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  Show Choir Community    Events    2010 Season    Cedar Rapids Kennedy Raise the Roof! 2010

   Event Info

February 27th, 2010

Venue Info

Kennedy High School
4545 Wenig Road NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Phone: (319) 558-2251

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  13 Mixed Groups
  9 Middle School Groups


  Cedar Rapids Kennedy "Happiness, Inc."
  Cedar Rapids Kennedy "Protégé"
  Cedar Rapids Kennedy "Chanteurs"


  Anita Cracauer (Bands)

  Bill Griffel (Vocals)

  Jim Kimmel (Captions)

  Chad Alexander (Visuals)

  Jen Oundjian (Visuals)

  Damon Brown (Critique)

  Annette McCall (Critique)

  Tim Shew (Vocal)


Ticket prices unknown.


Cedar Rapids Kennedy Raise the Roof! 2010

Event Site
Live Stream




 Cedar Rapids Washington High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Ballad 
Best Costumes 
Best Male Soloist (Miles Maurice) 

 Urbandale High School
First Runner Up 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Show Design 
Best Female Soloist 

 Xavier High School
Second Runner Up 

 Central Singers, Inc.
 Davenport Central High School
3rd Runner Up 

 River City Rhythm
 Muscatine High School
4th Runner Up 

 Xavier High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Prep Division



 Xavier High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Male Soloist 
Best Female Soloist 

 Urbandale High School
Second Place 

 Cedar Rapids Washington High School
Third Place 
Best Band 

 Blue Vibrations

 Davenport Central High School
No Placement 


 Muscatine High School
No Placement 

   9th Grade Division


Groups in order of performance


 Cedar Rapids Washington High School
Placement Unknown 

 Sound Advice

 Johnston Middle School
Placement Unknown 

   Middle School Division



 Regis Middle School
First Place 

 Classic Innovation
 Harding Middle School
Second Place 


 Regis Middle School
No Placement 

 Classic Edition

 McKinley Middle School
No Placement 

 Kids From Taft

 Taft Middle School
No Placement 


 Franklin Middle School
No Placement 


 Cedar Rapids Roosevelt Middle School
No Placement 


 Johnston Middle School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 30 members (view all)  


Mr. Temple




Xhil/Xub A...

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juliofrommississippi on Feb 28, 2010, 10:16 PM
Post #70
something isn't right with those scores... Washington has placements above Urbandale in every choreography category. If that was true then Wash should've won best choreo. I thought annette layman gave wash a 4 ranking, but even with a Urby 3rd it still wouldn't put Urby ahead in choreo, unless they went off points. giving wash a 4 ranking with Layman ties Urby and Wash in placements, and I did hear that Fair Fehr was used at this comp.

GCS_Baritenor07 on Feb 28, 2010, 10:02 PM
Post #69
Well those certainly are......interesting.

Jorge on Feb 28, 2010, 9:24 PM
Post #68

Bill Griffel-[/b]
1st- Urbandale
2nd- Muscatine
3rd- Xavier
4th- Washington
5th- Davenport Central
6th- Xuberance

[b]Tim Shew-
1st- Washington
2nd- Davenport Central
3rd- Urbandale
4th- Xavier
5th- Muscatine
6th- Xuberance

[b]Anita Cracauer-[/b]
1st- Urbandale
2nd- Xavier
3rd- Washington
4th- Davenport Central
5th- Xuberance
6th- Muscatine

[b]Jim Kimmel-[/b]
1st- Washington
2nd- Urbandale
3rd- Xavier
4th- Davenport Central
5th- Muscatine
6th- Xuberance

[b]Chad Alexander-[/b]
1st- Washington
2nd- Urbandale
3rd- Xavier
4th- Davenport Central
5th- Xuberance
6th- Muscatine

[b]Jen Oundjian[/b]-
1st- Washington
2nd- Urbandale
3rd- Xavier
4th- Xuberance
5th- Davenport Central *TIE
5th- Muscatine *TIE

[b]Annette Layman-[/b]
1st- Davenport Central
2nd- Washington
3rd- Urbandale
4th- Xavier
5th- Muscatine
6th- Xuberance

Grand Champion- Cedar Rapids Washington: 1,1,1,1,2,3,4
1st Runner Up- Urbandale: 1,1,2,2,2,3,3
2nd Runner Up- Xavier: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4
3rd Runner Up- Davenport Central: 1,2,4,4,4,5,5
4th Runner Up- Muscatine: 2,5,5,5,5,6,6
5th Runner Up- Xuberance: 4,5,5,6,6,6,6

Jorge on Feb 28, 2010, 9:23 PM
Post #67

Bill Griffel-[/b]
1st- Urbandale
2nd- Muscatine
3rd- Xavier
4th- Washington
5th- Davenport Central
6th- Xuberance

