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  Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Indiana State Large School Finals 2009

Event Info

March 21st, 2009

Venue Info

Lawrence Central High School
7300 East 56th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46226

Phone: (317) 543-3641

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  10 Mixed Groups
  9 Treble Groups



Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Indiana State Large School Finals 2009

Event Site
Live Stream


Groups in order of placement

 North Central High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 F.C. Singers
 Franklin Central High School
First Runner Up 

 Ben Davis High School
Second Runner Up 

Treble Finals

Groups in order of placement

 High Voltage
 Franklin Central High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Carmel High School
Second Place 

 North Central High School
Third Place 

Mixed Division (Prelims)
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Treble Division (Prelims)
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Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

549 comments • Sort by

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Hope.Floats on Mar 25, 2009, 8:43 AM
Post #489
Back to a happier part of this stream where we were all in love with each other....

Darn right BSCards5! It's great to hear you say that bout us. Let me return the favor -- in the past, FC has had the reputation for not supporting your girls group -- don't know why, but I could guess....yesterday, during the finals, even though you all knew you'd have to pull out your own HUGE performance, you were right there cheering and hollering with the rest of us. While there are still some of your members that look down their noses at the women (etphonehome....), the rest of the community has seen a big change. Keep it up!!!

Given that you've got one brand new director, and one director new to his position, the fact that you had a winning season in Indiana would have been amazing, but to dominate the way you did was, well AMAZING.


nixieninnermich on Mar 25, 2009, 12:38 AM
Post #488
I knew last year that we were the last qualifying group [other than Carroll] but that doesn't mean much because our best comp scored us lowest haha.

I think Heaton had the info? She just didn't want to give it maybe?

I personally like the playoff idea, we could seed people...but it WOULD be hard since different competitions mean different judges...if only we could adjust scores for different competitions to more accurately convey their true meaning in relation to other judges' scores if that makes any sense. Some sort of ranking system that could even out the fact that we got a 117 at our best comp last year but the score we submitted was in the 130's or 140's? Any ideas?


EmmaLouBelle on Mar 24, 2009, 11:51 PM
Post #487

QUOTE (tenorsm @ Mar 24 2009, 06:40 PM) *

I agree with JFreak. Our director told us where we were ranked going into the comp and we were lower when we left.

not trying to sound bitchy or knowitall-y...but how did your director know how you were ranked going into ISSMA? the only information passed along to the director when called with an invitation to state is that you qualified and the performance time. i know plainfield was interested to know where we ranked but we didn't get any information


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 24, 2009, 9:13 PM
Post #486

QUOTE (dandn5000 @ Mar 24 2009, 05:49 PM) *

But they were probably all very talented, yes?

Pike usually is able to do very well in competition, so having a relatively small choir isn't a huge liability if those 26 are very good.

yes they were all very very talented. im proud to have been a part of that group.

susieshowchoir on Mar 24, 2009, 6:46 PM
Post #485

QUOTE (JFreak213 @ Mar 24 2009, 06:32 PM) *

The judging just needs to be consistent, I don't really care which way.

I agree, but consistency is expensive if everyone sponsoring qualifying events had to pay airfare and lodging along with the original cost of judges.

And then you have what adelphi brought up about the national reputations of some choirs that would come into play with out-of-state judges. I don't know what they could do/be doing about that ever, but all of this is something to consider when looking at your scores.

It's all objective whether the judges are foreign or not anyway, state judging is just not the judging we're always used to.


tenorsm on Mar 24, 2009, 6:40 PM
Post #484

QUOTE (JFreak213 @ Mar 24 2009, 06:32 PM) *

I'll accept your premise that judges from Indiana would be too biased -- but then shouldn't outside judges be used for all the qualifying competitions as well? ISSMA sets a scoring standard in qualifying competitions with Indiana judges and then changes it all around.

The judging just needs to be consistent, I don't really care which way.

