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  Show Choir Community    Events    2023 Season    Logan Showcase 2023

   Event Info

February 11th, 2023

Venue Info

Logan High School
1500 Ranger Drive
La Crosse, WI 54603

Phone: (608) 789-7700

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  7 Mixed Groups
  1 Treble Groups
  4 Middle School Groups


  Logan "The Class Act"


  Nancy Allen

  Adam Miller

  Kathryn Skemp Moran

  Grant Luther (critique/finals)

  Lindy Cashdollar (critique/finals)

  Matthew Endres (band)

  Alex Knoepker (band critique)

  Neal Raskin (band critique)


$15 all-day
Children 5 and under free


Logan Showcase 2023

Event Site
Live Stream




 Onalaska High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Band 

 Wahlert Catholic High School
First Runner Up 
Best Choreography 
Best Soloist (Aidan Dolan) 

 Plymouth High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Crew 

 Onalaska High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Soloist (Elizabeth Matz) 

 Chi-Hi Harmonics
 Chippewa Falls High School
4th Runner Up 

 State Street Singers
 Waseca High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Prep Division



 Onalaska High School
First Place 
Best Soloist (Elizabeth Matz) 

 Parkview High School
Second Place 
People's Choice 

 Waseca High School
Third Place 

   Middle School Division


Groups in order of performance
 Star Power Omega

 La Crosse Middle Schools
Exhibition Only 
 Midwest Connection

 Holmen Middle School
Exhibition Only 

 West Salem Middle School
Exhibition Only 
 Star Power Alpha

 La Crosse Middle Schools
Exhibition Only 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 17 members (view all)  







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11 comments • Sort by

JustYourEveryDaySonO on Feb 15, 2023, 2:41 PM
Post #11
Another great year at the Logan Showcase. After watching all nine groups and all the finals, here are some of my thoughts about that Saturday event.

Onalaska "Express" (Prelims and Finals)
This was my first time watching “Express” this season, so I didn’t know what to expect. The only knowledge I had before watching the show was that they were having a pretty stellar year. And what I saw on that day showed why they earned those placements. The timber and tone of the choirs were excellent, as expected for an Onalaska group. However, there were parts in the performance where the vocal started to sound too young for my taste, but that is just a minor thing. Especially since they always go back to their original sound. The choreography was tight and snug. I love the second-number choreography, especially with the “Fit in Box” choreography. A suggestion that could bring this show to the next level is to think about your facial and transitions (from spot to spot). But that thing should come in time with more performances. Overall great.

Chippewa Fall “Chi-Hi Harmonics”
This was also my first time seeing Chippewa Fall this season, and it was good. I enjoyed how into the show the performers were. The opening performance was also excellent. For that second number, I think the performers should milk it more, the free part section and the “worship me.” I want it to be over-the-top acting. But, besides that, this was a good show.

Plymouth “Momentum”
HAND DOWN SHOW OF THE DAY!!! Plymouth didn’t have to slap so hard, but they did. All of the soloists knocked their solos out of the park. The group had the best stage presence of the day. The choreography was super snug and tight (that pause and swipe away in the second number gives me life). The dancers could flow into choreography styles like butter (The opener to the second number or the guys going from a robotic movement to a more grounded movement to the guy’s number.) And, they have my favorite thing in show choir, LEVELS. But the things that make this show for me are the vocals. Plymouth has one of the best piano dynamics I have ever heard. It is quiet enough to draw the audience into the phrase they are singing, yet the piano’s energy is strong enough to keep the intensity of the piano. The best example of this was during the ballad, where the band was clueing into a potential big vocal moment, but, to subvert our expectations, the group returned to an even quieter piano. One of my favorites shows this year; they earned that placement.

Walhert “Impulse”
As much as I enjoyed this show during prelims, I felt something was missing. It felt like the show didn’t click in until the awesome number (Best Number of The Day) after the ballad. However, that was easily fixed during the final performance. There was that energy/intensity that was missing in their prelims performance. That energy really just gave life to that Ben’s choreography. This was an outstanding performance, and I wish you guys the best of luck for Davenport Central.

