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  Show Choir Community    Events    2016 Season    Jackson Academy Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2016

   Event Info

February 6th, 2016


Venue Info

Jackson Academy
4908 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39236

Phone: (601) 362-9676

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  12 Mixed Groups
  3 Treble Groups


  Jackson Academy "Encore"


  Jeff Bowen

  Brian Johnson

  Stephani Hyatt

  Nick Quamme




Jackson Academy Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2016

Event Site
Live Stream




 Brandon High School
Grand Champion 
Best Choreography 

 Grenada High School
First Runner Up 
Best Overall Effect 

 West Jones High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Vocals 

 South Jones Jr/Sr High School
3rd Runner Up 

 West Jones High School
4th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier III



 Orange Sensations
 Wayne County High School
First Place 

 Pisgah Jr/Sr High School
Second Place 

 Clinton Christian Academy
Third Place 

   Treble Division



 West Jones High School
First Place 

 New Edition
 South Jones Jr/Sr High School
Second Place 

 New Era
 West Marion Jr/Sr High School
Third Place 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 33 members (view all)  







54 comments • Sort by

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wj_imagination on Feb 8, 2016, 12:36 PM
Post #54
[quote name='WCHS Director' date='1454946507' post='571025']Thanks for the kind words, Shaun!! We've been working hard!! As long as we improve every week, scores don't mean that much to me. We compete against ourselves EVERY time we get on that stage!!! Leave it all on the stage!!! That's our motto!![/quote]
Exactly!!! That's exactly what Darren Dale had to say when I spoke with him Saturday evening. He says his goal is to entertain and have fun and improve every week and that's the way it should be!!! Every group certainly entertained this weekend!!!!

This was such a well run competition and the facilities are beautiful!! Shout out to Katie Shores (Easley) and her crew for making this a remarkable, entertaining weekend!!!

Much love!!!


WCHS Director on Feb 8, 2016, 11:48 AM
Post #53
Thanks for the kind words, Shaun!! We've been working hard!! As long as we improve every week, scores don't mean that much to me. We compete against ourselves EVERY time we get on that stage!!! Leave it all on the stage!!! That's our motto!!

Jeff. on Feb 8, 2016, 1:28 AM
Post #52
The middle school results are posted: [url=]Jackson Academy (Day One)[/url]. Oak Grove "Spotlight!" swept Clinton "Ambassadors" which seems like a notable accomplishment! Our records when it comes to middle school choirs aren't always the best as results are underreported, but I know the Clinton "Ambassadors" have been top-notch the past couple years and were listed in the records as never receiving lower than GC. Must have been quite the middle school battle. Congrats to Oak Grove "Spotlight!"

jdcritt on Feb 7, 2016, 3:06 AM
Post #51
[quote name='wj_imagination' date='1454827503' post='570906']
I've always loved this idea! ! For some reason I thought that one of the southern competitions used to do this. .... does anyone remember what I'm talking about? ?? Or maybe I'm incorrect[/quote]
Homewood's South Central Classic, I believe. They may still do it, but I don't know for sure.

wj_imagination on Feb 7, 2016, 2:45 AM
Post #50
[quote name='jdcritt' date='1454826719' post='570903']Most competitions are not clear cut as to who should be in each of the top five (or six) places, but judges' placements should at least be unanimous. Or, you can have five judges, and drop high and low scores.[/quote]

I've always loved this idea! ! For some reason I thought that one of the southern competitions used to do this. .... does anyone remember what I'm talking about? ?? Or maybe I'm incorrect

jdcritt on Feb 7, 2016, 2:31 AM
Post #49
[quote name='alexgib05' date='1454821344' post='570868']Oh my gosh, yes, you are absolutely right and I am fully aware that judging is subjective, having witnessed it first hand when I was in show choir. Last year, one judge had my group in 1st and another had us in 7th behind a prep group.[/quote]
I feel like the judges should at least collaborate so that it does not appear that a judge is tanking a group. Most competitions are not clear cut as to who should be in each of the top five (or six) places, but judges' placements should at least be unanimous. Or, you can have five judges, and drop high and low scores.

matthewm96 on Feb 7, 2016, 1:23 AM
Post #48

4RU: West Jones Revolution
3RU: South Jones Company
2RU: West Jones Imagination
1RU: Grenada Visions
GC: Brandon Brio

Overall Effect: Grenada
Visual: Brandon
Vocal: West Jones

alexgib05 on Feb 7, 2016, 1:02 AM (Edited)
Post #47
[quote name='show choirgirl10' date='1454820049' post='570860']As far as judging goes, bear in mind that judging is almost 100% subjective. There is no official scoring rubric for show choir. As with all judging, the judge is simply giving their opinion. Another judge could completely disagree. For example, I've seen where a group will compete in finals and one judge will place them in 1st and another place them in 5th. So with different judges at every competiton, I'm not surprised at the unpredictable awards.[/quote]
Oh my gosh, yes, you are absolutely right and I am fully aware that judging is subjective, having witnessed it first hand when I was in show choir. Last year, one judge had my group in 1st and another had us in 7th behind a prep group. I feel like scoring subjectivity is one of the first things you learn or realize when you get involved in this art. I'm in no way saying that a judge isn't entitled to their own opinion, like I addressed in my last post, I am sure that these judges are certainly qualified to adjudicate these competitions. I'm just saying that compared to other regions, who just the same have many different events with many different judging panels, the south seems to tend to have a lot more dramatic contrast in their results between competitions. For example, take what Shaun just said earlier, Oak Grove finished behind Jackson Prep but ahead of Petal, but tonight, Oak Grove didn't even make finals and Petal beat Jackson Prep, a pretty dramatic difference if you ask me.

showchoirgirl10 on Feb 7, 2016, 12:40 AM
Post #46
As far as judging goes, bear in mind that judging is almost 100% subjective. There is no official scoring rubric for show choir. As with all judging, the judge is simply giving their opinion. Another judge could completely disagree. For example, I've seen where a group will compete in finals and one judge will place them in 1st and another place them in 5th. So with different judges at every competiton, I'm not surprised at the unpredictable awards.