I agree with JFreak. Our director told us where we were ranked going into the comp and we were lower when we left.


ecap13 on Mar 24, 2009, 6:33 PM (Edited)
Post #483

TheOnlyJosh on Mar 24, 2009, 6:32 PM
Post #482

QUOTE (susieshow choir @ Mar 24 2009, 05:55 PM) *

I'm too lazy to go back to the post and quote it, but I've had a fair share of ISSMA scoring laid out on me, and it really is weird.
As far as judges from other states/factions/etc:
that's what makes it hard to endure awards/finals announcement at this kind of event.
ISSMA always picks judges, for any competition, that they are pretty sure have nothing to do with the groups in contest, I don't know how they go about making sure, but this way dirty judging doesn't happen.

They get a fresh look at each group and make their decisions based on what they like.

If you don't think that this is fair, then what if we had all Indiana judges? Wouldn't they place groups that had good reputations and connections higher?
I know that we had one of the same judges at four of our contests, and while yes, they had constructive things to say and didn't always give us the best score, I don't necessarily think that it would be entirely fair if they had been a judge at state.

It would be very difficult to find unbiased Indiana judges, and if we could find them, everyone would say that they were biased anyway, no matter who wins.

I'll accept your premise that judges from Indiana would be too biased -- but then shouldn't outside judges be used for all the qualifying competitions as well? ISSMA sets a scoring standard in qualifying competitions with Indiana judges and then changes it all around.

The judging just needs to be consistent, I don't really care which way.

susieshowchoir on Mar 24, 2009, 5:55 PM
Post #481
I'm too lazy to go back to the post and quote it, but I've had a fair share of ISSMA scoring laid out on me, and it really is weird.
As far as judges from other states/factions/etc:
that's what makes it hard to endure awards/finals announcement at this kind of event.
ISSMA always picks judges, for any competition, that they are pretty sure have nothing to do with the groups in contest, I don't know how they go about making sure, but this way dirty judging doesn't happen.

They get a fresh look at each group and make their decisions based on what they like.

If you don't think that this is fair, then what if we had all Indiana judges? Wouldn't they place groups that had good reputations and connections higher?
I know that we had one of the same judges at four of our contests, and while yes, they had constructive things to say and didn't always give us the best score, I don't necessarily think that it would be entirely fair if they had been a judge at state.

It would be very difficult to find unbiased Indiana judges, and if we could find them, everyone would say that they were biased anyway, no matter who wins.


dandn5000 on Mar 24, 2009, 5:49 PM
Post #480

QUOTE (cablegurl @ Mar 24 2009, 05:40 PM) *

Last year (my senior year), my alma mater had 26 people and we had over 3,000 people at my high school.

But they were probably all very talented, yes?

Pike usually is able to do very well in competition, so having a relatively small choir isn't a huge liability if those 26 are very good.

cablegurl on Mar 24, 2009, 5:40 PM
Post #479
Last year (my senior year), my alma mater had 26 people and we had over 3,000 people at my high school.

Jorge on Mar 24, 2009, 4:59 PM
Post #478
My senior year, my alma mater (which also was the second largest high school in Iowa) had 33 people in our varsity group.

EsAreUnimportant on Mar 24, 2009, 4:45 PM (Edited)
Post #477

QUOTE (juliofrommississippi @ Mar 24 2009, 03:16 PM) *

that's still pretty big. at one competition this year my alma mater had less than 35 people performing...

I didn't know Momentum was that small! This year Xhilaration had 45 singer/dancers.

For a competitive 4A group in Iowa, group sizes tend to be about the same as Indiana, maybe a little smaller.... Mid-40s or so.


ccshowcase on Mar 24, 2009, 3:59 PM
Post #476
Thanks to all who supported the Warren Central Connection Show this year. We love to hear how much people like our shows.
I had a whole message that just got deleted for this but, ill try to paraphrase.

