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  Show Choir Community    Events    2016 Season    Hastings Swingin' on the River 2016

   Event Info

February 27th, 2016


Venue Info

Hastings High School
200 General Sieben Drive
Hastings, MN 55033

Phone: (651) 480-0205

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  12 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups
  2 Bass Groups
  1 Middle School Groups


  Hastings "Riverside Company"
  Hastings "Upstage Revolution"
  Hastings "Divaz"

Judges: Unknown


$16 All Day
$11 Prelims
$11 Finals


Hastings Swingin' on the River 2016

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Ankeny Centennial High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Female Soloist (Grace Herzberg) 

 Bridge Street Singers
 St. Francis High School
First Runner Up 

 Company of Singers
 Totino-Grace High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Crew 
People's Choice 

 Bemidji High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Rhythm in Gold
 Bloomington Kennedy High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Male Soloist (Diwan Smith) 

 Eternal Rush
 Ankeny Centennial High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Single Clef Division



 Totino-Grace High School
First Place 

 Octave Above

 Milton High School
No Placement 

 Men in Motion

 Bloomington Kennedy High School
No Placement 

   Prep Division



 Project X
 Ankeny Centennial High School
First Place 

 Rhythmic Momentum
 Ankeny Centennial High School
Second Place 
Best Band 

 La Voce Ballo
 Bemidji High School
Third Place 

 Brace For Impact

 South St. Paul Secondary
No Placement 

 Prima Voce
 St. Francis High School
No Placement 
Best Male Soloist (Andrew Elias) 

 Encore Singers

 Totino-Grace High School
No Placement 

 East Side Swingers
 Bloomington Kennedy High School
No Placement 
Best Female Soloist (Sarah Carrillo) 

   Middle School Division



 St. Francis Middle School
Exhibition Only 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 53 members (view all)  







32 comments • Sort by

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DrakeBake on Feb 28, 2016, 2:57 PM
Post #32
WOW! Kinda odd to see Waconia's results and then these. 1RU-4RU was in the exact opposite order last week


kmchas on Feb 28, 2016, 11:29 AM
Post #31

Really love this competition. The high school is amazing and there is so much to do here and lots of attention to detail. Nebraska needs to step up its competitions

Thank you! We are happy you could come visit!

Jeff. on Feb 27, 2016, 11:57 PM
Post #30
Results posted via Drew.

bethieboo102 on Feb 27, 2016, 11:08 PM
Post #29
My thoughts:
GC: Spectrum(bv, bc)
1ru: RIG /Company
2ru: Company / RIG
3ru: Vocalmotive
4ru: Bridge Street
5ru: Eternal Rush

GC: Spectrum(bv, bc)
1ru: Company
2ru: Vocalmotive
3ru: Bridge Street
4ru: RIG
5ru: Eternal Rush

cookiemonsterriversi on Feb 27, 2016, 9:17 PM
Post #28
That's the best I've ever seen RIG. So awesome!


Theodity on Feb 27, 2016, 8:48 PM
Post #27
Varsity group is Spectrum. Eternal Rush is intermediate. I just saw that and was coming back to change it but ya beat me to it

cookiemonsterriversi on Feb 27, 2016, 8:42 PM
Post #26
Spectrum brought me tears and I honestly hope they place high is finals, I can't wait to see their varsity group eternal rush
Varsity group is Spectrum. Eternal Rush is intermediate.

cookiemonsterriversi on Feb 27, 2016, 8:41 PM
Post #25
Just watched Eternal Rush! Daaaang! A prep group?! Amaze-balls!


Theodity on Feb 27, 2016, 8:38 PM
Post #24
Spectrum brought me tears and I honestly hope they place high is finals, I can't wait to see their varsity group eternal rush

Drew Firkins on Feb 27, 2016, 7:45 PM
Post #23
Really weird to see the school with Best Band not in finals.

spgl on Feb 27, 2016, 7:31 PM
Post #22
Class a: best combo: Rhythmic momentum
First place single gender: T-tones
Class a Male soloist: prima voce Andrew ?
Class a female soloist: Sara ? East side swingers
Class a:
3rd: La voce ballo
2nd: Rhythmic Momentum
1st: Project X

Best Crew All class: Totino company of singers
Aa soloists:
Male: Juan smith(?) Rhythm in gold
Female: Grace (?) Missed the school. Tons of cheering

Peoples choice: Company of singers
Best Combo: Milton choralation

Finalist No Order:
Bemidji Vocalmotive
Rhythm in Gold
Eternal Rush
Bridge St singers
Company of singers

Sorry about the crappy way I wrote this. Haha

Best female soloist for Class A is Sarah Carrillo

cookiemonsterriversi on Feb 27, 2016, 7:13 PM
Post #21

close haha I think it's Diwan Smith

I like Diwan better. It's unique. Get it Diwan!


