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  Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    Viterbo 101 2008

Event Info

January 5th, 2008

Venue Info

Viterbo University
Fine Arts Center
815 South 9th Street
La Crosse, WI 54601

Phone: (608) 796-3737

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  8 Mixed Groups
  2 Treble Groups


  Viterbo University "Platinum Edition"

Judges: Unknown


$8 Prelims
$12 All Day


Viterbo 101 2008

Event Site
Live Stream


Groups in order of placement

 The Ambassadors
 Prairie High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 

 10th Street Edition
 Linn-Mar High School
First Runner Up 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Male Soloist (DiAndre Neville) 

 Riverside Company
 Hastings High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Female Soloist (Tara Kranz) 

 Midwest Express
 Holmen High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Chi-Hi Harmonics
 Chippewa Falls High School
4th Runner Up 

 Silver Connection
 Monona Grove High School
5th Runner Up 

Mixed Division (Prelims)
Click here to expand:  

Prep Division

Groups in order of performance

 Midwest Magic

 Holmen High School
Placement Unknown 

 Focal Point

 Prairie High School
Placement Unknown 

 Silver Dimension

 Monona Grove High School
Placement Unknown 

 Sound Sensation

 Elk Mound High School
Placement Unknown 

Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

114 comments • Sort by

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ana on Jan 6, 2008, 11:44 PM
Post #74
Linn-Mar's (wonderful) show is:

The Dawn, The Sky, and The Sun- Celtic Woman
Rain Down- Angie Stone and Eddie Levert
Hero- Mariah Carey (original artist- not sure if this was simply a spanish version, or if it was a version done by a spanish artist.)
Makes Me Wonder/ Kiwi- Maroon 5
Led Zepplin/ Aerosmith Medley- I think the artists are pretty obvs on this one.

Cedar Rapids Prairie- a huge congrats to you. You have such a rich, beautiful sound- please don't lose it! I also enjoyed seeing some fresh Weaver material, and you execute it so well.

If any of you have a chance to see Linn-Mar this year, DO IT. If for nothing else, go for the amazing opener dresses- they are truly stunning. I also have to say- no one does show choir quite like you do. I appreciate so much the risks that you take- in your song and show design, the costuming and hairstyle choices you make, and in the way you approach your choreography. There are few things as refreshing as a 10th Street show- it really forces the audience to look at show choir in a totally different way.

Of course, congrats to Nancy Allen and everyone at Viterbo on another very successful, very fun competition! I really can't imagine starting the season any other way! Also a big congrats to all the finalists at Viterbo- I still have SO much respect for any group willing to go out and compete this early in the season.

A special note to Hastings- everyone at T-G is really looking forward to seeing you at Onalaska next week, and we'll all be in the audience cheering you on! Congrats on a great start to your season!

I don't want to get into any kind of discussion, but I do appreciate and understand DiAndre's comments. I think it's really important that each group, no matter what level, start out their season by talking with everyone involved in the program (singers, band, crew, parents, fans) about what it means to be professional and supportive of all groups in competition settings. Competing can be such a positive experience when we all maintain a level of appreciation for the art form as a whole- and what each group brings to it, rather than thinking about our placements and trophies.

We all work hard, we all experience moments of success, moments of disappointment, and moments of surprise. It's SO important to allow each group to enjoy those positive moments- it makes the other , less uplifting moments more bearable. I understand how difficult it can be to withhold the excitement and joy that comes with success, but I also know that we all have the ability to control ourselves, and show our appreciation for other groups until it's our moment to shine.

Just my thoughts- thanks again to everyone at Viterbo- what a nice start to what is shaping up to be a great season for show choir!

EsAreUnimportant on Jan 6, 2008, 11:14 PM (Edited)
Post #73
"Wow" is all I can say. Congratulations to Prairie!

And go easy on them, too. We all do things that we look back on later and wish we hadn't done. All 10th Street members should take Prairie's manner of celebration as a compliment to their own group.

logomaker08 on Jan 6, 2008, 10:58 PM
Post #72
QUOTE(Stolby @ Jan 6 2008, 04:48 PM) [snapback]410631[/snapback]
and i'll echo my post from earlier...