10th in state... can't say much about that... Yes, we didn't do that hot in the standings this year, but you know what we did get??? LC's PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD! That's all that really matters to me. When we know the crowd likes us and we are able to pull that for FIVE YEARS IN A ROW, that means more than winning Grand Champion at a competition. We are there for the crowd and giving them a good show.

With results and comments from the judging sheets this year, I believe Warren is pulling out of ISSMA Show Choir State next year. This isn't official, but this is from what I am hearing. We've had judges literally tell us that "You will NEVER win because there is NO way to judge you" and "it's like comparing apples to oranges".


ccshowcase on Mar 24, 2009, 3:52 PM
Post #475
Thank you all for who was there to support the Warren Central Connection Show this year. We don't believe our placing this year was worth what we had done... BUT who cares? Yes, connection WANTS TO WIN eventually, but we find our way to put our best show on if we entertain our crowd. As long as you guys were entertained this year, that's all that matters. What can we say? People's Choice Award (LC) 5 STRAIGHT YEARS! (But then we didn't make night finals?) Oh well, we went had fun that night anyways (away from show choir).

I'm not certain whether this is official or not, but I don't believe we are competing at ISSMA State Finals next year. AS everyone knows, Center Grove already doesn't and this year Brownsburg and Zionsville also boycotted. It has been brought up with the choir director and the returning people, that we are not going to State Finals next year. (Not Official yet though)


doesntmatter1290 on Mar 24, 2009, 3:31 PM
Post #474

QUOTE (juliofrommississippi @ Mar 24 2009, 03:16 PM) *

that's still pretty big. at one competition this year my alma mater had less than 35 people performing...

52 is not out of the ordinary for a top program in indianapolis/indiana. i went to the warren central contest at the beginning of the season and about 5 choirs there (all indiana/indianapolis area choirs) had 45+ members in the choir. warren had about 48 i believe...i also know that HN, Carmel, FC, Brownsburg, and Lafayette Jeff. usually tend to have large choirs. it isnt that out of the ordinary for indiana show choirs to get kind of large lol

juliofrommississippi on Mar 24, 2009, 3:16 PM
Post #473

QUOTE (bass091 @ Mar 24 2009, 02:56 PM) *

2. Our numbers are below 60. Counting only singers/dancers(no band members or crew), there are about 52 people in the set.

that's still pretty big. at one competition this year my alma mater had less than 35 people performing...


whoopie on Mar 24, 2009, 3:12 PM
Post #472

QUOTE (tscott @ Mar 24 2009, 02:34 PM) *

ISSMA has always been secretive about scores. Same thing happens with their marching band competitions. Presumably they don't want students focusing on point totals; e.g. "we're all winners!" crap, but then why have a contest and scoring at all?

Exactly - Fewer paper trails to have to answer to when there are questionable results.


bass091 on Mar 24, 2009, 2:56 PM
Post #471

QUOTE (Sometimes1234 @ Mar 24 2009, 10:14 AM) *

I also heard that NC Counterpoints have people that just stand backstage to specifically sing and not dance. Is that true? I know their number of people is in the 60s but I didnt know if they did that or not.

1. We do not have specific people who just stand back stage and sing. Here are some reasons there might be that rumor:
A) We do have crew members who are typically members of our girls choir, but they do not sing while crewing.
B) We also have a few people who are swings/alternates. Usually there are only 1-2 back stage at a time during the performance, as they go in on different songs to fill in spots where a sick/injured person has to opt out.

2. Our numbers are below 60. Counting only singers/dancers(no band members or crew), there are about 52 people in the set.

To Yuri and Adam: If you're going to be calling some CPs out, you might as well be screaming DP/Daniel as well!


tscott on Mar 24, 2009, 2:34 PM
Post #470
ISSMA has always been secretive about scores. Same thing happens with their marching band competitions. Presumably they don't want students focusing on point totals; e.g. "we're all winners!" crap, but then why have a contest and scoring at all?

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