J_nachtigal on Feb 27, 2016, 7:08 PM
Post #20
Class a: best combo: Rythmic momentum
First place single gender: T-tones
Class a Male soloist: prima voce Andrew ?
Class a female soloist: Sara ? East side swingers
Class a:
3rd: La voce ballo
2nd: Rythmic Momentum
1st: Project X

Best Crew All class: Totino company of singers
Aa soloists:
Male: Juan smith(?) Rythm in gold
Female: Grace (?) Missed the school. Tons of cheering

Peoples choice: Company of singers
Best Combo: Milton choralation

Finalist No Order:
Bemidji Vocalmotive
Rythm in Gold
Eternal Rush
Bridge St singers
Company of singers

Sorry about the crappy way I wrote this. Haha

close haha I think it's Diwan Smith

BblueJean23 on Feb 27, 2016, 7:02 PM
Post #19
Spectrum's show is soooooo hot! Can't wait for finals…

cookiemonsterriversi on Feb 27, 2016, 6:58 PM (Edited)
Post #18
Class a: best combo: Rhythmic momentum
First place single gender: T-tones
Class a Male soloist: prima voce Andrew ?
Class a female soloist: Sara ? East side swingers
Class a:
3rd: La voce ballo
2nd: Rhythmic Momentum
1st: Project X

Best Crew All class: Totino company of singers
Aa soloists:
Male: Juan smith(?) Rhythm in gold
Female: Grace (?) Missed the school. Tons of cheering

Peoples choice: Company of singers
Best Combo: Milton choralation

Finalist No Order:
Bemidji Vocalmotive
Rhythm in Gold
Eternal Rush
Bridge St singers
Company of singers

Sorry about the crappy way I wrote this. Haha

Drew Firkins on Feb 27, 2016, 6:36 PM
Post #17
Totino Grace improved so much from last week. Outstanding vocals. I enjoyed your performance today a lot! Good job yall!

Bemidji was ASTOUNDING. I really appreciated their theme, they sang beautifully and had some of the cleanest choreo I have seen all year!! Can't wait to see you guys again!

St. Francis also sang SO WELL. Your ballad had everyone's jaws on the floor!!

Glad I got to escape my usual Nebraska/Iowa competition circuit and see how Minnesota does it and I LOVE it! Great job to all groups today!!

Awards are starting now!

Drew Firkins on Feb 27, 2016, 4:47 PM (Edited)
Post #16
Wonderful performance from Kennedy, I really really appreciate your guitarist. And an extremely well executed theme. Just fantastic.

Ankeny Centennial slayed my life (along with one of their soloists). That's all I have to say about that one. SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT from when I saw them at their competition (obviously). I have fallen in love with their show.

Really love this competition. The high school is amazing and there is so much to do here and lots of attention to detail. Nebraska needs to step up its competitions

abe.martinez on Feb 26, 2016, 11:37 AM
Post #15
Just for fun Predictions:

GC: Ankeny Centennial "Spectrum" (sweep)
1RU: Kennedy "Rhythm In Gold"
2RU: Bemidji "Vocalmotive"
3RU: St. Francis "Bridge Street Singers"
4RU: Totino Grace "Company of Singers"
5RU: Ankeny Centennial "Eternal Rush"

dominick. on Feb 26, 2016, 8:35 AM (Edited)
Post #14
Predictions for top 4 in the Open Division:

GC: Ankeny Centennial Spectrum (sweep)
1RU: Kennedy Rhythm In Gold
2RU: Bemidji Vocalmotive
3RU: Totino Grace Company of Singers

I saw Rhythm In Gold over the Bloomington Kennedy Gold livestream and was so impressed.. that's why I have them above Bemidji for now

sadiegurl on Feb 25, 2016, 8:16 PM
Post #13
Is there going to be a livestream?

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