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  Show Choir Community    Events    2023 Season    Manteno Main Event 2023

   Event Info

February 10th-11th, 2023

Venue Info

Manteno High School
443 North Maple Street
Manteno, IL 60950

Phone: (815) 928-7100

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  10 Mixed Groups
  1 Treble Groups
  4 Middle School Groups


  Manteno "Magic"
  Manteno "Grand Paws"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Manteno Main Event 2023

Event Site
Live Stream

   Open Division



 Wheaton North High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Female Soloist (Holly Wiper) 

 El Paso-Gridley High School
Second Place 

 John Hersey High School
Third Place 

 Hi Fidelity
 El Paso-Gridley High School
4th Place 

 Pekin Community High School
5th Place 

   Prep Division



 Class Act
 Herscher High School
First Place 
Best Vocals (TIE) 

 Crete-Monee High School
Second Place 
Best Choreography 
Best Male Soloist (Chris Smith) 
Best Female Soloist (Alaina Houston) 

 Watseka Community High School
Third Place 
Best Vocals (TIE) 
Best Band 

 Take Note
 Kankakee High School
4th Place 

 Vocal Rush
 Unity High School
5th Place 

 Peotone High School
6th Place 

   Middle School Mixed Division



 El Paso-Gridley Junior High School
First Place 

 North Ridge Middle School
Second Place 

   Middle School Treble Division



 El Paso-Gridley Junior High School
First Place 

 Radiant Reds
 North Ridge Middle School
Second Place 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 14 members (view all)  







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9 comments • Sort by


Travis_bush on Feb 12, 2023, 10:55 PM
Post #9
who were the grand champion soloist i dindt catch their names

thebetterbauer on Feb 11, 2023, 11:25 PM
Post #7
Does anybody know the results for the Open Division? I saw that Wheaton North won, but I don't know any of the other placements.


JW67 on Feb 11, 2023, 11:41 PM
Post #8
It finished exactly in line with the predictions:
On Stage
Hi Fidelity


Jmjw1998 on Feb 11, 2023, 7:33 PM
Post #6
Festival division results
Peotone 5th runner up
Unity 4th runner up
Kankakee 3rd runner up
Watseka 2nd runner up (best vocals and best band) tie
Crete Monee 1st runner up (best choreography, best male and female soloists)
Herscher Grand Champion (best vocals) tie

JonHad on Feb 11, 2023, 1:16 AM
Post #5
Middle school open division:
1st Runner Up: Northridge Redcoats
Grand Champion: El Paso Gridley Dynamics

Middle school single gender division:
1st runner up: Northridge Radiant Reds
Grand Champion: El Paso Gridley Crescendo

JonHad on Feb 6, 2023, 6:57 PM
Post #4
Schedule change:
Peotone “Powerhouse” will now be performing at 12:30 PM
Unity “Vocal Rush” will now be performing at 10:00 AM

JonHad on Feb 3, 2023, 9:09 PM
Post #3
official schedule:
Middle School Division:
Northridge Middle School "Radiant Reds" 5:30 PM
El Paso Gridley Jr. HIgh "Crescendo" 6:00 PM
Norhtridge Middle School "Redcoats" 7:30 PM
El Paso Gridley Jr. High "Dynamics" 8:00 PM
Manteno Middle School "Grand Paws" (Host) 8:30 PM
Awards: 9:00 PM

Festival Division (High School)
Peotone High School "Powerhouse" 10:00 AM
Kankakee High School "Take Note" 10:30 AM
Watseka Community High School "The Sensations" 11:00 AM
Crete-Monee High School "Cavaliers" 12:00 PM
Unity High School "Vocal Rush" 12:30 PM
Herscher High School "Class Act" 1:00 PM
Awards: 2:00 PM

Open Division (High School)
El Paso Gridley High School "Hi Fidelity" 3:15 PM
Pekin Community High School "The Noteables" 3:45 PM
Wheaton North High School "Flight" 4:15 PM
John Hersey High School "OnStage" 5:30 PM
El Paso Gridley High School "Modulations" 6:00 PM
Manteno High School "Magic" (Host) 7:00 PM
Awards: 7:30 PM

JonHad on Jan 26, 2023, 5:42 PM
Post #2
Eisenhower “Express” has dropped and will not be attending.

JonHad on Jan 19, 2023, 5:44 PM
Post #1
Groups attending this year:
Middle School Division:
Northridge Middle School "Radiant Reds"
El Paso Gridley Jr. HIgh "Crescendo"
Norhtridge Middle School "Redcoats"
El Paso Gridley Jr. High "Dynamics"
Manteno Middle School "Grand Paws" (Host)

Festival Division (High School)
Peotone High School "Powerhouse"
Kankakee High School "Take Note"
Watseka Community High School "The Sensations"
Crete-Monee High School "Cavaliers"
Unity High School "Vocal Rush"
Herscher High School "Class Act"
Eisenhower High School "Express"

Open Division (High School)
El Paso Gridley High School "Hi Fidelity"
Pekin Community High School "The Noteables"
Wheaton North High School "Flight"
John Hersey High School "OnStage"
El Paso Gridley High School "Modulations"
Manteno High School "Magic" (Host)

Note: Single Gender Division has been eliminated this year, Single Gender Groups may compete in the Festival Division or the Open Division based on director's discretion.


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