Mainly Linn Mar... ha

cedar rapids prairie: "Eli's Coming" eleanor rigby" "until i see you again" "it had better be tonight" and "hey mambo"

crap, i was going to tell you what linn-mar's show was, but they didn't print the songs in the program. their opener (amazing!) was said to be a celtic women song by my friend hannah. i don't know if its true or not. it sounded like it could be... i know i'm missing stuff - i remember their ballad was 'when a hero comes along.' you know: "and when a hero comes along, look inside you and be strong, and you finally see the truth..." i don't even know the words! they did a verse or two in what i think was spanish which was awesome. their next song was "makes me wonder" by maroon 5. thats all i remember. sorry...

hastings: "stay (wasting time)" "strutter/ strut" "remember when it rained" "fight medley - eye of the tiger, fighter, rocky theme" "saturday night's all right for fighting" and "we're all in this together"

holmen express: "dreamgirls/ one night only (a teeny part of 'steppin' to the bad side')" "who loves you" "december 1963" "you are my home" "one vision" "listen to the people"

chippewa falls: "spies in the night" "view to a kill" "listen (dreamgirls)" "secret agent man" "red light" "renegade/ smooth criminal/ bad"

monona grove varsity: sorry, no songs listed in program. i saw the show but i just can't remember the songs off the top of my head. sorry!

well thats the top 6 shows (except for linn-mar and monona!) someone help me fill in the blanks!

Stolba on Jan 6, 2008, 8:48 PM
Post #71
Gotta love the feeling most the CR kids carry around with them

But that is unfortunate it happend.

Sounds like this would have been a great competition to attend.

and i'll echo my post from earlier...

Mainly Linn Mar... ha

asda08 on Jan 6, 2008, 7:51 PM
Post #70
WOW!! just sitting here, reading all the comments that people made about this competition made we want to be there. lol i wish i could have seen everyone perform, it seems like it would have been awesome. see, now i'm getting anxious for our competition.. wait i digress, this isn't about us, lol. CONGRATS PRAIRIE!!! ;) ;)

dtneville on Jan 6, 2008, 7:50 PM
Post #69
I wanted to say to everyone that was there/wasn't/ was an awesome competition. Things were so fun!

It was nice...very nice to take in the most captions from the show. I personally think that was the most fun thing for us......Prairie...

I know it's an amazing thing to win, and to beat another Cedar Rapids school that has beat you quite a few ( i didn't say how many, cause I can't remember) times...but....The way they received their award, and the presentation they had after/before they got GC...was thoroughly inconsiderate.

The dance captains that were on-stage, (me coming from Prairie, these are all my old friends), reacted after the first runner-up (LM) was name by jumping and screaming/running around herself....

Now, I won't be mean, because that's not what I'm going for, but out of respect and to show the respect-(abilitly) of your show choir, you typically shouldn't do things like that. I know that at MY school, we are told, just like the MC that announces it, that we are NOT to do things like that in front of the whole crowd because of how it portrays yourselves. It's very unprofessional, and immature to the other groups watching you when you've discovered that you've won, and celebrated in public. Now. I won't say that it doesn't spark in the best feeling in the world in a performer, but I find it horribly sad that they hadn't responded better....and again, this is pure opinion.

I also found it very sad that they ran through the hallways, past LM members, screaming, "OMG! WE WON! WE BEAT LM!!! WE WON, WE WON!!" and made it a point to walk past people heading to our room on their cell phones calling "people" to announce that they won, in front of our doors.
If I can personally say myself, the members of 10th Street have celebrated in much more respectable ways, and made it clear that they're happy, but respected the sensitivity of others.

I'm not trying to sound like a sore loser, yes it doesn't make me feel all that hot that we'd won this competition 2 consecutive years, and not won this year...but still, I just think that from the talk I heard in the halls from other people/show choirs, it was extremely upsetting how they responded, and made people look at their school/members in a much different way. I do understand, it's awesome winning, it really is, but there's just got to be a better way to respond to something like that.

I hope in the future those members of the show choir (pending they get the opportunity), will chose a much more respectable way to celebrate, and look a little more "show professional" for the other members of the competition that are watching.

Again, very-much-so my opinion, but with the margin of the points they'd won by, they had every right to be excited. There just wasn't a need to celebrate in that manner, at that time (after first runner up was announced).

Thanks again to everyone that hosted/watched and supported! It was a lot of fun

Rian on Jan 6, 2008, 5:56 PM
Post #68
I know since they "already performed in a public place" I know I've gotten that speech before ;)... haha

Stolba on Jan 6, 2008, 5:43 PM
Post #67
Anyone care to spill the beans on the shows?


theambassador on Jan 6, 2008, 4:40 PM
Post #66
Hey guys. I am in "The Ambassadors" show choir from Prairie. Let me tell you that it was the best competition ever. It was really close until the end. It could have gone either way for Linn-Mar, Hastings, and us. I thought all the schools were great. Hope you all come to Manona Grove next weekend, that is when we compete next. Anyone else going from Viterbo?

Greil on Jan 6, 2008, 3:58 PM
Post #65
All I'm gonna say is knowing that I don't ever get to do show choir again stinks. Although watching is still a good time...I'll probably go to Onalaska too.

