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  Show Choir Community    Events    2017 Season    Hastings Swingin' on the River 2017

Event Info

February 25th, 2017

Venue Info

Hastings High School
200 General Sieben Drive
Hastings, MN 55033

Phone: (651) 480-0205

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  9 Mixed Groups
  4 Treble Groups
  2 Bass Groups


  Hastings "Riverside Company"
  Hastings "Upstage Revolution"
  Hastings "Divaz"


  Brandon Dean

  Heath Weber

  Nancy Allen

  Dina Else

  Steven Albaugh

  John Hanson (Bands)


$16 - Full Day
$11 - Prelims Only


Hastings Swingin' on the River 2017

Event Site
Live Stream


Groups in order of placement

 Bridge Street Singers
 St. Francis High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 

 Company of Singers
 Totino-Grace High School
First Runner Up 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Male Soloist (Ben Kroll) 

 Bemidji High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Opener 
Best Female Soloist (Susanna Roed) 

 Power Company
 Waconia High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Ballad 
Best Crew 

 Rhythm in Gold
 Bloomington Kennedy High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Closer 

 Totino-Grace High School
5th Runner Up 

Open Division (Prelims)
Click here to expand:  

Prep Division


 The Current
 Waconia High School
First Place 
Best Male Soloist (Quinn Wambeka) 

 La Voce Ballo
 Bemidji High School
Second Place 
Best Band 

 East Side Swingers
 Bloomington Kennedy High School
Third Place 
People's Choice 
Best Female Soloist (Cora Crocker) 


 Waconia High School
No Placement 

 Prima Voce

 St. Francis High School
No Placement 

 Encore Singers

 Totino-Grace High School
No Placement 

Attending Members displaying 6 of 65 members (view all)  







82 comments • Sort by

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Drew Firkins on Feb 26, 2017, 9:58 PM
Post #82
So glad I risked my life to make it here last night-- have to get my Minnesota show choir fill somehow (jk the roads really weren't that bad). I have to say how INCREDIBLY impressed I was with the groups in finals last night.

Kennedy-- So in love with the concept that showed so much versatility throughout the show. I really enjoyed the serious nature of the first half of the show and then the comedic side of the theme that came out in the last two pieces. The ghostbusters number was the most entertaining of the entire night, in my opinion. Your crisp visuals, clever show, and absolutely KILLER band left a great impression on me!

Waconia-- I've seen you twice already this season but I'm so glad I got to see you a third time. I just have to say that "Advice to a Young Firefly" is my all around favorite number I've ever seen Power Company do ever. Those vocals leading up to that first dance break were astounding, and then the GUITAR FEATURE and of course the glow in the dark all had me in tears, so thank you. (Also the triangle hit at the end of #4 is the most tasteful ending of a song I think I have ever experience, so thank you for that as well)

Totino-- I got to host you at UNL this year and it was really nice getting to see so many familiar faces kill it last night! The amount of growth between that second week in January and last night was incredible! I am so in love with that ballad-- the duet really nails it-- and the energy just keeps growing from there til the end of the show! Please come back to Nebraska next year!

St. Francis-- I also haven't seen you since the first weekend of January at Ankeny Centennial and couldn't be more impressed with the growth. My favorite thing about this group (besides the astounding vocals, of course) is the sheer passion I see in their performances. Like I said earlier, just non-stop smiling from me... seriously-- my face hurts by the end of the show. Congrats on your first win of the season! Well deserved!

Bemidji-- You guys had my favorite performance of the night. Absolutely in LOVE. I have been a big fan since I saw you last year at this event, but you all just shattered my expectations. Stunning visuals, not only in the design and execution of your choreography, but the costumes were also some of my favorites I've ever seen. The band was incredible as well. Ballad was beautiful, girls song was a showstopper, and the closer just put the biggest smile on my face-- such a good ending.

Honestly the biggest take-away is that I could have seen any of these groups with the win last night, and that's what made this so interesting and fun to watch. Literally after every single group went on I asked myself "how are they not in first?!?!". I wish you all could have won! Truly all Grand Champion caliber groups.


That is all


[email protected] on Feb 26, 2017, 4:30 PM
Post #81

QUOTE (DillPickle3 @ Feb 23 2017, 10:57 AM) *

He did at Executive Showcase... I'm not sure though!

they did

watchaa on Feb 26, 2017, 12:51 AM
Post #80

st francis bv
Totino Bc

Alejandrojolvera on Feb 25, 2017, 11:34 PM
Post #79
Prelims is all correct as well as
SouthSide Sensation for 7th
Men in Motion for 8th
State Street Singers for 9th


peter.mski on Feb 25, 2017, 10:56 PM
Post #78
T-Tones won single gender, which was not a thing, but apparently is because they won it... idk, but yeah single gender went to T-Tones

watchaa on Feb 25, 2017, 10:16 PM
Post #77

QUOTE (abe.martinez @ Feb 25 2017, 10:06 PM) *

Bemidji was actually ahead of Waconia in prelims

My bad, my friends there told me that!