Onalaska “Hilltoppers”
Similar to Walhert, something was missing from their prelims ways performance. It didn’t feel like an Hilltopper Show during prelims. However, like Walhert, that was quickly turned around. There were huge Onalaska-style vocal moments and stylistic vocal color changes, all while maintaining that beautiful Onalaska tone. The band was absolutely phenomenal as ever. I think embracing the cheese could bring this show to another level. For example, “Nobody” and “Ballroom Bitz.” I want those numbers to be over-the-top cheese like old school La Crosse Central novelty numbers. But what a great show.

JustYourEveryDaySonO on Feb 12, 2023, 12:36 AM
Post #10
5RU: Waseca “State Street Singers"
4RU: Chippewa Fall “Chi-Hi”
3RU: Onalaska “Express”
2RU: Plymouth “Momentum”
BV: Onalaska “Hilltopper”
BC: Wahlert “Impulse”
1RU: Wahlert “Impulse”
GC: Onalaska “Hilltoppers”

JustYourEveryDaySonO on Feb 11, 2023, 8:06 PM
Post #9
Best Soloist - Wahlert "Impulse" [u]Aidan Dolan[/u]
Best Soloist - Onalaska "Express" (I believe it was [u]Elizabeth Matz)[/u]
Best Band - Onalaska "Hilltoppers"
People Choice - Parkview "Pizazz"
Best Crew - Plymouth "Momentum"

Prep Division
GC: Onalaska "Express"
1RU: Parkview "Pizazz"
2Ru: Waseca "Showtime"

Finals (Not Placement Order But, is Performance Order)
Chippewa Falls "Chi High Harmonics"
Onalaska "Express"
Onalaska "Hilltoppers" (Performance Order Might Change)
Wahlert "Impulse"
Waseca "State Street Singers"
Plymouth "Momentum"

JustYourEveryDaySonO on Feb 11, 2023, 11:14 AM (Edited)
Post #8
Alex Knoepker- Band Critique
Neal Raskin - Band Critique
Matthew Endres - Band Scoring
Nancy Allen - Scoring
Adam Miller - Scoring
Kathryn Skemp Moran - Scoring
Grant Luther - Critique and Final Scoring
Lindy Cashdollar - Critique and Final Scoring


syd.mar on Feb 9, 2023, 9:54 AM
Post #7
The ticket prices I found on Facebook says that it's $15 for All Day and Children 5 and under are free.


tdelnay2010 on Jan 30, 2023, 10:14 AM
Post #4
Star Power- Omega La Crosse Middle Schools 10:00 am
Midwest Connection Holmen Middle School10:30 am
Crescendo West Salem Middle School 11:00 am
Star Power- Alpha La Crosse Middle Schools 11:30 am

LUNCH (60 minutes) 12:00 pm
Showtime Waseca High School 1:00 pm
Pizzaz Parkview High School 1:30 pm
Express Onalaska High School 2:00 pm
Momentum Plymouth High School 2:30 pm

BREAK (15 minutes) 3:00 pm

State Street Singers Waseca High School 3:15 pm
Chi-Hi Harmonics Chippewa Falls High School 3:45 pm
Impulse Wahlert Catholic High School 4:15 pm
Hilltopper Onalaska High School 4:45 pm

Finalist #1 7:15 pm
Finalist #2 7:45 pm
Finalist #3 8:15 pm
Finalist #4 8:45 pm
Finalist #5 9:15 pm
Finalist #6 9:45 pm

Will. on Jan 30, 2023, 10:16 AM
Post #5
Great to see you back in Wisco, Mr. Delnay! Is Showtime a mixed or womens group?


tdelnay2010 on Jan 30, 2023, 12:28 PM
Post #6
Thanks, Showtime is a female voice prep group.


syd.mar on Jan 15, 2023, 1:12 PM
Post #1
does anyone have any info on this comp?

thebetterbauer on Jan 19, 2023, 6:42 PM
Post #2
It looks like these schools are scheduled to attend this year:

TheSunniestSaani on Jan 28, 2023, 7:28 PM
Post #3
Onalaskas high schools are attending but the middle schools are not


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