fun being taken away as trophies.. g2g

have fun!

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 12:57 PM
Post #90
QUOTE(rhs_heather @ Mar 21 2004, 04:39 PM)
by the way, i would like to say that Oceanside did absolutely fantabulous. I have never seen them peform so well, and I was really impressed by how they stepped up a notch. I was sad that our own people caused them to be docked more points than anything else.

Yeah, Oceanside's director was irritated about that. He walked up to me all mad and stuff (which he had the right to be!) because he felt like they got cheated, so I think next year we need a new timer,cause that wasnt the only director that complained

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 12:54 PM
Post #89
Yeah, congrats to Vista for sweeping the comp

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 11:50 AM
Post #88
it was all soooooooo much fun!!! EVRYONE WAS SUPER KOO AND everyone from vista is sooo nice!!! u guys r awesome I love all theb groups because everyone did sooooo gr8888t it was a tough comptetion!!! woot woot

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 11:27 AM
Post #87
My groups director got mad at me cause they think they got cheated


TinaBina on Mar 22, 2004, 2:05 AM
Post #86
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a LOT of groups didn't come back next year. This was so very unorganized and not well planned. There was so much that was done wrong and in such a disorderly fashion that I felt kind of embarassed for not even trying to fix a lot of it. No one should have been docked that much for going over time. There were groups that were docked a whole 100 points for going over, which is not fair. Ramona, as a whole, can only get better, and hopefully next year they'll have a lot more going for them.

But I had a blast and I don't think you should be sad about the placings, although, who am I to say what you should or shouldn't be sad about? The fact is, you know your scores now and you know how well you did. A trophy is a matter of plastic and that doesn't even begin to depict the amounts of hardwork and effort a group puts in to their show. Trust me, I've been seeing a lot of that this year....being "ripped" off. And you weren't ripped off, you got the score you deserved, myabe just not the "plastic". Besides, if you really wanted it, I'm sure you could go make your own trophy. ;) I'm just kidding....I know I probably would. LOL

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 1:59 AM
Post #85
hey vista...i just wanted to let you guys know that omg!!! you guys did soooooo well! your performance was amazing! thanks for coming to our comp!!


it was awesome to meet all of the people that i met! hope to see you guys again.

GO O.G.!!! Larissa and i had so much fun hosting you guys!


natashalovestosing on Mar 22, 2004, 1:38 AM
Post #84
QUOTE(ThisAintNoHolidayInn! @ Mar 21 2004, 08:59 PM)
QUOTE(pinkkitty @ Mar 21 2004, 06:36 PM)
QUOTE(rhs_heather @ Mar 21 2004, 04:39 PM)
by the way, i would like to say that Oceanside did absolutely fantabulous. I have never seen them peform so well, and I was really impressed by how they stepped up a notch. I was sad that our own people caused them to be docked more points than anything else.

and celebration people... you were overtime in more than one aspect. you were overtime in your band setup and your show performance, therefore causing to be docked for ONE, not both, which you are lucky for. I personally asked mr. woods if you would be docked for OT, and he said no, so I relayed the message, not realizing you had been over on both.

what do you mean overtime on both? why is the band set up and showtime 2 differnt times....the thing is we have never had a problem with telling the timer that were set. The timer should not argue with the director when they say that their group is set.

Your tech crew was still working under the risers when your group has telling myself and the stage manager that you guys were done. This is still considered part of your set-up time. My director told me to not factor in the band set-up for all groups. If I had of factored the band set-up for all groups all but one group would have been over time.

i'm SOOOOOOOO not trying to be confrontational or anything, but the thing is that the tech crew is SUPPOSED to be down there during our entire i see where you're coming from, but we aren't the type of people to lie about being set-up.....not that that would be much use either, LOL......but point being that our techies stay under the risers almost the entire show cuz they have stuff under the risers that need to go on DURING our show......but the show is let's not think about the timing stuff anymore....PLEASE!!!!! cuz it seems to just be confusing and upseting and i don't think talking about the negative aspects of the competition will help us much.... we should be focusing on other BOYS....LOL.....just KIDDING!!!!!!

olive juice,


TubAiLaScOnMiGO2 on Mar 22, 2004, 1:30 AM
Post #83
we haven't seen our score sheet yet... some of us were wondering a few things, but our next practice is in a week [we're on spring break for a month] ... *shrug*

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 1:21 AM
Post #82
QUOTE(hunnybunny @ Mar 21 2004, 09:12 PM)
everone was GreaT at jamboree 

celebration you rock my socks love ya and i loved being one of your hosts you all were so NICE!!! i can't wait to see you guys again!!!!

love always and forever,

you were an awesome host! thank you!

