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  Show Choir Community    Events    2010 Season    Eau Claire Memorial Winterfest 2010

   Event Info

February 6th, 2010

Venue Info

Eau Claire Memorial High School
2220 Fairfax Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701

Phone: (715) 852-6300

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  11 Mixed Groups
  4 Treble Groups
  1 Middle School Groups


  Memorial "Old Abe Show Choir"
  Memorial "Eagle Show Choir"
  Memorial "Eaglettes"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Eau Claire Memorial Winterfest 2010

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 Company of Singers
 Totino-Grace High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Female Soloist (Ashley Kidd) 

 Bemidji High School
First Runner Up 
Sportsmanship Award 

 Riverside Company
 Hastings High School
Second Runner Up 

 Power Company
 Waconia High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Male Soloist (Austin Stole) 

 Chi-Hi Harmonics
 Chippewa Falls High School
4th Runner Up 

 The Current
 Waconia High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Prep Division



 The Current
 Waconia High School
First Place 

 La Voce Ballo
 Bemidji High School
Second Place 

 Cricket Choralation

 Fall Creek High School
No Placement 


 Altoona High School
No Placement 


 Hastings High School
No Placement 


 Waconia Middle School
No Placement 

 Superior Ladies

 Washburn High School
No Placement 

 Upstage Revolution

 Hastings High School
No Placement 

 Encore Singers

 Totino-Grace High School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 13 members (view all)  







98 comments • Sort by

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juliofrommississippi on Feb 9, 2010, 8:22 PM
Post #98
[quote name='EsAreUnimportant' date='1265733746' post='488190']
This is not the reason why we haven't returned to Great River since.[/quote]

Sorry I didn't mean it to be inferred that was the reason you haven't returned. I think it can be a complicated logistical weekend with jazz band and speech.


mylife on Feb 9, 2010, 8:15 PM (Edited)
Post #97

user deleted  on Feb 9, 2010, 1:08 PM
Post #96
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1265731302' post='488175']
why don't y'all just say what you want to say, and back it up with something because I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are all REALLY over y'all complaining about this without having anything concrete to say.[/quote]

I think we were pretty clear about this. Please refer to this post:

"sorry. all i have for now is the "general fact" lol.
I will hopefully be able to cure your curiosity tomorrow or wednesday at the latest...i hope "

So, sit tight. If there is something to say it will be said, otherwise we can all forget about it and go along our merry musical ways.


eskamoes on Feb 9, 2010, 1:07 PM
Post #95
All we have heard is rumors.
We don't want to confirm anything and make assumptions until we have the "go-ahead" from our director, which wouldn't officially be until practice Wednesday night.
We don't want to spread rumors that arn't true.
What we've heard is that rankings were unconsistent.
We don't have details.

All that matter's is that we know we rocked it in finals.
It was a our best performance ever, possibly.
For the majority of Riverside, that's enough.
And, yeah, it was super dooper hard to go last in pre-lims and second in finals as the first varsity group. But I think we did it well. I know I'm proud of how I performed, and I'm not the only one.

Judges are allowed to have opinions. They are allowed to judge as they see fit. Everyone has different criterea, and you can never, ever know what goes on in a judge's head.

I for one am not going to squibble and squabble over which judged ranked us where.
It's one competition.
One moment in million fantastic ones.

EsAreUnimportant on Feb 9, 2010, 12:42 PM
Post #94
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1265725611' post='488156']
I believe Xavier had all judges place them in finals, but they ended up getting 7th overall (and haven't been back since).[/quote]

This is not the reason why we haven't returned to Great River since.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 9, 2010, 12:01 PM
Post #93
[quote name='aeky1' date='1265726254' post='488163']

Major inconsistencies in prelim, okay that can happen ....major inconsistencies in finals...totally unacceptable.[/quote]

why don't y'all just say what you want to say, and back it up with something because I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are all REALLY over y'all complaining about this without having anything concrete to say.

user deleted  on Feb 9, 2010, 10:37 AM
Post #92
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1265725611' post='488156']

