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  Show Choir Community    Events    2011 Season    Wapakoneta Music & More 2011

Event Info

March 26th, 2011

Venue Info

Wapakoneta High School
Performing Arts Center
1 Redskin Trail
Wapakoneta, OH 45895

Phone: (419) 739-5200

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  14 Mixed Groups
  2 Treble Groups


  Wapakoneta "Singsation"


  E. Lynn Knoble (Vocals)

  Daniel Prior (Overall Show & Costumes)

  Ron Morgan (Choreography)

  Mitch Mahaney (Combo)


Day Round/Finals - $10
Combo - $16

Day Round/Finals - $8
Combo - $10


Wapakoneta Music & More 2011

Event Site
Live Stream



 Beavercreek High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Band (Students) 
Best Show Concept 
Best Stage Crew 
Best Female Soloist (Chelsea Brunsman) 

 Prominent Rendition
 Teays Valley High School
First Runner Up 
Best Choreography 
Best Band (Adult-aided) 
Best Costumes 

 Music Express
 Garfield Heights High School
Second Runner Up 

 Rhapsody In Blue
 Hamilton High School
3rd Runner Up 

 NHS Singers
 Noblesville High School
4th Runner Up 

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)
Click here to expand:  

Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)
Click here to expand:  

Mixed Division - Tier III


 Southmont Jr/Sr High School
First Place 

 Cory-Rawson High School
Second Place 

 Varsity Singers
 Ada High School
Third Place 

 Dually Noted
 West Jessamine High School
No Placement 
Redskin Award 


 Portsmouth East High School
No Placement 

 Northern Stars

 Sheridan High School
No Placement 

Treble Division


 Fascinating Rhythm
 Hamilton High School
First Place 

 New Dimension
 Noblesville High School
Second Place 

Attending Members displaying 6 of 21 members (view all)  







53 comments • Sort by

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Rian on Jun 17, 2011, 10:55 AM
Post #53

QUOTE (madison.02 @ Jun 16 2011, 12:15 PM) *

Beavercreek at one of my favorite shows this year but im still lost as to why Teays had best choreography and best vocals and still lost. I understand that the Combo and Concept are included but shouldn't there be like some kind of rule that if you win choreography and vocals you win? Like combo and concept really aren't in the performers control.

Are concept and combo scored on the scoresheet? If so, it's going to affect where you're placed. Yes Vocals and Choreography are the major points on the score sheet, but since vocals are typically 60%ish and choreography is typically 20%ish, the little things make up that last 20% and it could sway a placement or not. So yes, it's in the Show Choir (as a whole's) control.

MadisonAnnPR on Jun 16, 2011, 12:15 PM
Post #52
Beavercreek at one of my favorite shows this year but im still lost as to why Teays had best choreography and best vocals and still lost. I understand that the Combo and Concept are included but shouldn't there be like some kind of rule that if you win choreography and vocals you win? Like combo and concept really aren't in the performers control.


showchoir T on Mar 30, 2011, 1:17 AM (Edited)
Post #51

QUOTE (jassoface @ Mar 28 2011, 09:23 PM) *

Hey guys I am the one who had the sezier(sp) I am doing ok just really weak and tired. I am going to the doctor tommorow how all goes well. Thanks for all the prayers and support means alot to me and my family.

SO glad to hear from you. We checked in with your director and she told us you were home and we were very thankful for that. You have our continued thoughts and prayers as you work through this.


jassoface on Mar 28, 2011, 9:23 PM
Post #50
Hey guys I am the one who had the sezier(sp) I am doing ok just really weak and tired. I am going to the doctor tommorow how all goes well. Thanks for all the prayers and support means alot to me and my family.


maskrade04 on Mar 27, 2011, 10:34 PM
Post #49
Teays deserves major props! With an evening win of Best Vocals and Best Choreo...they weren't playing games. I thought their show was well executed.

