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  Show Choir Community    Events    2023 Season    Mt. Vernon Mid-Winter Classic 2023

   Event Info

January 20th-21st, 2023

Venue Info

Mt. Vernon High School
400 West Highway 174
Mount Vernon, MO 65712

Phone: (417) 466-7526

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  14 Mixed Groups
  5 Treble Groups
  1 Bass Groups
  6 Middle School Groups


  Mt. Vernon "Vocal Motion"


  Rene Spencer

  Lara Moffett Menard

  Trudy Tunnell

  Katie Stockton (critique/finals)

  Zachary Pettit (critique)

  Hannah Green (finals)


Ticket prices unknown.


Mt. Vernon Mid-Winter Classic 2023

Event Site
Live Stream




 Sound Dimension
 Joplin High School
Grand Champion 
Best Band 
Best Closer 

 Carthage Senior High School
First Runner Up 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Ballad 

 Bella Vocé
 Webb City High School
Second Runner Up 

 Webb City High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Costumes 

 Oak Street Singers
 Oak Park High School
4th Runner Up 
Best Soloist (Alexis Johnson) 

 Suite Sounds
 Carthage Senior High School
5th Runner Up 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier III



 Vocal Fusion
 Nevada High School
First Place 

 Patriot Singers
 East Newton High School
Second Place 

 Sound Collage
 El Dorado Springs High School
Third Place 
Best Soloist 

 Jive Tribe

 Seneca High School
No Placement 

 Blue Harmony

 Hollister High School
No Placement 

 Lights, Cameron, Action!

 Cameron High School
No Placement 

   Mixed Division - Tier IV


 Rhythm In Blue
 Cabool High School

   Treble Division



 Bella Vocé
 Webb City High School
First Place 

 Suite Sounds
 Carthage Senior High School
Second Place 

 Touch of Class
 Joplin High School
Third Place 

 Treble FX

 Oak Park High School
No Placement 

 Treble Effects
 Nevada High School
No Placement 
Judge's Choice 

   Bass Division


 Webb City High School

   Middle School Division



 Wildcat Singers
 Neosho Junior High School
First Place 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Sound Machine
 Carthage Junior High School
Second Place 

 Webb City Junior High School
Third Place 


 Webb City Junior High School
No Placement 

 Sound Investment

 El Dorado Springs Middle School
No Placement 

 Future Sounds

 Nevada Middle School
No Placement 

   Attending Members displaying 6 of 8 members (view all)  







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15 comments • Sort by

ZacharyPettit on Jan 22, 2023, 7:18 PM
Post #15
More prelim results.

1. Nevada SS
2. McDonald County

1. Nevada VF
2. East Newton
3. El Dorado Springs

ZacharyPettit on Jan 22, 2023, 2:30 PM
Post #14
I don’t have everything, but here’s what I have from prelims:

1. Joplin (Best Closer)
2. Carthage (Best Ballad)

1. Webb
2. Carthage
3. Joplin

1. Webb

1. Cabool

Best Solos:
1. El Dorado Springs
2. Oak Park Oak Street Singers

Best Costumes - Webb City Singers
Judges’ Choice - Nevada Treble Effects

willieboi2000 on Jan 22, 2023, 9:57 AM
Post #13
Anyone know division placements?

thebetterbauer on Jan 22, 2023, 2:24 AM
Post #11
Does anybody know any results from today? I know that Carthage "Soundwave" got Best Ballad, Best Vocals and Best Choreography and got 1RU in Finals.

thebetterbauer on Jan 22, 2023, 2:32 AM
Post #12
Finals results are posted!

Häakon on Jan 21, 2023, 10:24 PM
Post #10
Finalists added.


jenineharrison26 on Jan 21, 2023, 8:39 AM
Post #9
I’ll be here for the first half of this competition then heading down to Pleasant Hill
Good luck to all the choirs today! I’m excited to see these shows

ZacharyPettit on Jan 20, 2023, 11:15 PM
Post #8
Friday Evening:
1. Neosho (BV, BC)
2. Carthage
3. Webb City Polyphonics


Katie.mefford on Jan 16, 2023, 5:05 PM
Post #6
Will there be a live stream?

ZacharyPettit on Jan 17, 2023, 10:42 AM
Post #7
To my knowledge, there will not be.

ZacharyPettit on Jan 15, 2023, 7:41 PM
Post #5
Rene Spencer (Friday/Saturday/finals)
Lara Menard (Friday/Saturday/finals)
Trudy Tunnell (Friday/Saturday/finals)
Katie Stockton (critique/finals)
Zachary Pettit (critique)
Hannah Green (finals)


jenineharrison26 on Dec 27, 2022, 12:57 AM (Edited)
Post #4
I’m excited to see how this turns out!

Joplin has been a great group that in my opinion, just keeps improving each year!!
Carthage has been a great program and I’m excited to see how they place.
Webb as well, bring a great program with outstanding vocals!!

I can also see Nevada being a top dog this year. Let the season begin!!!

ZacharyPettit on Dec 21, 2022, 1:33 AM
Post #2
Saturday Schedule:
8:00 Cabool Rhythm in Blue (1/2)
8:25 Seneca Jive Tribe (3)
8:50 East Newton Patriot Singers (3)
9:15 Eldorado Springs Sound Collage (3)
9:40 Nevada Vocal Fusion (3)
10:05 Hollister City Lights (3)
10:30 Cameron Lights Cameron Action (3)
11:20 Webb City Bella Voce (Treble)
11:45 Carthage Suite Sounds (Treble)
12:10 Joplin Touch of Class (Treble)
12:35 Oak Park Treble FX (Treble)
1:00 Nevada Treble Effects (Treble)
1:25 Webb City DoMENance (Bass)
2:55 Cassville Centerstage (4)
3:20 McDonald County Rhapsody ‘N Rhythm (4)
3:45 Nevada Soundsational Singers (4)
4:10 Carthage Soundwave (5)
4:35 Joplin Sound Dimension (5)
5:00 Oak Park Oak Street Singers (5)
5:25 Webb City Singers (5)
Prelim Awards at 6:30
Finals at 7:50
Final Awards at 10:45

thebetterbauer on Dec 21, 2022, 2:27 AM
Post #3
The schedule has been posted! Thank you!

ZacharyPettit on Dec 21, 2022, 1:24 AM
Post #1
Friday Evening (JH/MS):
- 6:00 Webb City Euphonics
- 6:30 Carthage Sound Machine
- 7:00 Neosho Wildcat Singers
- 7:30 Eldorado Springs Sound Investment
- 8:00 Nevada Future Sounds
-8:30 Webb City Polyphonics


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