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  Show Choir Community    Events    2013 Season    Show Choir Canada Championships 2013

   Event Info

April 21st, 2013

Venue Info

Queen Elizabeth Theatre
190 Princes Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3

Phone: (416) 993-9267

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  13 Mixed Groups
  4 Middle School Groups


  Show Choir Canada


  Judith Ranaletta (Vocals)

  Debora Utley (Vocals)

  Lisa Stevens (Visuals/Choreography)

  Gino Berti (Visuals/Choreography)

  Steve Lehmann (Instrumental)


$25 Mixed Prelims (Sat.)
$20 Middle School (Sun.)
$35 Mixed Finals (Sun.)
$50 Weekend Pass (Prelims, Finals, and Middle School)


Show Choir Canada Championships 2013

Event Site
Live Stream




 Etobicoke School of the Arts
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Top Female Triple Threat Performer (Jessie Munro) 

 Wexford Gleeks
 Wexford Collegiate School For The Arts
Second Place 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Show Design 
Top Male Vocalist (Mishael Eusebio) 
Top Female Vocalist (Te’Anne Collins) 
Top Male Dancer (Gray Monczka) 
Top Female Dancer (Anya Tregubova) 
Top Male Triple Threat Performer (Josh Julian) 

 G Major
 St. George's School of Montreal
Third Place 

 Treble Threat
 St. Peter Catholic High School
4th Place 

 Notre Dame Regional Secondary
5th Place 
Best New Choir 

 CW Glee
 Centre Wellington District High School
6th Place 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Middle School Division



 St. Peter Catholic Junior High School
First Place 

 Show Choir
 Holy Trinity Catholic Junior High School
Second Place 

 Vocal Avengers
 St. Andrew's Catholic School
Third Place 

 Bond Academy
4th Place 

 Déjà Vu
 Ecole Secondaire Toronto Ouest
5th Place 

   Attending Members displaying 3 of 3 members  




17 comments • Sort by


goinggray on Feb 24, 2014, 10:54 AM
Post #17
According to their schedule, a second US group has put their hat in the ring: Inspired Legacy from Rich South.
Yes, I was told that also. Happy to see a couple US groups traveling to that beautiful city to spread some show choir goodwill across the border!! Strongly would encourage others to do the same,'s a wonderful way to be ambassadors!

Häakon on Feb 24, 2014, 6:56 AM
Post #16
According to their schedule, a second US group has put their hat in the ring: Inspired Legacy from Rich South.


yangcurling on Jan 21, 2014, 6:14 PM
Post #15
If y'all want any insight, this was my post in SCC Nationals 2012:

"I'm from a choir that participated at Nationals this past April. Right now, almost all of the show choir were only started last year for the 1st Show Choir National Championships (2011). Show choir in the Canada uncompare-able to how big it is in US. We have no where near the funds needed - in fact, last year, the winner Wexford "Gleeks" were wearing $2 t-shirts. It's very hard for most schools to fundraise, and most of the show choirs are simply after-school clubs that don't have the resources to put on as big as spectacles as the show choirs do in the US.

The reason why Wexford "Gleeks" and Etobicoke "Splash" pretty much blast everyone else out of the water is because they have dedicated performing arts programs that have been well established, and those two schools are pretty much the only two (or at least the biggest) high schools in all of Toronto that have specific performing arts programs that combine singing and dancing, and specifically attract performing arts students to their schools. They have to go through a audition process just to attend the school for the performing arts program (and then to get into the show choir)."

This year, ESA's Splash is going to new levels, they are planning to compete at Chicago FAME, and they have Brett Carroll and Mike Weaver working with them (vocal workshops and choreo, respectively). Their performing arts school is going far and beyond in terms of funding and such. It seems like they are going to be untouchable in Canada for a while...

This year there will be "Divisions", appropriately enough based off of whether or not the school has a "performing arts" program, and for non-performing arts, based off of size.

Also last year, Ontario had a huge teacher union "strike" where teachers were not allowed to take on any extracurricular activities (e.g. show choir) and not allowed to be at school outside regular teaching hours, so a lot of groups got knicked because of that. I actually directed my school's show choir last year, and we managed to get the "Spirit Award" for being the only-student directed group! :D ...(news article below with some quotes from the directors of Gleeks and ESA)

Also, we just came out with a documentary about both groups at SCC Nationals 2013, if anyone is interested, it really goes into depth of the culture in the "Big 2" show choirs:

Caleb :P on Nov 15, 2013, 12:58 AM
Post #14
And so, the first US choir signed up to compete in Canada is Waltham "Music Unlimited."


