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Event Info

March 24th-26th, 2022
Venue Info
Grand Ole Opry
Opry House
2804 Opryland Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
Phone: (615) 871-6779
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
13 Mixed Groups
5 Treble Groups
3 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Clinton "Attaché"
Event Judges:
Robert Allen (band)
David Fehr
Jeff Gemar
Linda McEachran Southard
Adam Pulver
Megan Rudolph (soloist/performer)
Debora Utley
$20 Thursday (Women's and Middle School Divisions)

$20 Friday (Mixed Prelims)

$20 Saturday (Mixed Finals)

Checks not accepted
Show Choir Nationals 2022

Event Site
Live Stream

Treble Division

Los Alamitos High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Outstanding Soloist (Jay Garcia)

Loveland High School
Second Place
Best Band
Deborah Morgan Best Crew Award

Petal High School
Third Place

Auburn High School
4th Place

Select Sound
Carroll High School
5th Place
Outstanding Performer (Makaila Stafford)

Middle School Division

Petal Middle School
First Place
Best Vocals
Deborah Morgan Best Crew Award
Outstanding Performer (Mason Thompson)

Loveland Middle School
Second Place

Collective Sound
Decatur Show Choir Complex
Third Place
Best Choreography
Best Band

Clinton Junior High School
4th Place
Outstanding Soloist

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show

Sound FX
Los Alamitos High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Outstanding Bass Soloist [Prelims] (Adam Jorge)
Outstanding Bass Soloist [Finals] (Alessandro Briseño-Tapia)
Outstanding Treble Soloist [Finals] (Danielle Barron)

Ankeny Centennial High School
First Runner Up

By Request
Loveland High School
Second Runner Up

First Edition
Findlay High School
3rd Runner Up
Deborah Morgan Best Crew Award

Petal High School
4th Runner Up
Outstanding Overall Performer [Finals] (Graham Gunn)
Allen and Sandra Chapman Outstanding Director Award (Shanna Luckett)

Titan Fever
Glenwood High School
5th Runner Up
Best Band
Outstanding Bass Soloist [Prelims] (Aesen Copeland)
Outstanding Overall Performer [Prelims] (Logan Stokes)
Outstanding Overall Performer [Finals] (Darby Copeland)

Attending Members displaying 6 of 44 members (view all)
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Sarge1578 on Mar 25, 2022, 11:39 AM
Post #114
Los Alamitos! Wow! Just wow! That was incredible!


SCmom25 on Mar 25, 2022, 9:46 PM
Post #143
They are so talented!! But, didn’t you find their show offensive/insensitive?? ????


joechoir on Mar 25, 2022, 9:54 PM
Post #145
I am very curious what you found insensitive about it. I didn’t pick up on anything in particular, but maybe I missed it.

joshua on Mar 25, 2022, 10:00 PM
Post #148
Yes. Super curious what about their show was offensive/insensitive to you? Please expound.


SCmom25 on Mar 25, 2022, 10:03 PM
Post #149
It’s unsettling that people don’t find insensitive to people with disabilities

averyecunningham on Mar 25, 2022, 10:06 PM
Post #151
It’s based on a movie called Leap of Faith from my understanding. I also am religious myself and firmly believe that they did amazing showing that it’s not the money donations that get you to heaven and so on. I’m sure Josh Greene could elaborate even more considering he arranged(thank you for you’re breathtaking arrangements this year).


PT32L on Mar 26, 2022, 12:03 PM
Post #193
I figured it out. After analyzing it this is my guess. The preacher guy represents a fake preacher/evangelist who thinks he can buy his way into heaven. So he doesn’t use the offering money for good and donations instead he uses it for himself. The woman represents Satan and temptation and convincing you that sin is good. The ballad represents the fact that the only way into heaven and to is through belief and that then god gives us blessings. This is just my guess about it. A pretty dark topic. This is how my group finds it offensive.


indy_jd on Mar 26, 2022, 12:12 PM
Post #194

joshua on Mar 26, 2022, 12:28 PM (Edited)
Post #195
@SCmom25 - Insensitive because it portrayed someone with a disability? Or because the person who portrayed that disability isn't disabled? Or because the disability wasn't portrayed accurately? Just wanting to understand what you felt was insensitive about the performance.

jdcritt on Mar 26, 2022, 1:11 PM
Post #206
I still don’t see how it’s offensive. Granted, I saw the backdrop of a cross and opted to watch something else on YouTube.


Feminic on Mar 26, 2022, 2:45 PM (Edited)
Post #216
As a parent of a teen with cerebral palsy with the same gait and watching next to him during this performance ....100%. 1) This person doesn't have a disability. 2) Portrays himself as someone with possible CP who is miraculously cured. CP is a brain injury and has no cure. Ever. A similar message could have been conveyed without the need of faking a disability.


