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  Show Choir Community    Events    2009 Season    Hart Encore 2009

   Event Info

March 21st, 2009

Venue Info

Hart High School
24825 N. Newhall Ave
Newhall, CA 91321

Phone: (661) 259-7575

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  7 Mixed Groups
  7 Treble Groups
  3 Bass Groups


  Hart "Sound Vibrations"
  Hart "Hartbreakers"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Hart Encore 2009

Event Site
Live Stream

   Mixed Division - Tier I


Groups in order of placement

 John Burroughs High School
First Place 

 In Sync
 Burbank High School
Second Place 

 Sound FX
 Los Alamitos High School
Third Place 

 Main Attraction
 Chula Vista High School
4th Place 

 Sound Express
 Carlsbad High School
5th Place 

   Mixed Division - Tier II


Groups in order of placement

 Out Of The Blue
 Burbank High School
First Place 

 Sound Waves
 John Burroughs High School
Second Place 
Best Female Performer (Agitha Tiama) 

   Treble Division - Tier I


Groups in order of placement

 Burbank High School
First Place 

 Sound Sensations
 John Burroughs High School
Second Place 
Best Closer 
Best Soloist (Emily Barnett) 

 Los Alamitos High School
Third Place 
Best Costumes 
Officers' Award 

 Company B
 Temecula Valley High School
4th Place 

 Sound Unlimited
 Bonita Vista High School
5th Place 
Best A Capella 

   Treble Division - Tier II


Groups in no specific order


 John Burroughs High School
Placement Unknown 

 Burbank High School
Placement Unkown 
Best Costumes 

   Bass Division


Groups in order of placement

 Los Alamitos High School
First Place 

 John Burroughs High School
Second Place 
Best Male Performer (Andrew Orbison) 
Best Male Vocalist (Leo Ayala) 

 Sound Dogs
 Burbank High School
Third Place 

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

46 comments • Sort by

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user banned  on Apr 7, 2009, 5:50 PM
Post #46
this was quite a good comp

TonedTenor on Mar 29, 2009, 11:16 PM (Edited)
Post #45
[quote name='doghousedaddy' date='1237874541' post='465540']Some "observers" should see and not be heard. Congratulations Powerhouse on an excellent set and a well deserved victory. Good luck in New York![/quote]
right on!

wetzelpretzel on Mar 27, 2009, 8:05 PM
Post #44
[quote name='Axlboi201' date='1237804817' post='465100']
brea - we missed youuuuuuuu :[ i was yelling rio all night haha SO catchy.

HAHAHA. That made me smile. :D yeah, I wish we could have gone also..... but 5:30 IN THE MORNING?! Wow...... just wow..... lol. plus i really wanted to see everyone's sets again. it's just not the same on youtube. sigh.

Axlboi201 on Mar 25, 2009, 2:12 AM
Post #43
[quote name='Mclovin1691' date='1237959746' post='465804']
aaaaah im kinda sad we didnt get to compete with all u guys at hart. sounds like u all had a tiring day haha[/quote]

yeah, longer than arcadia's comp -__________________________-

but fun nonetheless!


Mclovin1691 on Mar 25, 2009, 1:42 AM
Post #42
[quote name='Axlboi201' date='1237804817' post='465100']

brea - we missed youuuuuuuu :[ i was yelling rio all night haha SO catchy.


aaaaah im kinda sad we didnt get to compete with all u guys at hart. sounds like u all had a tiring day haha

Axlboi201 on Mar 24, 2009, 6:45 PM
Post #41
[quote name='iamaquamannn' date='1237922194' post='465636']
hahaha thanks!! i'm still mad about that dumb basket toss though... the one on friday at arcadia was PERFECT! seriously i went soooo high, but then the next day it was super fail... but i have the best guys ever to catch me (:

and noel, you sounded great in the solo comp![/quote]

oh i totally didn't even notice! haha and thank you very much :D

Orbie on Mar 24, 2009, 4:40 PM
Post #40
[quote name='iamaquamannn' date='1237922194' post='465636']
hahaha thanks!! i'm still mad about that dumb basket toss though... the one on friday at arcadia was PERFECT! seriously i went soooo high, but then the next day it was super fail... but i have the best guys ever to catch me (:

and noel, you sounded great in the solo comp![/quote]
alyssa!!! your tosses are sooo great! much respect for being in the air so much =D your a better and braver person than I to do all those things!!

iamaquamannn on Mar 24, 2009, 3:16 PM
Post #39
[quote name='Axlboi201' date='1237804817' post='465100']burbank - finally got to see you again! you guys really rocked it. loves the new tap sequence! and props to alyssa for being in mid air for half of the set haha :][/quote]

hahaha thanks!! i'm still mad about that dumb basket toss though... the one on friday at arcadia was PERFECT! seriously i went soooo high, but then the next day it was super fail... but i have the best guys ever to catch me (:

and noel, you sounded great in the solo comp!


doghousedaddy on Mar 24, 2009, 2:02 AM
Post #38
[quote name='X01fasho' date='1237765336' post='464943'][b]What an amazing competition! I want to congratulate Burroughs Powerhouse on their amazing victory over some fierce competition! I think we all can finally rest assure, the west coast will be properly represented by their new Show Choir champions : John Burroughs Powerhouse! The magic is back! I haven't seen such an invigorating performance in years. They've been known for fantastic shows for as long as I can remember but this year just feels like the year of Powerhouse. Step aside Burbank, Clinton, North Central, and any other challenger that dare face them. John Burroughs Powerhouse is the new top dog of the show choir world! Also, great job Burbank In Sync! Your show is refreshing and new, something I haven't seen from you in years! Your old style was tired and I'm glad to see you pushing the envelope and taking a new direction! With such talent i'm curious to see what Brendan Jennings could do with a group like you.[/b][/quote]
Some "observers" should see and not be heard. Congratulations Powerhouse on an excellent set and a well deserved victory. Good luck in New York!