Great job to all the groups!


sdavis on Mar 27, 2011, 9:17 PM
Post #48
I really didn't think it seemed like ten minutes. But thats besides the point. Regardless, that was one of the earliest ending competitions I've been to this year, so I think it's fair to say that one short break wasn't near enough to make me say the competition was disorganized or that anything about it was completely uncalled for. I just think you're exaggerating a bit. They made a mistake, and they fixed it and it took about ten minutes. I've seen far worse things happen at a competition. I think that the competition was very well run and there was never a moment where I was annoyed the whole day. The mood was very relaxed and everyone was very pleasant, and I really enjoyed myself. Props to Wapak for hosting a great competition.

KEVDOUG on Mar 27, 2011, 9:07 PM
Post #47

QUOTE (09davis @ Mar 27 2011, 07:30 PM) *

I will agree that the break between 4ru and 3ru wasn't the best possible circumstance, but I didn't find the fact that they let the kids dance on stage rather than sit there silent during an unexpected break to be irritating at all. Also, I agree about letting people come in during the performances, even though I didn't notice it happening. But I don't think that one mistake with a misplaced trophy makes an entire awards ceremony unorganized. Just a difference of opinion, I guess.

One misplaced trophy doesn't take 10 minutes to find (There were only seven trophies.) There is more to it, I'm guessing a tabulations error. Also, it's fine that they danced up there, it just should not have made it to that point.


sdavis on Mar 27, 2011, 7:30 PM
Post #46

QUOTE (KEVDOUG @ Mar 27 2011, 07:03 PM) *

I will start off saying that I only attended finals but I was disappointed by this competition. First of all,the people at the doors were letting people walk in during performances, to me a big no-no. Then, the awards ceremony was TOTALLY disorganized. Never should a 4th RU be announced and then allow 10 minute break and allowing students to flood the stage dancing before the 3RU was announced. If I was a director I would be extremely irritated with this. I know that after that, the young man had the medical emergency and I understood why it took so long after that point, but before that was really uncalled for.

I will agree that the break between 4ru and 3ru wasn't the best possible circumstance, but I didn't find the fact that they let the kids dance on stage rather than sit there silent during an unexpected break to be irritating at all. Also, I agree about letting people come in during the performances, even though I didn't notice it happening. But I don't think that one mistake with a misplaced trophy makes an entire awards ceremony unorganized. Just a difference of opinion, I guess.

KEVDOUG on Mar 27, 2011, 7:03 PM
Post #45
I will start off saying that I only attended finals but I was disappointed by this competition. First of all,the people at the doors were letting people walk in during performances, to me a big no-no. Then, the awards ceremony was TOTALLY disorganized. Never should a 4th RU be announced and then allow 10 minute break and allowing students to flood the stage dancing before the 3RU was announced. If I was a director I would be extremely irritated with this. I know that after that, the young man had the medical emergency and I understood why it took so long after that point, but before that was really uncalled for.


kelskey154 on Mar 27, 2011, 6:46 PM
Post #44
this was one of the best competitions we've been to all year. i am in hamilton's rhapsody in blue, and our bryan was the one who had a seizure. he IS at home now, and he was breathing a little while after they left the school. he's a lot better now, just tired and weak. thank you all so much for the prayers and the kind words. we all appreciated it so much, and a special thank you to our host gabe and wyatt, who were awesome and were really there for our group. i hope that rhapsody attends next year to music and more!

thanks again!

Pecanduck on Mar 27, 2011, 2:15 PM
Post #43
Thanks so much 09Davis and everyone else who had nice things to say about our show. Beavercreek definitely had a blast at this competition and all of the groups did fantastic. Thanks to all the parents and staff at Wapok that made it such a nice competition. We were all also really worried about the boy that had a seizure yesterday from Hamilton and we prayed for him... If anybody knows how he is doing and could post an update (like 09 Davis said!) , we'd be really grateful.


sdavis on Mar 27, 2011, 10:46 AM
Post #42
I had a wonderful time yesterday. Wapak's new venue is fantastic- those kids deserve it. My prayers go out to the friends and family of the member of Rhapsody in Blue- if someone could post an update on him I'd really appreciate it. Now to my opinions..