[b]Tim Shew-
1st- Washington
2nd- Davenport Central
3rd- Urbandale
4th- Xavier
5th- Muscatine
6th- Xuberance

[b]Anita Cracauer-[/b]
1st- Urbandale
2nd- Xavier
3rd- Washington
4th- Davenport Central
5th- Xuberance
6th- Muscatine

[b]Jim Kimmel-[/b]
1st- Washington
2nd- Urbandale
3rd- Xavier
4th- Davenport Central
5th- Muscatine
6th- Xuberance

[b]Chad Alexander-[/b]
1st- Washington
2nd- Urbandale
3rd- Xavier
4th- Davenport Central
5th- Xuberance
6th- Muscatine

[b]Jen Oundjian[/b]-
1st- Washington
2nd- Urbandale
3rd- Xavier
4th- Xuberance
5th- Davenport Central *TIE
5th- Muscatine *TIE

[b]Annette Layman-[/b]
1st- Davenport Central
2nd- Washington
3rd- Urbandale
4th- Xavier
5th- Muscatine
6th- Xuberance

Grand Champion- Cedar Rapids Washington: 1,1,1,1,2,3,4
1st Runner Up- Urbandale: 1,1,2,2,2,3,3
2nd Runner Up- Xavier: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4
3rd Runner Up- Davenport Central: 1,2,4,4,4,5,5
4th Runner Up- Muscatine: 2,5,5,5,5,6,6
5th Runner Up- Xuberance: 4,5,5,6,6,6,6

Bae on Feb 28, 2010, 4:26 PM
Post #66
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1267386492' post='492606']Dancing before final awards was a blast and thanks to everyone who made that possible [/quote]

The entire time you were doing that I sat with my head in my hands saying to Chris, "why am I here?" lol

juliofrommississippi on Feb 28, 2010, 3:48 PM
Post #65
[quote name='EsAreUnimportant' date='1263356263' post='479741']This panel of judges is awesome![/quote]

lol. agreed.

I know in choreo Wash had 1 1 4 from judges (Chad Alexander and Jen Oundjian were the 1s), and so Urbandale must've had 2 2 1 otherwise Wash would've won choreo also. IDK what vocal rankings were at all, but Wash had 2 1sts and not sure what the other two rankings are.

Here are my thoughts (though I'm sure some people don't care to listen to them):

Xuberance: great show as always. very fun. i thought vitality could've grabbed the choreo caption and celebration could've grabbed vocals- but I figured you guys were gonna win. An [b]overall[/b] good show, which is very important. and I LOVE your ballad soloist. She has such a clear, pretty voice.

Muscatine: I thought your show was amped up for finals. Vocals seemed stronger. Faces, as always, were excellent. Here are some things that you can work for this year, or maybe some comments for future years. I thought vocals overall were lacking. At times you guys would produce sound to rival any choir (the end of the ballad for example) but it seemed most of the show the sound had a lot of air in it, and the volume was around mp. I would work on more of a connection to the chest voice register, just to clear up the airy sound a little bit. I also think the song selections called for a lot of soft singing (which i loved) but it can make a less exciting show. Especially coming out with the all-white costumes (which is a sorta cool mirroring of the opener) the show seemed sorta... idk how to explain it... like i was on a morphine drip. Choreography for the most part was very clean, but there is a lot of swinging arm movement and that is very hard to execute perfectly. Costumes weren't the greatest, but I do like the closing tops. I like the burst of color. Maybe a jacket on the men would've made the all-white seem a little more professional. But I have to say I thought your show was much much better than when I saw it at Mt. Pleasant. Also, there is this BEAUTIFUL tall girl in RCR and I love her. She also had the solo and was in the trio. I said something to Adam, that I probably can't say on here, but hopefully he'll tell you and you will agree and we will live a happy life together

Davenport Central: I don't remember the opener at all. This is me just being honest. I remember some regular Andy moves in the middle. I think he used some of those moves with CG's fall show this year and so that's why I remember it. Vocals were strong, but I thought the tone quality was too bright. I don't remember a time in the show where I thought "wow, those vocals are simply beautiful" and I think that hurt. Facebook song is GENIUS. IDK who wrote that song or came up with it but it is WONDERFUL. My favorite move of the entire day (maybe all year) are the spinning circles where the girls are sitting on the arms. I think that is very cool, and very smooth. Your girls song makes me do something I also cannot say on here, but it is good The soloist is amazing. She is 100% perfect for that solo, and I desperately hope that she won a solo award this year, because she was AMAZING. When the guys come onstage in the closer it is like "WOW". The brightness of the white is cool. I don't think I like the girl's pink dresses though. The cut and hemline is just sorta weird. I barely remember the closer. I remember a lot of disco pointy arms. I think the only thing lacking from your show (besides the bright vocals) are a memorable aspect. It is clean choreography, and it is effective, so the choreo isn't a big deal. But I just don't remember any of the show besides the facebook song and the ballad (and that's only because 12,000 groups have done that song this year). I guess that is something to work on for next year, because it's not really anything that can be done. One improvement that can be made now is faces. You are all smiling, but it seems sorta cheesy fake. I would love to see you [b]really[/b] get into every move you do, and really look like you are enjoying performing. But, as always, I love Andy, and you should be congratulated on an AMAZING season, because it still is a really good show.