Now, there were some MAJOR inconsistencies in scoring in prelims there (i'm guessing you are suggesting that Hastings people...) every judge was INSANELY different... i.e. only one judge had Linn-Mar in finals and they had them in 1st, while the other two had them in 7th and 9th (overall placed tied for 4th). 1 judge had Momentum in first, while one had them in 5th and the other in 8th. I believe Xavier had all judges place them in finals, but they ended up getting 7th overall (and haven't been back since).
Major inconsistencies in prelim, okay that can happen ....major inconsistencies in finals...totally unacceptable.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 9, 2010, 10:26 AM
Post #91
[quote name='weinzettelRC' date='1265682387' post='488081']
truth. random is popular, and i think all random-method comps should adopt the "viterbo rule." it has my vote at least! [/quote]

I understand why this is, and I understand why Hastings is bothered about this... but I don't think one bad performance should bring down years of requisites. Going last in day and first in finals does not have to be a death wish.

Here is a story about Great River 2007. CR Washington went last in finals, and then was drawn to perform first in finals. Besides the moral let down that can be, they were also in 6th after prelims. Instead of giving up and complaining about their horrible time slot at a competition where the judges all hate them, Mo took every single judges comment and put it in their show. They came back and performed the HECK out of their show in finals and climbed from 6th place... to 2nd.

Now, there were some MAJOR inconsistencies in scoring in prelims there (i'm guessing you are suggesting that Hastings people...) every judge was INSANELY different... i.e. only one judge had Linn-Mar in finals and they had them in 1st, while the other two had them in 7th and 9th (overall placed tied for 4th). 1 judge had Momentum in first, while one had them in 5th and the other in 8th. I believe Xavier had all judges place them in finals, but they ended up getting 7th overall (and haven't been back since).

My point is, you can go first in finals, and set the bar REALLY high, and that makes it so much harder to perform at a higher level than you. It is extremely possible to go last in day, then first in finals, and perform better than you believed you could. A positive attitude and a hard work ethic really makes the difference.


ilovethislife on Feb 9, 2010, 12:15 AM (Edited)
Post #90


Anna Banana on Feb 8, 2010, 11:35 PM
Post #89
I just wanted to say that my friend and I had a great day at Eau Claire. Now that I'm five years out of high school, it's so much fun to be able to go to competitions and just watch -- although I still do miss performing.

Riverside, you were awesome! I've seen you guys the past few years at the preview show, Swingin' on the River, and/or the pre-contest concert, but this was the first time since I graduated that I actually got to see you guys compete! I love your show this year. I've been sitting here watching/listening to it on youtube over and over, haha.

Congrats to Totino! I was more or less positive that the top three would be Hastings, Bemidji, and Totino, but wasn't sure what order they'd be in. After it was announced, I do think you deserved the GC....amazing vocals, amazing choreography!

I really enjoyed watching all the choirs, and I wish I could afford to go to more than one comp a year, but I have to say that Winterfest was a great one to be at. Thanks to everyone involved for making it a great time!


gh063j on Feb 8, 2010, 10:49 PM (Edited)
Post #88

user deleted  on Feb 8, 2010, 10:30 PM
Post #87
[quote name='aeky1' date='1265682387' post='488080']....and if you see a fourty-some old year tall lady dancing around the halls at school, that is probably me [/quote]
Of course, I will make sure my daughter doesn't see me dancing around the halls, she would be terribly embarassed...


gh063j on Feb 8, 2010, 10:26 PM
Post #86
[quote name='aeky1' date='1265682085' post='488077']

Maybe this year at SOTR we should use Viterbo's method. It is really hard, as we all witnessed, to be last in prelims and first in finals, or put a little lag time in between so that the group that performed last in prelims can at least have a chance to catch their breath. That would make it fair for all participants.[/quote]

truth. random is popular, and i think all random-method comps should adopt the "viterbo rule." it has my vote at least!

