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  Show Choir Community    Events    2023 Season    Carthage Soundfest 2023

   Event Info

February 24th-25th, 2023

Venue Info

Carthage High School
2600 South River
Carthage, MO 64836

Phone: (417) 359-7020

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  17 Mixed Groups
  7 Treble Groups
  2 Bass Groups
  5 Middle School Groups


  Carthage "Soundwave"
  Carthage "Suite Sounds"
  Carthage Junior "Sound Machine"


  Kacy Christenson

  Eric Eichenberger

  Ann Faaborg

  Chris Kindle

  Lara Moffett Menard

  Adam Peters


Ticket prices unknown.


Carthage Soundfest 2023

Event Site
Live Stream




 Neosho High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Closer 

 Bella Vocé
 Webb City High School
First Runner Up 
Best Soloist (Anne Marie Wright) 

 Sound Express
 Platte County High School
Second Runner Up 

 City Lights
 Rock Bridge High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Vocal Motion
 Mt. Vernon High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Show Design 

 Music Makers
 Harrisonville High School
5th Runner Up 
Best Opener 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier III



 Vocal Motion
 Mt. Vernon High School
First Place 
Best Show Design 

 Vocal Fusion
 Nevada High School
Second Place 

 Patriot Singers
 East Newton High School
Third Place 

 Jive Tribe

 Seneca High School
No Placement 

 Blue Harmony

 Hollister High School
No Placement 

 Sound Collage

 El Dorado Springs High School
No Placement 

   Treble Division



 Bella Vocé
 Webb City High School
First Place 
Best Soloist (Anne Marie Wright) 

 Touch of Class
 Joplin High School
Second Place 

 Treble Effects
 Nevada High School
Third Place 

 Sugar & Spice
 Neosho High School
4th Place 


 Harrisonville High School
No Placement 

 Sound Elegance

 Platte County High School
No Placement 


 Warrensburg High School
No Placement 

   Bass Division



 Webb City High School
First Place 
People's Choice 

 Neosho High School
Second Place 

   Middle School Division



 Wildcat Singers
 Neosho Junior High School
First Place 

 Tiger Tonez
 Childers Middle School
Second Place 

 Sound Investment
 El Dorado Springs Middle School
Third Place 

 Future Sounds
 Nevada Middle School
4th Place 

 New Sounds
 Joplin Middle Schools
5th Place 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 14 members (view all)  





Chris Kindle


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5 comments • Sort by

ZacharyPettit on Feb 26, 2023, 10:36 AM
Post #5
Best Soloists:
- Anne Marie Wright (Webb City Bella Voce)
- Anna Beth Trueblood (Webb City Singers)

thebetterbauer on Feb 26, 2023, 2:39 AM
Post #4
Final results are posted.


McCadeGordon on Feb 25, 2023, 10:52 PM
Post #3
Single-Gender Men:
1st: Webb City DoMENance

Single-Gender Women:
1St: Webb City Bella Voce
2nd: Joplin Touch of Class
3rd: Nevada Treble Effects
4th: Neosho Sugar n Spice

Class 3:
1st: Mt. Vernon Vocal Motion
2nd: Nevada Vocal Fusion
3rd: East Newton Patriot Singers

Class 4:
1st: Harrisonville Music Makers
2nd: Warrensburg Soundwave

Class 5:
1st: Neosho Choraleers
2nd: Rockbridge City Lights
3rd: Platte County Sound Express

Opener: Harrisonville Music Makers
Ballad: Battle Battalion
Best Closer: Neosho Choraleers
Soloists: Both Bella Voce characters, didn't get their names
Show design: Mt. Vernon Vocal Motion
People's Choice: Webb City DoMENance

Finalists (Performance Order)
Mt Vernon
Webb City Bella Voce
Harrisonville Music Makers
Neosho Choraleers
Rockbridge City Lights
Platte County Sound Express

thebetterbauer on Feb 25, 2023, 2:52 AM
Post #2
Does anybody have Friday results?

thebetterbauer on Jan 31, 2023, 5:56 PM
Post #1
Schedule is posted!
Friday Night:
7:40pm - Carthage "Sound Machine" EXHIBITION
8:00pm - Awards

1:15pm - Carthage "Suite Sounds" EXHIBITION
7:45pm - Carthage "Soundwave" EXHIBITION
8:00pm - Awards
8:50pm - Finals begin (6 finalists)
11:30pm - Final Awards


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