Häakon on Oct 3, 2013, 8:08 PM
Post #13
I actually really like the idea, I just don't see it working very well for the foreseeable future. I think the second half of Jeff's post is spot-on; Canadian show choir isn't that drastically different than US show choir. I went to their 2nd annual Nationals competition in 2012 and it was very well-run. Sure, the groups themselves were at a less advanced level than some of our biggest and best groups - but when you consider that they've only been doing it for a couple of years and not every group in the US is a Burroughs or Clinton either, it's not that big a difference. Some of the soloists, for example, were every bit on par with something we'd see here.

The problem is that they're branding it as a "showdown between Canada and the USA," but I doubt they'll get the depth of US groups they want to go there. FAME isn't even getting the top 6 in our country to attend their event, and they're the best thing we have to finding a national champion each year. I think it's a novel idea (and perhaps a fun one), and they may get a group or two to take them up on it just for something different. The chance to be exposed to an entirely separate circuit of show choir performances has some merit. But it's just too costly to do regularly, and I think most groups would probably rather take their chances against (or at least have the enjoyment of seeing) the best choirs our country has to offer than using their one big trip to go north of the border. We'll see how it goes, but that's my gut reaction.

Coincidentally, I have reached out to the Show Choir Canada organization several times to welcome them into our community and try to create a dialogue, but they haven't been very receptive. I find it funny that a few years later they're now courting US groups to expand what they're doing.

Jeff. on Oct 3, 2013, 7:37 PM
Post #12
Am I the only one that thinks this is a bad idea...? Totally sketched out over this
I can see several different scenarios taking place, and I don't really like any of them:
--US choirs completely destroying the Canadian ones, resulting in the death of Canada show choir (and sadness for everyone)
--Foul judging resulting in a group from each country in the top two (this sounds awful)
--*Not very good* US groups competing (AKA "the first six to apply" according to the website), resulting in destruction of the US Show Choir reputation (and some very grumpy SCC people)

No, Caleb, you aren't. This is partially what I was considering when I said "interesting" and "we'll see how that goes." I just phrased it nicer than you did.

I don't think this is inherently a "bad" idea, but I think the logistics could be a little muddy as you mentioned in terms of who will be representing the U.S. and who will be representing Canada? And will this Can-Am Invitational actually happen? Stay tuned I suppose.

But I do think some of your conclusions from the scenarios are a bit dramatic. Canada show choir likely isn't going anywhere regardless of the results of this potential competition. Nor do I think the U.S. show choir reputation is on the line. In the 2012 season, Burbank "In Sync" performed in exhibition at the Canada Nationals competition. So, the show choir world in Canada has already been exposed to some of the best show choir in the U.S. And I mean, foul judging? That's basically a complaint at EVERY competition.

I mean, let's face it. Canada Show Choir is nothing like US Show Choir. Not to say that Canada can't compete with the US, but stylistically, they aren't even going in the same direction.
I would actually disagree with you on this statement. It's pretty well known that Glee was a motivating factor behind the upstart of Show Choir Canada and we all know that Glee is not representative of U.S. show choir. However, show choir in Canada is growing rapidly in my opinion and I think the show choirs in Canada are slowly becoming more similar to show choir in the U.S. I don't think they are heading in different directions at all.

Not only that, but this begs the question what IS "U.S. show choir" to begin with? Show choir in the U.S. isn't something that neatly fits in a box and can be categorized as such. If you know anything about show choir on a national level, then you're well aware that the Northeast has a very distinct style, Virginia is a bit different, the Midwest and South have been pretty "traditional," and the West has a more modern approach. Saying Canada and U.S. show choirs can't compete with one another is like saying John Burroughs "Powerhouse" can't compete with Carmel "Ambassadors" (or vice versa) because they have different performing styles and often compete according to different rules. The most important thing for competitions such as this to have is to arrange an incredibly diverse judging panel as to not skew the results one way or the other so that ALL forms of show choir are appreciated as the art that it is.

Caleb :P on Oct 3, 2013, 12:32 AM
Post #11
Interestingly enough, they have advertised a "Can-Am Invitational" on April 13, 2014 "with the top 6 Canadian show choirs squaring off against 6 American choirs" ... so we'll see how that goes ... if it actually happens. It would definitely be interesting.
Am I the only one that thinks this is a bad idea...? Totally sketched out over this

I mean, let's face it. Canada Show Choir is nothing like US Show Choir. Not to say that Canada can't compete with the US, but stylistically, they aren't even going in the same direction.