Xavier "Xhilaration": What I am going to say will shock you.... I didn't have you in third. or fourth. or fifth. or sixth. I thought it was between you and Urby, and I thought your vocals were fantastic and you had more than a great chance to win. So there. Turns out Jay isn't the Xavier hater everyone thinks he is. Now I am going to say some things, and HOPEFULLY you can take this as constructive criticism, because I am only saying this to be helpful... I think the performance space wasn't good for Xhil vocals. The beautiful tone quality that I fell in love with at Benton worked to your disadvantage here. The sound was sorta swallowed in the gym and it wasn't as insanely better than everyone elses like it was at Benton. The projection didn't seem to me to be as high as what I saw at Benton. I think the gorgeous mouth and upper palate space your ladies get made the diction go away. Words were difficult to understand in a lot of your songs in both shows. I think that this was because of the gym and sound system, but it hurt you guys because no one else had quite as many diction problems as you. Choreo was clean and full of energy, but I just don't think the composition of the choreography is very strong. And I know you don't like me saying that, but it just seemed there was less choreography in your show than most other shows and more staging. Blocking was fantastic though. I love love love your closer. I think the song choice is great. I don't love the women's dresses. I think they make the girls look really short. IDK whether this is good or not, but you really reminded me of Huntington North in the closer with those costumes. Actually you also reminded me of them with the great vocals and clean choreography, and that is definitely a good thing, as they are my favorite group. Diction really went down in the closer, and I'm also not sure the mature vocals you guys have works well with the closer. Something a little more forward and bright probably might've helped in the closer. But I just [b]love[/b] the sound you produce, so I wouldn't want you to change it that much.

Urbandale: I don't know what to say. This is not an Urbandale group. To me, this group did everything at 65%. Faces were dead. I've NEVER seen an Urbandale group with such horrible faces. Do you not like the show? Are you not excited when you do the show? It sure looks from the audience like you would rather be doing ANYTHING but performing. Choreography was great. Very clean. Great composition, great blocking. I personally really really really like your closer, but again I don't think you do because there are girls in the front you don't smile the entire show.... and I frankly just don't get it. That is not what I've ever seen from Studio. The band is fantastic, and with that band I would just be in ecstasy onstage. They provide a HUGE energy boost to the show, especially because the performers are not giving us any energy. Vocals were good, and of normal Urbandale quality, but the projection didn't blow me away like it did at Supernova. I thought you deserved best band and best choreography I just wasn't sure whether the vocals and energy would hurt you or not, and I guess it did...

Momentum: I can't even begin to express my thoughts about your finals show. Vocals were much better in finals during Smooth Criminal. Jaleo has become my favorite song of the year. It is just soooo fun and y'all rock it out during that song. Harbour last night was very special. When the guys came in after Miles's solo the sound was just haunting and beautiful. It was SO soft, yet very supported, and just simply gorgeous. I thought in day round both the men and women REALLY pressed in the a capella, but at night everything was fixed. At finals, you guys PROVED who had the best ballad. It was just fantastic. I am sitting here almost in tears because of how much that touched me. It is a special song to me, and you guys changed it up and made it even more special. Your pitch was 100% DEAD ON when the band came back in, which is an improvement from day round. You guys are just a special group of people. Jai Ho was awesome, as always. I am just SO incredibly proud of you guys and the improvement you have made this season. Hopefully this night will stay in your memories for a long while. I loved going to Perkins afterwards and chatting it up with y'all (though you are probably tired of me now... HA). You guys are just super duper fun (as every Momentum group should be) and I cannot wait to see you again at Mo-Show!!!!!! Remember to come keep me company in the wings!!!! (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember)

other notes: Protege's closer is my fav. Love it so much. This was just a fun competition. Dancing before final awards was a blast and thanks to everyone who made that possible

lynetteterese on Feb 28, 2010, 12:26 PM
Post #64
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1267347883' post='492463']I love show choir...

And Perkins [/quote]

Perkins was taken over by show choir people after the comp it was crazy!

