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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Andrew Drinkall

Andrew Drinkall
Andrew Drinkall is currently Director of Choral Activities and is the Performing Arts Chair at Troy Buchanan high School. He is co-director of the Eighth Grade Choir, Women’s Choir, Freshman Choir, Concert Choir and the TBHS show choirs, Express and Soundwave. He also co-directs the annual musical and maintains a private voice studio. During his 19 years at TBHS the choirs have received consistent superior ratings at festivals and contests, and in 2005 the TBHS Men’s Choir was selected to perform at the MMEA state music convention in Osage Beach, MO. Under Drinkall, Troy show choirs have had opportunities to travel and compete at prestigious competitions in places as far away as California and Canada.

Drinkall holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Coe College in IA and a Master of Music Education degree from Vander Cook College of Music in Chicago. He was awarded the “Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year” award in 2003 as well as being named to Who’s Who Among High School Teachers for the last 15 years. Drinkall has served as Choral Vice President for the Northeast District of MMEA and also served as the Assistant Director for the Midwest European Honor Choir.

Andrew just finished serving as the ACDA R&S Chair for Missouri Show Choir and is currently the R&S Chair for SWACDA Show Choir. He is a member of ACDA, MMEA and MSTA and, most importantly, he is the father of Ainsley!

director Adjudicator

Troy Buchanan High School (MO)

   Express 2002-2024
   Soundwave 2006-2024


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