I can see several different scenarios taking place, and I don't really like any of them:
--US choirs completely destroying the Canadian ones, resulting in the death of Canada show choir (and sadness for everyone)
--Foul judging resulting in a group from each country in the top two (this sounds awful)
--*Not very good* US groups competing (AKA "the first six to apply" according to the website), resulting in destruction of the US Show Choir reputation (and some very grumpy SCC people)

Maybe I'm just being negative, but I just really don't like this idea.
**And as a sidenote, the competition rules allow no backdrops or set pieces other than hand-held props.

PW1242 on Aug 11, 2013, 1:18 AM
Post #10
I really do think Glee was the inspiration behind most of it, and if I remember correctly from previous YouTube videos, several of the show choirs went the Glee-route in terms of performance, solo-heavy, and not as choreographically intricate as some American show choirs. But I think show choir in Canada has grown immensely in just a few short years. Etobicoke and Wexford are the "big two" so far in Canada and their shows are on YouTube and they are not bad at all and moving more towards what the Show Choir Community is familiar with in terms of show choir.
I think that's good in that it's moving away. Glee's concept only really works for television. With episodes around 40 minutes you couldn't have a 15 to 20 minute set, not to mention the rehearsal schedules for the cast wouldn't work if they had to learn that much choreography, especially in only small amounts of time.

Its a big surprise though, seeing just how different actual show choir performances are to how Glee represents them. I saw Glee first, got bored one day and decide to look up performances to see how close it was. The first one I watched was Powerhouse's The Pretender so...yeah. Pretty different to Lea Michele singing a ballad on stage, a handful of others swaying and harmonising behind her.

I think it'll be interesting to see how the Canadian groups will progress in terms of set style. The American ones that do more contemporary sets - Burbank, Burroughs, Los Al, Albertville, Attache, Fairfield etc. - only started to do these theatrical story shows in the past few years. Maybe some of the Canadian ones will follow.

Interestingly enough, they have advertised a "Can-Am Invitational" on April 13, 2014 "with the top 6 Canadian show choirs squaring off against 6 American choirs" ... so we'll see how that goes ... if it actually happens. It would definitely be interesting.
That would be. I wonder which American choirs would go. I would hope it would be a good mix of the different styles of shows: both traditional and contemporary ones.

Jeff. on Aug 10, 2013, 3:12 PM
Post #9
So how long has show choir being going on for in Canada? Because the number of choirs with a Glee reference in them makes me think it's quite recent. Also, how many other competitions are there, around about? Is it Nationals with qualifying rounds or are there quite a few like in the US?
I'm not sure about show choir in general in Canada, but the Show Choir Canada Nationals competition has been around since 2011. This year's event will be the 4th Annual SCC Nationals. I really do think Glee was the inspiration behind most of it, and if I remember correctly from previous YouTube videos, several of the show choirs went the Glee-route in terms of performance, solo-heavy, and not as choreographically intricate as some American show choirs. But I think show choir in Canada has grown immensely in just a few short years. Etobicoke and Wexford are the "big two" so far in Canada and their shows are on YouTube and they are not bad at all and moving more towards what the Show Choir Community is familiar with in terms of show choir.

As far as I know, SCC Nationals is the only big show choir competition in Canada. SCC Nationals doesn't have qualifying regions like FAME, instead they last year had a prelims and then a finals performance. However, for this year it will be a one-and-done performance like FAME does for their FAME Nationals.

Interestingly enough, they have advertised a "Can-Am Invitational" on April 13, 2014 "with the top 6 Canadian show choirs squaring off against 6 American choirs" ... so we'll see how that goes ... if it actually happens. It would definitely be interesting.

PW1242 on Aug 8, 2013, 5:00 AM
Post #8
Congratulations to St. Peter Catholic High School for having what I think is my favourite name for a choir: Treble Threat.

So how long has show choir being going on for in Canada? Because the number of choirs with a Glee reference in them makes me think it's quite recent. Also, how many other competitions are there, around about? Is it Nationals with qualifying rounds or are there quite a few like in the US?

Jeff. on Apr 24, 2013, 3:21 PM
Post #7
Captions have been added above and here is also the junior division point spread:
Champion is St. Peter Glee – 378.5
2nd Place – Holy Trinity Show Choir – 332.5
3rd Pace – St. Andrew Vocal Avengers – 326
4th Place – Bond Academy Dynamites – 319
5th Place – Ecole Secondaire Deja Vu – 266

Show Choir Canada is also starting to upload videos of performances. They appear to be starting with the junior division and so far have the primarily-French "Déjà Vu" and Bond Academy uploaded. I assume over the next couple days/weeks, the rest will be uploaded as well. You can see the videos through the Show Choir Canada YouTube Channel or the Show Choir Canada Facebook Fanpage.