user deleted  on Feb 8, 2010, 10:26 PM
Post #85
[quote name='weinzettelRC' date='1265682066' post='488076']
I was merely presenting an issue. This website is meant to discuss, civilizedly debate, praise, give constructive critisicism, inform, and be a community for all of us show choir lovers. I never said it wasn't an open discussion. I just have a general fact as of now, specifics will hopefully come later. This shouldn't be a negative thing, just a forewarning that one competition's results is never the end all be all. Judging is a tough issue, there are probably thousands of posts on such topics in other forums. It's just unfortunate when such instances arise, but life goes on. To be honest, nearly a week later when new competition results are posted, the others are essentially forgotten. Trophies collect dust and become a nuisance on a shelf. But memories and amazing music-making live forever [/quote]

As a parent, I have to say that my husband and I had a wonderful time. We had so much fun watching all of the groups perform, but more than watching the groups, was witnessing one of the largest groups of kids we have ever seen in one room, all together, singing together to the background music on the speakers, dancing together and celebrating with each other.
That being said, if there was an inconsistency in judging, we would like to hear the facts if and when they are available. I think this type of feedback can go a long way in making this experience an even better one for all in future competitions. We cannot improve without identifying imperfections and making things better the next go-around.

I for one, cannot wait to see all of the groups at SOTR. I will be there helping out and watching every bit I can....and if you see a fourty-some old year tall lady dancing around the halls at school, that is probably me

Stolba on Feb 8, 2010, 10:25 PM
Post #84
[quote name='weinzettelRC' date='1265682066' post='488076']
I was merely presenting an issue. This website is meant to discuss, civilizedly debate, praise, give constructive critisicism, inform, and be a community for all of us show choir lovers. I never said it wasn't an open discussion. I just have a general fact as of now, specifics will hopefully come later. This shouldn't be a negative thing, just a forewarning that one competition's results is never the end all be all. Judging is a tough issue, there are probably thousands of posts on such topics in other forums. It's just unfortunate when such instances arise, but life goes on. To be honest, nearly a week later when new competition results are posted, the others are essentially forgotten. Trophies collect dust and become a nuisance on a shelf. But memories and amazing music-making live forever [/quote]

Well if you have a "general fact" i think we would all appreciate you expand on this please? I, for one, am very curious

user deleted  on Feb 8, 2010, 10:21 PM
Post #83
[quote name='weinzettelRC' date='1265681623' post='488074'] with almost everything in show choir, PERSONAL OPINION is different for everybody. Most people draw out of a hat, including SOTR (our comp) but PERSONALLY I just like the choosing method that johnston so eloquently epitomizes [/quote]
Maybe this year at SOTR we should use Viterbo's method. It is really hard, as we all witnessed, to be last in prelims and first in finals, or put a little lag time in between so that the group that performed last in prelims can at least have a chance to catch their breath. That would make it fair for all participants.


gh063j on Feb 8, 2010, 10:21 PM (Edited)
Post #82


gh063j on Feb 8, 2010, 10:13 PM (Edited)
Post #81

user deleted  on Feb 8, 2010, 9:44 PM
Post #80
[quote name='weinzettelRC' date='1265675067' post='488055']I am sorry to report an...."inconsistency" in the judging panel.
A perfect example of why sometimes competition results aren't the end all be all.... :/

Also agree with the way johnston does it: the directors pick what slot they want based on prelim scores. Starting with first place and going down the line.....[/quote]

I would be very interested to see a breakdown of the finals scores by judge. I don't know if this information I'd provided post-competiton, but it would be good feedback.

I agree that the way Johnston (and many other groups) handle the order of groups in finals is very fair.

Drawing names out of a hat may add to the fun, but in order to be fair, the Viterbo rule would be a nice addition.

user deleted  on Feb 8, 2010, 9:37 PM
Post #79
[quote name='EsAreUnimportant' date='1265670615' post='488034']
I liked what Viterbo did. They drew finalist order out of a hat, but had a special rule that the group that performed last in the day round could not be selected to perform first in finals. Lo and behold, they drew Linn-Mar's name first this year, and put it back in the hat to draw again.

I like this system. But I also see the merits of the "Choose your spot based on how well you did" system as well.[/quote]

That seems very fair. Viterbo's rules that keep the last group to perform in prelims from having to go first in finals makes so much sense! It is difficult to have to go back into finals after prelims. The performes have no time to get something to frink let alone dry the aweat off their brows!

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