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  Show Choir Community    Events    2023 Season    West Delaware Red Carpet Gala 2023

   Event Info

March 18th, 2023

Venue Info

West Delaware High School
Hanson Auditorium
701 New St.
Manchester, IA 52057

Phone: (563) 927-5002

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  7 Mixed Groups
  2 Middle School Groups


  West Delaware "WD Forté"
  West Delaware "Sforzando"


  Duane Philgreen

  Michelle Philgreen

  Myles Finn

  Nathan Reynolds

  Nick Oswald

  Jill Hefel


Ticket prices unknown.


West Delaware Red Carpet Gala 2023

Event Site
Live Stream



Groups in order of placement

 5th Avenue
 Western Dubuque High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Band 
Best Crew 
Most Entertaining 

 Forest City High School
First Runner Up 

 MFL MarMac High School
Second Runner Up 
Best Female Soloist 

 Sumner-Fredericksburg High School
3rd Runner Up 
Best Male Soloist 

   Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier III (Prelims)

   Mixed Division - Tier IV



 Cloud 9
 Clayton Ridge High School
First Place 

 Keota High School
Second Place 

 Brooklyn-Guernsey-Malcom Jr/Sr High School
Third Place 

   Middle School Division


Groups in order of performance


 Forest City Middle School
Placement Unknown 


 Drexler Middle-Intermediate School
Placement Unknown 

   Attending Members displaying 3 of 3 members  




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2 comments • Sort by

alliepitz on Mar 19, 2023, 9:28 AM
Post #2
Daytime Awards
Most entertaining: Western Dubuque
Best Crew: Western Dubuque
Best Band: Western Dubuque
Best Female soloist: MFL MarMac
Best Male soloist: Sumner-Fredericksburg

3rd: BGM Dynamics
2nd: keota EagleRock!
1st: Clayton Ridge Cloud 9

2nd: Sumner-Fredericksburg Sensations
1st: MFL MarMac Legacy

1st: Forest City Pulse

1st: Western Dubuque 5th Avenue

Final awards
3RU: Sumner-Fredericksburg
2RU: MFL MarMac
1RU: Forest City
GC: Western Dubuque
Best Vocals: Western Dubuque
Best Choreography: Western Dubuque

alliepitz on Mar 7, 2023, 2:04 PM
Post #1
2023 Red Carpet Gala Schedule

WD Sforzando 10:30
Forest City MS Tempo 10:55
Drexler MS Soundwaves 11:20

Lunch 12:00-1:00

Clayton Ridge Cloud 9 1:05
BGM Dynamics 1:30
Keota EagleRock! 1:55
MFL-MarMac Legacy 2:20

Break 2:55-3:10

Sumner Fredericksburg Sensations 3:10
Forest City Pulse 3:35
Western Dubuque 5th Avenue 4:00

Daytime awards 5:00-5:30

Finals Group 1 6:30
Finals Group 2 6:55
Finals Group 3 7:20
Finals Group 4 7:45

WD Forte’ 8:10

Finals Awards 8:35-9:00


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