Last year I remember Burbank "In Sync" serving as the host choir/choir of honor at Show Choir Canada. Does anyone know if they invited either an American high school show choir or even a college/university show choir for a similar type of performance this year? I don't remember hearing about it/seeing anything about that this year.

The Ethan Price on Apr 22, 2013, 2:39 AM
Post #6
Congratulations to Etobicoke on winning their second national championship in a row!

I am a guy who loves to see scores in addition to results. I'm sure many of you all are, too. So here are the points from the national competition.

It really appears that Etobicoke and Wexford have seperated themselves as the top two show choirs in Canada. Wexford won the first national competition, and Etobicoke has one the next two including this years.

1st Place - Etobicoke School of the Arts “Splash” – 694.5
2nd Place – Wexford Collegiate “Wexford Glee” – 685
3rd Pace – St. George’s of Montreal “G Major” – 604
4th Place – St. Peter CHS “SPSC” – 541.5
5th Place – Notre Dame “Dynamo” – 516
6th Place – Centre Wellington “CW Glee” – 492

Jeff. on Apr 21, 2013, 3:33 AM (Edited)
Post #5
What were the results?
Saturday was preliminary competition and there are six finalists (in order above) competing again Sunday in finals after the middle school groups perform. I haven't heard anything about prelim placements.

Patrick on Apr 21, 2013, 12:36 AM
Post #4
What were the results?

Jeff. on Apr 19, 2013, 9:52 PM
Post #3
Here is another news article about Show Choir Canada. This article includes a video featuring the Notre Dame show choirs. I also laughed out loud () when it mentioned their director is also the football coach! Overall, interesting article. Should be an exciting weekend for these guys and girls.

ATSCkid on Apr 6, 2013, 11:10 PM
Post #2
Wow it's truly is great to see my home country of Canada kickin' it in show choir! Good luck too all you Canadians =>

Jeff. on Apr 5, 2013, 12:56 AM
Post #1
The 3rd annual Show Choir Canada Nationals are right around the corner! This competition will be the first time a West Coast choir competes (Notre Dame Secondary from British Columbia)! The host will be Jordan Clark. She was the winner of So You Think You Can Dance Canada season 4. And there will be a total of $20,000 awarded to the top 6 show choirs!

The event has been updated above with judges, tickets, the schedule, etc. The Show Choir Canada website is so incredible! They provide so much information in terms of judge bios, guidelines/rules, and the scoring system (47% vocals with 22 subcategories, 38% visual with 18 subcategories, and 15% instrumental with 10 subcategories...and that's just for prelims!) So if you have further questions about the competition or are really curious about it, I strongly encourage you to check the website, because it's great.

2011 National Champion: Wexford "Gleeks"
2012 National Champion: Etobicoke "Splash"

11:00 Centre Wellington District H.S., “CW Glee”
11:20 Notre Dame Regional Secondary, “West Coast Energy”
11:40 Guelph Collegiate V.I., “GleeCVI”
12:00 Wexford Collegiate, “Wexford Glee”
12:20 Cardinal Newman CS, “CN Explosion”
12:40 Our Lady of Lourdes CHS, “The Pitches”
1:00 Lunch Break
2:00 Notre Dame Regional Secondary, “Dynamo”
2:20 St. Peter Catholic High School, “Treble Threat”
2:40 Marc Garneau Collegiate, “D-Verses”
3:00 Ecole Secondaire Toronto Ouest, “Deja Vu”
3:20 St. George’s School of Montreal, “G Major”
3:40 Etobicoke School of the Arts “Splash”
4:00 Intermission
4:15 Top 6 Finalists Announced
11:00 Bond Academy
11:20 Holy Trinity Catholic
11:40 Ecole Secondaire
12:00 St. Peter Catholic School
12:20 St. Andrew Catholic School
12:40 Awards Presentation
2:00 Finalist #1
2:30 Finalist #2
3:00 Finalist #3
3:30 Finalist #4
4:00 Finalist #5
4:30 Finalist #6
5:00 Intermission
5:15 Guest Performance
5:30 Awards Presentation

Further exploration (if you're interested):
Wexford "Gleeks" 2012
ESA "Splash" 2012
Show Choir Canada Facebook fan page
Twitter @Show Choir Canada
Show Choir Canada YouTube channel
Show Choir Canada News Article
Show Choir Canada website


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