Gabrielcastaneda_ on Apr 17, 2022, 11:15 PM
Post #257
I’m someone with mild cp and I was like uh the crutch this gentleman is using is incorrect, I’ve usually seen people who use crutches who have cp use the ones that go to where the bend in the arm is.

willieboi2000 on Mar 26, 2022, 6:08 PM
Post #227
Los Al's show:
Anybody have a video of Clinton's performance?


joechoir on Mar 29, 2022, 11:42 AM
Post #251

The dance break at 3:50 is one of the coolest I have ever seen.

willieboi2000 on Mar 31, 2022, 8:12 PM
Post #252
Such an amazing show. Based on the videos I've seen, I feel like they would have won this competition, had they been competing. It would have been close between them and Los Al but I think Clinton overall was better. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we NEED to see a Clinton vs. Los Al showdown.


Cgregory2003 on Apr 2, 2022, 5:23 PM
Post #253
we’re you at the competition by any chance? personally i feel they would have not , having los al in gc in full reality

willieboi2000 on Apr 2, 2022, 7:32 PM (Edited)
Post #255
I was not there, I just saw the videos of Clinton and all the finalists. I know being there in person can definitely change how you experience a group though, especially their sound. So I can only base my opinion on the videos I saw, in which case I thought Clinton sang and danced better than Los Al. I think they would have been VERY close in vocals, but not choreography. Clinton's choreo is more difficult and clean IMO. But as I said, I wasn't there and don't know what the vocals were like in person.


joechoir on Apr 3, 2022, 1:04 AM
Post #256
Had Clinton competed here I think they would have had a shot at first and I think they would have won BC at the very least and I personally preferred their sound and would have given them BV as well.

Random side thought, I wish that single gender groups were eligible for finals here.


Woots03 on Mar 26, 2022, 2:26 PM
Post #212
Clinton Attache is true definition of show choir!!!! That is how Shoirchoir is & how it should be, show choiris is not musical theater! All groups did amazing and should be proud!


paulie_pooh on Mar 26, 2022, 2:31 PM
Post #213
i think many people would disagree… show choir definitely falls under the musical theater. this also feels very back handed.


Woots03 on Mar 26, 2022, 2:58 PM
Post #218
All personal opinion....just like judging in show choir! And it's not a backhanded....because I know it takes a lot of hard work to do what they do no matter what my opinion is


Brady Lail on Mar 26, 2022, 3:00 PM
Post #219
I think it’s impossible to say what show choir “should be” I think it absolutely can fall under the musical theater and preforming a story category. Show choir is evolving in that direction and I personally love it.


Cgregory2003 on Mar 26, 2022, 3:00 PM
Post #220
well, a lot of groups would be under this that do very very well!


MakeaBelief on Mar 26, 2022, 4:27 PM
Post #224
I feel like this is a very interesting opinion. I don't really have a preference over a show that is more like a musical or one that just does a good setlist. I look more towards the actual performance as a whole to make my opinion. However, whether we like it or not, I don't think we can technically separate Show Choir from Musical Theater. Theater, in itself is acting, that includes what we do with our faces. If the performers are trying to perform the emotions of the song through their visuals, that's acting. Adding music to it gives it that Musical element. Sure there are layers of Musical Theater, like what Linn-Mar, Los Al, and Burbank has done in the past, but that doesn't mean they're bad. Burbank 2012 "Prodigal" is one of the most recognizable and popular Show Choir Shows ever and I think it is more of a Musical Theater piece than anything. That doesn't means it's bad, but rather is one example of how multiple layers of Musical Theater was implemented incredibly well. Not saying your opinion is terrible or anything, just that there are many interpretations and forms of a Show Choir show and as the art form grows we should continue to let new elements advance the limits of the art.

jdcritt on Mar 26, 2022, 5:19 PM
Post #225
You’ll never believe what Clinton was like in my day.

Häakon on Mar 26, 2022, 6:35 PM
Post #229
To me, musical theater typically contains a lot more spoken dialogue and a focus on individual cast members as opposed to the larger ensemble. So-called show choir "story shows" often feature characters, but usually they are limited to one or two solos in a set. Of course there are many exceptions to both musicals AND show choir, and with hundreds of show choirs across the country, everyone's take is slightly different. What each viewer prefers will also vary. But for the most part, I would still draw a distinction between modern story-based show choir and musical theater. The lines have blurred for sure, but show choir - to me - is still its own magnificent beast.


Woots03 on Mar 26, 2022, 6:40 PM
Post #230
I, in no way, think any of the groups were bad! All were fantastic actually and again it's more of an opinion and how I was brought around show choir

jdcritt on Mar 27, 2022, 10:44 AM
Post #233
When you say “that is what show choir is and how it should be,” it sounds a lot like you’re trying to say that the story shows are bad. Musical theater is mainly a progression of small ensembles with a few large ensemble moments. Show choir, even with the story shows, still prioritizes the large ensemble while incorporating character development arcs with the soloists.


BearTN63 on Apr 2, 2022, 7:32 PM
Post #254
For transparency, I am a Loveland parent. I love to see such big differences in the ways other programs develop their shows. It would be dull watching every group do really similar shows. I try to watch as many shows at competitions that I can, and I love the variety.

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