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 1:12 AM (Edited)
Post #81
everyone was GreaT at jamboree

celebration you rock my socks love ya and i loved being one of your hosts you all were so NICE!!! i can't wait to see you guys again!!!!

love always and forever,

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 1:11 AM
Post #80
:D everone was GreaT at jamboree :D

celebration you rock my socks love ya and i loved being one of your hosts you all were so NICE!!! i can't wait to see you guys again!!!! :D

love always and forever,

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 1:10 AM
Post #79
I hosted, and i got to be a Vista trophy lol


ThisAintNoHolidayInn on Mar 22, 2004, 12:59 AM
Post #78
QUOTE(pinkkitty @ Mar 21 2004, 06:36 PM)
QUOTE(rhs_heather @ Mar 21 2004, 04:39 PM)
by the way, i would like to say that Oceanside did absolutely fantabulous. I have never seen them peform so well, and I was really impressed by how they stepped up a notch. I was sad that our own people caused them to be docked more points than anything else.

and celebration people... you were overtime in more than one aspect. you were overtime in your band setup and your show performance, therefore causing to be docked for ONE, not both, which you are lucky for. I personally asked mr. woods if you would be docked for OT, and he said no, so I relayed the message, not realizing you had been over on both.

what do you mean overtime on both? why is the band set up and showtime 2 differnt times....the thing is we have never had a problem with telling the timer that were set. The timer should not argue with the director when they say that their group is set.

Your tech crew was still working under the risers when your group has telling myself and the stage manager that you guys were done. This is still considered part of your set-up time. My director told me to not factor in the band set-up for all groups. If I had of factored the band set-up for all groups all but one group would have been over time.


rhs_heather on Mar 22, 2004, 12:49 AM
Post #77
QUOTE(Brittni @ Mar 21 2004, 07:14 PM)
QUOTE(rhs_heather @ Mar 21 2004, 05:39 PM)
by the way, i would like to say that Oceanside did absolutely fantabulous. I have never seen them peform so well, and I was really impressed by how they stepped up a notch. I was sad that our own people caused them to be docked more points than anything else.

Thanks Heather

I felt we had a pretty good show too...I think everyone was just in a good mood. It was a really fun day. lol. I'm sorry about the point issue too, but things happen.

I AM confused about one thing tho... on Celebrations score sheet it said 218...and on ours.... 226. O_o. I HIGHLY doubt we came close to beating them... but it seems like something is wrong there.

i have absolutely no clue why that would happen. Apparently celebration was only a few points away from beating vista before the OT scoring happened. But I don't really know what the score sheets say. Someone also said that they didn't think Treble Cats had gone OT, but they actually did. So I don't know what the deal with the scoresheets were. Maybe someone got it mixed up



rhs_heather on Mar 22, 2004, 12:46 AM (Edited)
Post #76
QUOTE(pinkkitty @ Mar 21 2004, 06:36 PM)
QUOTE(rhs_heather @ Mar 21 2004, 04:39 PM)
by the way, i would like to say that Oceanside did absolutely fantabulous. I have never seen them peform so well, and I was really impressed by how they stepped up a notch. I was sad that our own people caused them to be docked more points than anything else.

and celebration people... you were overtime in more than one aspect. you were overtime in your band setup and your show performance, therefore causing to be docked for ONE, not both, which you are lucky for. I personally asked mr. woods if you would be docked for OT, and he said no, so I relayed the message, not realizing you had been over on both.

what do you mean overtime on both? why is the band set up and showtime 2 differnt times....the thing is we have never had a problem with telling the timer that were set. The timer should not argue with the director when they say that their group is set.

From what I was told, you were timed on how long it took you to set up before you opened the curtains, and from there, timed on your performance, and take down was added to your set up time (obviously).

and we only docked ONE of those categories, because you were over a total amount of almost a full minute. Nothing was "suspicious" and i think you guys should be happy you weren't disqualified, where you could have been at another competition for how long you guys were OT. You placed well, all things considered, and I think you should all have a positive spirit about it, rather than thinking we are out to get you.

Everyone at Ramona loves Celebration, and thinks you are all great, as they love everyone else too. So thinking there was something fishy is kinda silly.

Perhaps the wrong person was set as timer, but even still, 50 something seconds is a LONG time.

the only thing i WILL say, was that it was unorganized, but not OVERLY so.

user deleted  on Mar 22, 2004, 12:44 AM
Post #75
Oh wow! Im glad you guys had a lot of fun!!! I know all of the host tried our best to make your day here the best!

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