First Place
Best Male Sound
Chula Vista Seniors Choice (Requiem For Eleanor)
Show Choir Spirit Award (Sean Stevens)
Best Female Performer (Seychelle Gabriel)
After last night, MUCH respect to Burbank. I didn't get to see them last night because their time slot was always the one right before ours, but i could hear their vocals from backstage, and it was incredible. they are gunna be tough for ANYONE to beat this year at SoCal.
They also are pretty quality people. There seems to be lots of stereotypes about Cali ppl in general in indiana, but after talking with choir members from Burbank last night, and Burroughs members last year in Chicago, they are both really impressive people. ALL of CP were impressed with you. So congrats on a good competition Burbank, and best of luck this year, see ya at FAME NYC.
You can add me to the list of people that are likely going, not that any of you know me or anything... I'm just a bitter old timer from the Midwest forums .
Does anyone know approximately what the ticket prices are for this event, and when the exact schedule will be posted? I know it's a month off, but since I'm flying across the country I'd like to be prepared ahead of time.
Mr. Atienza, have you determined times for the weekend of the competition yet?
I know that it's early, but I have to RSVP to my Cal Poly Open House, and so I was just wondering. :>
Any news on the live feed? We're thinking about getting a viewing party together.
On the previous page, Mr. A confirmed that it will happen again this year; it's a bit early to start posting details about it, but will absolutely be a relay for it whatever form it takes.
Well I really want to quit now but I have to save for my mission. I still have a few thousand more I need to save and I wont have it by then so I'll have to beg them. There's a huge will- I know there will be a way.