abe.martinez on Feb 25, 2017, 10:06 PM
Post #76

QUOTE (watchaa @ Feb 25 2017, 09:53 PM) *

Since no one posted prelims placements yet,


1st St Francis
2nd Totino Grace
3rd Waconia
4th Bemidji
5th Kennedy
6th TTones

Bemidji was actually ahead of Waconia in prelims

lowbass on Feb 25, 2017, 9:57 PM
Post #75

QUOTE (watchaa @ Feb 25 2017, 09:53 PM) *

Since no one posted prelims placements yet,


1st St Francis
2nd Totino Grace
3rd Waconia
4th Bemidji
5th Kennedy
6th TTones

St. Francis was the easy pic for first in my opinion, the middle 4 could go a myriad of different ways I think - they were quite close in my eyes. Finals could end up totally different!

watchaa on Feb 25, 2017, 9:53 PM
Post #74

QUOTE (cecelia. @ Feb 25 2017, 09:23 PM) *

pretty shocked by placements. interested to see how this plays out.

Since no one posted prelims placements yet,


1st St Francis
2nd Totino Grace
3rd Waconia
4th Bemidji
5th Kennedy
6th TTones

lowbass on Feb 25, 2017, 9:25 PM (Edited)
Post #73

QUOTE (cecelia. @ Feb 25 2017, 09:23 PM) *

pretty shocked by placements. interested to see how this plays out.

What are the placements? (Perhaps a post isn't showing up on my phone...)

cecelia. on Feb 25, 2017, 9:23 PM
Post #72
pretty shocked by placements. interested to see how this plays out.

bethieboo102 on Feb 25, 2017, 8:42 PM
Post #71

QUOTE (Jeff. @ Feb 25 2017, 08:16 PM) *

Via Drew:

Hastings Results:

Class A
1 Waconia Current
2 Bemidji La Voce Ballo (BB Class A)
3 Bloomington Kennedy Girls

Best Band Totino
Best Opener Bemidji
Best Ballad Waconia
Best Closer Bloomington Kennedy
Best Crew Waconia

Finalists no order
Totino Grace Men
Waconia Power Company
Bemidji Vocalmotive
Bloomington Kennedy RIG
Totino Grace Company of Singers
St. Francis Bridge St Singers

People's choice ESS!

Jeff. on Feb 25, 2017, 8:16 PM
Post #70
Via Drew:

Hastings Results:

Class A
1 Waconia Current
2 Bemidji La Voce Ballo (BB Class A)
3 Bloomington Kennedy Girls

Best Band Totino
Best Opener Bemidji
Best Ballad Waconia
Best Closer Bloomington Kennedy
Best Crew Waconia

Finalists no order
Totino Grace Men
Waconia Power Company
Bemidji Vocalmotive
Bloomington Kennedy RIG
Totino Grace Company of Singers
St. Francis Bridge St Singers

Auroraday on Feb 25, 2017, 7:17 PM
Post #69
Wow! What a great day for MN show choir! I think everyone is pulling out the stops for this competition... what a great day to be here in hastings!

cecelia. on Feb 25, 2017, 5:55 PM
Post #68
bemidji!!! dang!!! LOVED the first half of the show. your men are very strong! and that april james choreo, you're killing it!!! very very strong dancers. my only fear is that your band is overpowering your vocals in your closer.

also, please teach me how you're getting these black tights on. where can i get the women's closer costumes??? give me all the mesh.

cecelia. on Feb 25, 2017, 5:32 PM
Post #67
holy moly!!! i am SO impressed with waconia. this has to be my favorite show since the 2011 season. i love the concept.... they need to work on not throwing away phrases in the closer, but still amazing! very proud i used to be a part of this program, even though it was eons ago.

cecelia. on Feb 25, 2017, 12:57 PM
Post #66
Woah, I was double checking the schedule to decide when to leave Minneapolis.... Waconia??? Could it be true??? I didn't think I would be able to see them this season!

Minnesota show down or Minnesota... SNOW down?


bethieboo102 on Feb 24, 2017, 8:25 PM
Post #65
Not totally mad that this had pretty much turned into a battle of the top Minnesota choirs...minus Jefferson and North St. Paul respectively...and obviously Hastings can't compete. This'll be fun! I can't think of the last time if ever(?) this many MN choirs have gone head-to-head. I think the closest would have been Totino 2011 or 2012? But this is JUST Minnesota choirs. I'm sad I won't get to see Centennial and Johnston Live, but I guess this battle will do!


green12 on Feb 24, 2017, 7:21 PM
Post #64
What a great line up , so much fun


coolboo89 on Feb 24, 2017, 7:21 PM
Post #63

QUOTE (Nbaseball22 @ Feb 24 2017, 04:01 PM) *

Does anyone know if there will be a live stream?

There will not be a live stream unfortunately.

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