I was unfortunately unable to make the day show, so I can't say if I think that the finalists were who they should have been. After seeing the shows, though, I assume that this is true.

Hamilton: I really enjoyed your show. There were some fantastic vocal moments, and the songs were very entertaining. However, for me your show lacked the polish that I have come to expect from groups in late March. There were a number of errors, and unfortunately they didn't go unnoticed. Overall, though, a great finals performance. You all gave your all, and it showed.

Teays: Let me just start off by saying that this is an entirely different show than I saw in January. You have come a long way. Still not the caliber that I'm used to from this group, but a much improved show. Vocally, there were some very strong points and the ballad sounded beautiful. For some reason, though, the beginning of the show was a lot weaker than the second half for me. When you started singing your ballad, I found myself asking "Where was this sound the first two songs?" You were, in my opinion, the highest energy show in finals. A well deserved second place finish.

Garfield Heights: Your show left me a little disappointed, to be honest. You sang well and the choreography was pretty clean, but the show was a bit flat lined for me. You performed after a group that had a very high energy level, and I just didn't get the in your face energy, vocals and choreographic moments that I'm used to seeing from this group in the past. Overall, I was impressed, you just looked tired. Great show though- congrats on your second runner up finish!

Beavercreek: Wow. This was the first time I had seen your show live, and you did not disappoint. It really showed how badly you all wanted this win, and I was so happy to see that the results turned out in your favor. The vocals were absolutely beautiful. My only complaint was that it seemed like you started to lose steam in the closer, but after the dance break you came back and finished the show strong. I honestly expected a caption sweep from you guys after seeing your show. Congratulations on a well deserved win.

Noblesville: This was the first time that I had ever seen this group, and I was pleasantly surprised. While there weren't many moments that wowed me, I feel as though you were the most consistent vocally and choreographically. I honestly expected you to finish higher. You should all be very proud of yourselves, you gave a fantastic finals performance.

Congrats to all groups who competed, and to Singsation for what may have been the most polished Wapak show I've seen in quite awhile. Thanks to Todd Christopher, Tracy and Van Wright for all that they have done for this program and competition, and everyone else who made the day possible. I'm very glad I made it back to Wapak yesterday.


maskrade04 on Mar 27, 2011, 2:39 AM
Post #41
Final scores, Teays won vocals and choreography but lost GC by one point.

BakerFF on Mar 26, 2011, 11:20 PM
Post #40
Also congrats to Teays Valley! You guys have made a MASSIVE improvement since the Marysville Show Case!

Patrick on Mar 26, 2011, 11:02 PM
Post #39

QUOTE (Patrick Knoll @ Mar 26 2011, 11:01 PM) *

Final Awards

4RU: Noblesville
3RU: Hamilton
2RU: Garfield Heights
Vocals: Beavercreek
Choreo: Teays Valley
1RU: Teays Valley
GC: Beavercreek

Both caption awards were taken from daytime scores, according to the MC.


PTK on Mar 26, 2011, 11:01 PM
Post #38
Final Awards

4RU: Noblesville
3RU: Hamilton
2RU: Garfield Heights
Vocals: Beavercreek
Choreo: Teays Valley
1RU: Teays Valley
GC: Beavercreek

Both caption awards were taken from daytime scores, according to the MC.

Rian on Mar 26, 2011, 10:58 PM
Post #37
Breaking News: someone had a seizure from Hamilton, awards delayed.

Patrick on Mar 26, 2011, 10:48 PM
Post #36
(Insert Jeopardy Music Here)

PTK on Mar 26, 2011, 10:40 PM (Edited)
Post #35

PTK on Mar 26, 2011, 10:33 PM
Post #34

QUOTE (Graeser @ Mar 26 2011, 10:21 PM) *

Does anyone have any updates?

Awards are literally happening right now. Nothing's been announced yet though.

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