dpark271 on Mar 23, 2009, 11:45 PM
Post #37
for the comment above quoted Brett Carrolls comment hahahaha

TonedTenor on Mar 23, 2009, 10:00 PM
Post #36
[quote name='BACarroll' date='1237781675' post='465064']
wow and ouch?[/quote]
That was definitely not a "burn"!! I apologize for the misunderstanding. All I meant to say was how interesting it would be to see what a different director did with a different group. Just like Bret Caroll would probably work his mid-western magic on Burroughs, Brendan Jennings could do wonders with Burbank! Just offering a different perspective, no need to get all worked up, and I am definitely entitled to my own opinions people. I think Burbank has never been better, they have moved in a new and amazing direction and I can not wait to see how much more they will improve and evolve throughout the years.

Ridiculance on Mar 23, 2009, 4:03 PM
Post #35
[quote name='TONIO' date='1237725156' post='464769']great competition

it was lots of fun!!!

i just got home like riight now

and im sure there are still some people at the school waiting for their rides


thats a new record!

everyone did an amazing job tonight!!!

ily burbank!

[b]WE LOVE YOU 2!!!!! [/b]

Ridiculance on Mar 23, 2009, 3:42 PM
Post #34
[quote name='TonyAtienza' date='1237834984' post='465209'][b]<-- Old and tired[/b]
Now all of you get off my back!

Comparing groups to their own history is not what adjudicators should be doing anyway. They judge on that performance that night... NOT on what they remember from the previous years.

[i]Your comment was out of line.[/i]

I LOVE [b]Burbank's [/b]Style...

[b]LOS AL[/b] is AMAZING this year!

[b]BURROUGHS [/b]keeps getting better and better (if that is even possible)!!!

I missed [b]BV[/b], but Grats on Showstoppers!
Carlsbad[/b]... way to go on placing!
Serrano[/b] is so unique! I enjoy watching them every year!

Luck of the Irish!
[b]GO CHULA![/b][/quote]

May i just say that Chula's footwork is the most amazing thing [b]EVER[b]
Seriously OMG My Jaw hit the floor. Everyone was so awesome :D

Great Competition. Congratz to everyone! See you all soon!!

TonyAtienza on Mar 23, 2009, 3:03 PM
Post #33
[b]<-- Old and tired[/b]
Now all of you get off my back!

Comparing groups to their own history is not what adjudicators should be doing anyway. They judge on that performance that night... NOT on what they remember from the previous years.

[i]Your comment was out of line.[/i]

I LOVE [b]Burbank's [/b]Style...

[b]LOS AL[/b] is AMAZING this year!

[b]BURROUGHS [/b]keeps getting better and better (if that is even possible)!!!

I missed [b]BV[/b], but Grats on Showstoppers!
Carlsbad[/b]... way to go on placing!
Serrano[/b] is so unique! I enjoy watching them every year!

Luck of the Irish!
[b]GO CHULA![/b]

GlamazonGirlAAA on Mar 23, 2009, 2:31 PM (Edited)
Post #32
ahhhhhhh!!!!! omg my gosh i am still overwhelmed by this competition!
everyone was so amazing and everyone was really supportive of each other [that really made me happy]. Every single group was amazing, and i finally got to see chula's set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [u][i][b]WOW[/b][/i][/u] it was so freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i especially loved the river dancing. it was basically the coolest thing ever. i'm so glad we get to see you guys in new york!

[b]everyone[/b] was so into their performances that it got to the point where i was thanking god that i wasn't an adjudicator, because honestly, all of the performances were mind-blowing and awe-inspiring. you could just [i]tell[/i] that everyone wanted it so badly.

i'm so proud of all of the groups!
congrats and i'll see you guys at chula [or new york]!!!!

Axlboi201 on Mar 23, 2009, 6:40 AM
Post #31
thanks to hart for an awesome and really late competition lol :]

burbank - finally got to see you again! you guys really rocked it. loves the new tap sequence! and props to alyssa for being in mid air for half of the set haha :]

brea - we missed youuuuuuuu :[ i was yelling rio all night haha SO catchy.

los al - oh. my. gosh. you guys have improved sooo much! i only got to see you from the cafeteria, but you guys are wonderful!

chula - you are teaching me that river dance. hahaha so glad i FINALLY got to see you! and janissa and i are hosting you at showcase btw! we're so excited!! see you in NEW YORK! :D

carlsbad - didn't get to see you unfortunately, but congrats guys! :]

congrats to everyone on an intense competition!


Showchoir Man on Mar 23, 2009, 2:36 AM
Post #30

acti0n_jacks0n on Mar 23, 2009, 2:01 AM
Post #29
I was at this comp for 16+ hours.. didn't get home until 3:30AM..
And had a blast Great job everyone.. It was nice to finally see Burbank's set.. and to my relief there were no cowboy medleys :D

Now who's ready for some Chula??


davidcarem on Mar 23, 2009, 12:59 AM
Post #28
Wow that was pretty unneccessary. You know for such an "old" and "tired" style Burbank sure has won a lot through the years. Matter of fact they're one of the top groups in the country. Wish my style was old and tired like that! LOL


thearthur0 on Mar 23, 2009, 12:58 AM (Edited)
Post #27
That last post to Burbank was a little mean..
Moving on, congrats to all the groups that competed the past week, I heard all of the sets were pretty sweeet. Unfortunately, I couldn't watch all of them D: So sad..

Oh and does anyone remember the songs that the Burroughs intermediate group did for their set?

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