MomentumMan on Feb 28, 2010, 5:38 AM
Post #63
If that's correct and you have any idea who it was who said it please message me so I can look into it. I really hope that if for some reason a mo member was actually rude enough to make that comment to you that you wouldn't associate their behavior with the entire group.

juliofrommississippi on Feb 28, 2010, 5:04 AM
Post #62
I love show choir...

And Perkins

ghunt on Feb 28, 2010, 4:23 AM
Post #61
[quote name='Stolby' date='1267344286' post='492442'] i find it hard that the Momentum kids could be rude to Xavier because all of the members i talked to they had nothing but utmost respect for you guys.[/quote]

well on the way to dinner, two wash gentlemen walked pass and muttered "Xavier takes it up the a*@." I was very offended by this.

Stolba on Feb 28, 2010, 4:04 AM (Edited)
Post #60
What a great night! I will admit, I was slightly shocked by results, Shocked in a good way, but just had it a different way in my head!

I had it

GC: Xavier
1st RU: Cedar Rapids Washington
2nd RU: Urbandale

The rest the same.

I guess for finals that Urbandale had Washington beat in overall points (not sure of amount) but do know that Washington had 4 1st place rankings, and took 1st. And i do know that Choreography was very close between Washington and urbandale too.

XAVIER- I will be honest, I haven't been a fan of your show this year, but your finals performance really sold it to me more then it has in the past. Your vocals get me every time tho and think you have some wonderful womans sound, hands down some of the best i've ever heard. I am disapointed you did not at least take 2nd place. And it was great meeting Spencer... FINALLY!

WASHINGTON. Man. you are my alma mater, and i will always and forever root for you guys. There is something about your show this year that is just wonderful. You have a fantastic, fun, show and in our history that never places well, but you finally did it! The over all show is the most entertaining i've seen in awhile, maybe its bias, but I think you are just a wonderful group of kids, and I'll be honest, i find it hard that the Momentum kids could be rude to Xavier because all of the members i talked to they had nothing but utmost respect for you guys. Congrats momentum on one of your best seasons ever!

Muscatine- I really liked the opener and your closer, and some good things will happen to you in the future! Keep workin hard Too bad you couldn't take your show to Mo Show this year and kick some butt there!

Davenport Central- Your finals performance was 100000x better then your day round, I was scared you were going to move up and do some damage. The novelty makes me laugh every time and will enjoy it every time i get to see it

Waterloo West- I had you in finals, i love your show and your ballad is really good! I can't WAIT to see you in a few more years. You are going to be a strong contending group for finals year in and year out.

The only "issue" i had of the day was the hosts walking under the bleachers with the giant flash lights during the performances. I understand the reasoning behind it, but the lights are turned on after performances and its not like anything can be done till its over anyways, so I would recommend not doing that next year if possible? Other then that, I had a blast with everyone i was with and can't wait for next year!

And the future of show choir in Cedar Rapids is absolutely loaded. I am VERY excited.

ghunt on Feb 28, 2010, 3:05 AM
Post #59
I would just like to say congrats to momentum! Although, I was very upset with some of your group's sportsmanship. They said some very rude things. I was very dissappointed

ShardNet on Feb 28, 2010, 2:45 AM
Post #58
Her last name was Whitacre. I remember freaking out about that like what whitacre that's awesome.


pplplezr on Feb 28, 2010, 2:12 AM
Post #57
Show Design went to Studio. BMS was Miles Maurice from Momentum. BFS was Julia K? from Studio. Thanks for the BV and BC!


bmkmusic on Feb 28, 2010, 2:09 AM
Post #56
Best Vocals - Washington
Best Choreo - Urbandale
Best Band - Urbandale
Best Ballad - Washington
Best Costumes - Washington

There was also a best Show Design award - can't remember who that went to - and don't remember soloists either.


pplplezr on Feb 28, 2010, 2:00 AM
Post #55
Do we know what the captions were? Or rather, does someone out there know what the captions were?

GCS_Baritenor07 on Feb 28, 2010, 1:21 AM
Post #54
[quote name='Stolby' date='1267333697' post='492342']GC Washington
1st RU: Urbandale
2nd RU: Xavier
3rd RU: Davenport Central
4th RU: Muscatine
5th RU Xavier Xuberance[/quote]

Wow, go Wash! This is kind of how I wanted things to go....minus a couple.


pplplezr on Feb 28, 2010, 1:11 AM
Post #53

Stolba on Feb 28, 2010, 1:08 AM
Post #52
GC Washington
1st RU: Urbandale
2nd RU: Xavier
3rd RU: Davenport Central
4th RU: Muscatine
5th RU Xavier Xuberance

Brennan McAllister on Feb 27, 2010, 11:23 PM
Post #51
lets go!!!!!!!

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