Their Facebook page said doors open at 10... is there a reason doors would open that early if this is a complete list? Just curious as I'm driving from over an hour away and didn't want to show up and sit in the parking lot OR miss any groups by getting there late.. thanks!!
They may be opening for the groups to get ready and offer food for those that going to be there early.
Their Facebook page said doors open at 10... is there a reason doors would open that early if this is a complete list? Just curious as I'm driving from over an hour away and didn't want to show up and sit in the parking lot OR miss any groups by getting there late.. thanks!!
I appreciate your posts, Nick! I just wanted to make sure there wasn't some random Peoria HS joining the competitive show choir scene.
I did confirm that the group is going by "Soundwave", not "Elite Energy".
Me again! It's the same group. They've been working on a name so this could be their final choice.
I appreciate your posts, Nick! I just wanted to make sure there wasn't some random Peoria HS joining the competitive show choir scene.
Thanks, Steven! Quick question, is anyone able to clarify on Peoria "Soundwave"? I imagine that's Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio since their middle school groups are attending; however, we have the varsity group's name as "Elite Energy" not "Soundwave." Is this the same group? Different?
Me again! It's the same group. They've been working on a name so this could be their final choice.
Thanks, Steven. This is added. I'm assuming both Peoria groups are the Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio. Their website doesn't seem updated, but I imagine the single-gender choir is a new addition. If they go by a specific name, let us know!
Yes that is them. I'll contact the director and get names for you - the mixed group has gone by Vocal Velocity in the past, so I would assume that's them.
Thanks, Steven! Quick question, is anyone able to clarify on Peoria "Soundwave"? I imagine that's Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio since their middle school groups are attending; however, we have the varsity group's name as "Elite Energy" not "Soundwave." Is this the same group? Different?
Thanks, Steven. This is added. I'm assuming both Peoria groups are the Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio. Their website doesn't seem updated, but I imagine the single-gender choir is a new addition. If they go by a specific name, let us know!