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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Brent Holland

Brent Holland
We do not have any extended information about this individual.

choreographer Adjudicator

Chippewa Falls High School (WI)

   Chi-Hi Harmonics 2004-2020
Plainfield High School (IN)

   Belles et Beaux 2020
   Femmes Fatales 2020
   Nouvelles 2020
Lafayette Jefferson High School (IN)

   First Edition 1991-2019
   Expressions 1996-2010
   A Cappella 1994-2005
Lawrence Central High School (IN)

   Central Sound 2017-2019
   Sweet Sensation 2017-2019
Kokomo High School (IN)

   Karisma Singers 2016-2018
Northridge High School (IN)

   Northern Lights 2017
Southmont Jr/Sr High School (IN)

   Panache 2017
   Sudden Impulse 2017
Anderson Prep Academy (IN)

   the Collective 2016
North Central High School (IN)

   Counterpoints 2005-2016
   Descants 2005-2016
Holmen High School (WI)

   Midwest Express 1995-2011
   Midwest Magic 2003-2009
   Midwest Momentum 2005
Logan High School (WI)

   The Class Act 1995-2011
Highland High School (IN)

   Highland Singers 2000-2008
   Starliters 2006-2007
Waltham High School (MA)

   Music Unlimited 2004-2007
Zionsville High School (IN)

   Royalaires 2007
Castle High School (IN)

   Knight Sensations 2004-2006
   Knightingales 2005
Hart High School (CA)

   Sound Vibrations 2002-2006
   Hartbreakers 2005
   Hart N' Soul 2005
Lawrence North High School (IN)

   New Dimension 2012-2016
Comeaux High School (LA)

   Magic Moods 2005
Mooresville High School (IN)

   Spotlighters 2004
Crete-Monee High School (IL)

   Cavaliers 2002
Des Moines Lincoln High School (IA)

   Infinity 2002
Benton Community High School (IA)

   Celebration Co. 2000
DeKalb High School (IN)

   Sound Sensation 1996


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