CompanyDad on Feb 7, 2016, 12:38 AM
Post #45
Never mind.. I see lol.. I'm old.. Lol

CompanyDad on Feb 7, 2016, 12:36 AM
Post #44
Who are the finalists? Been working..

wj_imagination on Feb 7, 2016, 12:18 AM (Edited)
Post #43
Oops. Well there's an example.... Jackson Prep won last week with Oak Grove coming in at 1RU ahead of Petal in finals. This week Petal beat Jackson Prep at MSCC and Oak Grove didn't make finals at Jackson Academy... just an example of what happens in the south.

CompanyDad on Feb 7, 2016, 12:12 AM
Post #42
Jackson Prep won last week at South Jones

CompanyDad on Feb 7, 2016, 12:10 AM
Post #41
Have they announced finals yet?

wj_imagination on Feb 7, 2016, 12:09 AM (Edited)
Post #40
I completely agree with everything you said. I mean last week Centerstage won Grand Champ at South Jones. Haha. I have a huge respect for Darren Dale and he and I just got finished talking a few moments ago. He's such a great person. He says they're having a fun time on the bus ride home. He says his main goal was to entertain and have fun and they definitely did that (as you can imagine.)

As you said this happens a lot in the south and that's what I love about southern show choir!!!!

alexgib05 on Feb 6, 2016, 11:38 PM
Post #39
[quote name='wj_imagination' date='1454813778' post='570819']I must say the south is PACKED FULL of talent this year!!!! Some very lively shows and amazing performers! It is very interesting to see the different placements week to wee, but it makes it very exciting. Maybe it has to do with stylistics??? Does anyone know if we have seen any of these judges this year?? I know Jonathan McKenzie was added for finals last week at South Jones but other than that, I think this panel was fresh (as far as I know.)

Every group has been working very, very hard this year and it is definitely obvious!! Loved EVERY performance!!![/quote]
I have no doubt in my mind that every group at every competition down there are giving some amazing performances and are obviously worthy to be in finals in the various panels' eyes.

Like I said, I'm not down there at these events witnessing these performances and placements first hand, and parity could be a major factor in these results. I just find it surprising that a group such as Oak Grove with a fantastic director in Darren Dale could go from placing 5th at FAME Nationals last year among some stiff competition to not making finals here. Or when Decatur, a group that usually places pretty well up here in the Midwest, could not make finals at Jackson Prep two weeks ago (this is not a stab at any of the other groups at either competition, just some unexpected occurrences).

I'm sure the judges that these competitions are hiring are in no way unqualified or unable to score these events. It just seems like there are always at least 1 or 2 results from competitions in the south every year (not always the same ones) that make me, and I'm sure others, quite intrigued and confused at how and why they turned out that way.

Anyway, good luck to all the groups competing in finals!


arthurharris on Feb 6, 2016, 11:15 PM
Post #38
Anyone know the solo finalists??

wj_imagination on Feb 6, 2016, 10:56 PM
Post #37
I must say the south is PACKED FULL of talent this year!!!! Some very lively shows and amazing performers! It is very interesting to see the different placements week to wee, but it makes it very exciting. Maybe it has to do with stylistics??? Does anyone know if we have seen any of these judges this year?? I know Jonathan McKenzie was added for finals last week at South Jones but other than that, I think this panel was fresh (as far as I know.)

I want to shout out to Wayne County!!! Mrs. Pruitt is such a sweet person and is very passionate about show choir. I was so excited when they announced "Orange Sensations" as the Grand Champs!!!

Every group has been working very, very hard this year and it is definitely obvious!! Loved EVERY performance!!!

alexgib05 on Feb 6, 2016, 10:02 PM (Edited)
Post #36
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1454809339' post='570799']What is up with Oak Grove this year? Very surprised to see them not placing as well this year![/quote]
More like what's up with the judging this year? I feel like that may be why there's been some really unexpected (not necessarily wrong or unjustified) placements and finals rounds this year in the south. It just seems like one group will make finals at one event and then not make them at another with a very similar field of competitors, or they will place 3 spots higher than another group but then lose to them by 2 spots somewhere else. Obviously I'm not from the south and I haven't been to any competition down there so this is just my observable opinion from on here, maybe the south just has a massive amount of parity this year?? I don't know, these are just my thoughts.

wj_imagination on Feb 6, 2016, 10:01 PM
Post #35
[quote name='juliofrommississippi' date='1454809339' post='570799']What is up with Oak Grove this year? Very surprised to see them not placing as well this year![/quote]
I honestly thought Oak Grove and Madison Central were like tied for first..... with all due respect to the other groups, I was very shocked.

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