Also, it was great to see how excited Prairie was to win it. I know it's not all about competing, but the joy that was so apparent was great to see, even if it wasn't for the home troops.

WesTraen on Jan 6, 2008, 3:58 PM
Post #64
QUOTE(logomaker08 @ Jan 6 2008, 01:27 PM) [snapback]410595[/snapback]
trying to decide who was our pick to win was the hardest thing i ever had to choose! (wes probably agrees!)

Oh my it was!! I just could not decide!! They were both so even

logomaker08 on Jan 6, 2008, 3:27 PM
Post #63
holy crap this was a fun competition to attend! i never realized how great it was to just sit and watch show choir all day instead of having to perform!

let me just say every group did a fantastic job! katy, wes, and i spent the day watching EVERY group, taking notes, and very accurately predicting the outcome! ha ha it was the best!

first of all- cedar rapids prairie - WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE! You guys are fantastic! I was so amazed with the show and was 100% enthralled the entire time! during the day, i had you guys closely ranked behind linn-mar, but the second you were done with your opener in finals, i pretty much made up my mind who was gonna win! i LOVE you guys and am so disappointed we will not be seeing you anywhere in competition (not that i'm aware). but seriously, i'd be totally willing to go to another one of your competitions just to see your show again! amazing job!

Linn-mar - i was SO HAPPY to see your show this year! the last time i saw you guys was when you performed during the day round in viterbo LAST YEAR! i absolutely loved your opener and ballad last year and was worried your show this year wouldn't have the same affect on me. i was totally wrong! your show design and style is so unique and i loved every bit of your show! trying to decide who was our pick to win was the hardest thing i ever had to choose! (wes probably agrees!) but overall i was SO impressed with your show and was so glad i could see you twice! congrats on band! and choreography! and di andre! you had the best solo by far! it was SO GOOD!

hastings! - you guys were what i was looking forward to all day! i was anxious to see what your show would be about this year and was really suprised! this was your best show (in my opinion) since my freshman year ('harder and harder to breathe' - inspector gadget, etc). it was excellent! very clean and i especially thought your vocals were way good! the costumes were so perfect and your ballad is again one of my favorites so far this year! good job - and we'll see you at onalaska this coming weekend!

anyway, i'd like to rant and rave on for every group we saw, but i seriously have homework to do! congrats to everyone - esp Cedar Rapids! really fun day


ashley_nickels08 on Jan 6, 2008, 3:18 PM
Post #62
which of these groups will be going to Monona Grove?


ajm41827 on Jan 6, 2008, 2:44 PM
Post #61
QUOTE(Jorge @ Jan 6 2008, 09:54 AM) [snapback]410572[/snapback]
Liar, liar pants on fire. If I recall... you told me via telephone that your predictions were "Grand Champion- Linn Mar"... and that Prairie was fantastic, but Linn Mar would win. So... not after the first show.

Well, what I said was confusing!

I said I thought Prairie should win, but Linn-Mar would win. I was trying to do the whole "predict the way the judges will be" thing. It worked for the day round (Linn-mar was ahead) and at night, I knew Prairie would have it. I even told Mike Weaver yesterday that Prairie was going to win!

Stolba on Jan 6, 2008, 2:17 PM
Post #60
Congrats to Prairie. Lets hope they can keep it up!

C.Arndt on Jan 6, 2008, 1:07 PM
Post #59
QUOTE(WesTraen @ Jan 6 2008, 03:28 AM) [snapback]410565[/snapback]
lol Cam... "like you even asked that he was from GCS"

ha ha we were a few rows above you guys during finals, and the person next to me said "aren't they from TG?!" it was great.

Jorge on Jan 6, 2008, 11:54 AM
Post #58
QUOTE(I_Got_Rhythm @ Jan 5 2008, 10:17 PM) [snapback]410532[/snapback]
Praire was phenominal. I knew from the moment they stepped off after their first show that they would win

Liar, liar pants on fire. If I recall... you told me via telephone that your predictions were "Grand Champion- Linn Mar"... and that Prairie was fantastic, but Linn Mar would win. So... not after the first show.

dscvry on Jan 6, 2008, 11:17 AM
Post #57
Wow, congrats CR Prairie!

WesTraen on Jan 6, 2008, 5:28 AM (Edited)
Post #56
Wow this Comp was really fun!! I am glad I went just to watch... Congrats to CR Prairie!! You guys were amazing!!

lol Cam... "like you even asked that he was from GCS"

joE on Jan 6, 2008, 2:10 AM
Post #55
People are competing?!? Gah! We're still on break " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />
I guess I missed something... Well congrats to everyone!

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