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  Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    FAME Hawaii 2008

   Event Info

March 8th, 2008

Venue Info

Polynesian Cultural Center
Pacific Theater
55-370 Kamehameha Highway
Honolulu, HI 96762

Phone: (808) 293-3333

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  6 Mixed Groups
  2 Treble Groups


  FAME Events


  David Fehr

  David Moellenkamp

  Verda Slinkard


Ticket prices unknown.


FAME Hawaii 2008

Event Site
Live Stream

   Open Division



 Main Attraction
 Chula Vista High School
First Place 
Best Choreography 
Best Diction 
Best Male Soloist (Derrek Ocampo) 

 Valley High School
Second Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Band 

 Sound Vibrations
 Hart High School
Third Place 
Best Crew 

 Show Choir
 Duke Ellington School of the Arts
4th Place 
Best Female Soloist 
Best Male Stage Presence 
Best Female Stage Presence 

 Hart High School
5th Place 


 Stilwell High School
No Placement 

 Moonlight Metallics

 Cheyenne Mountain High School
No Placement 

 Cheyenne Mountain High School
No Placement 
FAME Award 

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

152 comments • Sort by

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swerts on Aug 3, 2007, 8:24 PM
Post #12
QUOTE(lghtmycandle16 @ Aug 3 2007, 11:15 AM) [snapback]405040[/snapback]
yeah idk where that came from.. i heard waukee and urbandale but in reality, urbandale is not and i guess neither is waukee! lol
Lots of California schools going!! Sounds like a blast- i havent ever seen a california show choir- except for on you tube of course

youve never seen a california show choir before wow....well i havent seen many out of state show choirs before so i shouldnt be talking

Andy08 on Aug 3, 2007, 3:15 PM (Edited)
Post #11
QUOTE(sngr821 @ Aug 2 2007, 11:35 PM) [snapback]405025[/snapback]
Well, I don't know where you heard the rumor that Waukee was going. We haven't heard anything like that, but we have choreography week next week, so if we are I'll keep you posted. I think it would be really cool to go to FAME. We've never competed in it, so I think it would really boost the level of interest.

yeah idk where that came from.. i heard waukee and urbandale but in reality, urbandale is not and i guess neither is waukee! lol

QUOTE(BobTheBuilder @ Aug 2 2007, 11:13 PM) [snapback]405024[/snapback]
Chula Vista will be at FAME Hawaii.

Lots of California schools going!! Sounds like a blast- i havent ever seen a california show choir- except for on you tube of course

Axlboi201 on Aug 3, 2007, 2:58 AM
Post #10
when i said we, i meant powerhouse...

swerts on Aug 3, 2007, 2:13 AM
Post #9
QUOTE(lghtmycandle16 @ Aug 2 2007, 04:02 PM) [snapback]405011[/snapback]
if your bored go to i think it is and check out the pictures for hawaii-- our stage is covered in tropical plants looks SWEET.

yeah i checked it out, and it looks soooooo cool, but yeah hope to see you there!!!!


sngr821 on Aug 3, 2007, 12:35 AM
Post #8
Well, I don't know where you heard the rumor that Waukee was going. We haven't heard anything like that, but we have choreography week next week, so if we are I'll keep you posted. I think it would be really cool to go to FAME. We've never competed in it, so I think it would really boost the level of interest.


BobTheBuilder on Aug 3, 2007, 12:13 AM
Post #7
Chula Vista will be at FAME Hawaii.

Andy08 on Aug 2, 2007, 7:02 PM
Post #6
QUOTE(chefbug53 @ Aug 2 2007, 02:56 PM) [snapback]404997[/snapback]
i think thats when it is im not sure but im also excited cuz my godfather lives ya see ya there!!!!!

if your bored go to i think it is and check out the pictures for hawaii-- our stage is covered in tropical plants looks SWEET.

swerts on Aug 2, 2007, 3:56 PM
Post #5
QUOTE(lghtmycandle16 @ Aug 2 2007, 11:21 AM) [snapback]404989[/snapback]
See you there!! March 5th Through 10th right??

i think thats when it is im not sure but im also excited cuz my godfather lives ya see ya there!!!!!

Andy08 on Aug 2, 2007, 2:21 PM
Post #4
QUOTE(chefbug53 @ Aug 1 2007, 11:47 PM) [snapback]404965[/snapback]
hart is going to hawaii this year and i cant wait...... im sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!

See you there!! March 5th Through 10th right??

swerts on Aug 2, 2007, 12:47 AM
Post #3
hart is going to hawaii this year and i cant wait...... im sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!

Axlboi201 on Aug 1, 2007, 6:06 AM
Post #2
theres a rumor that we might be going? not sure though so dont quote me :]

Andy08 on Jul 30, 2007, 11:35 PM
Post #1
Choralation just found out tonight that we are going to attend Fame! Hawaii- We are all curious who else is going?? We have heard rumors that Waukee and Urbandale might be going.. anybody want to confirm that?

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