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  Show Choir Community    Events    2021 Season    Hart Encore 2021

   Event Info

May 14th-15th, 2021


This is an online-only event.

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  22 Mixed Groups
  7 Treble Groups
  3 Bass Groups
  9 Middle School Groups

This is a non-competitive event.


  Hart "Sound Vibrations"
  Hart "Hartbreakers"
  Hart "Hart 'n Soul"
  Hart "Unleashed"


  Gail Hart
  Sammy Williams


Ticket prices unknown.


Hart Encore 2021 (VIRTUAL)

Event Site
Live Stream

   Mixed Division - Tier I


Groups in order of performance
 Executive Suite
 Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Energy 
Best Traditional Approach To Show Choir 
 Monarch Mirage
 Mt. Eden High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Video Editing and Complementation to Show Concept 
 Music Unlimited
 Waltham High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Use Of A Defined Space Through Movement and Choreography 
Best Soloist 
 John Hersey High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Representation of Traditional Show Choir Style 
 Platinum FX
 Chaparral High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Ensemble Stage Presence with Choreographic Excellence and Outstanding Vocalism 
 John Burroughs High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Artistic Concept 
Best Integration Of All Elements 
Best Soloist 
 Sound Vibrations
 Hart High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Narrative 
Best Variety In Presentation 
Best Soloist 

   Mixed Division - Tier II


Groups in order of performance
 Pacifica High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Boogie 
 Good Times
 Martinsburg High School
Exhibition Only 
Wake Up And Dance Award 
 Harmony Gold
 Walsh Jesuit High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Choreography 
 Helix High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Mashup 
 John A. Rowland High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Message 
 Los Altos High School
Exhibition Only 
Most Epic Theme 
Best Soloist 
 Purple Reign
 Carlsbad High School
Exhibition Only 
Coolest Vocal Arrangement 
 Sound Waves
 John Burroughs High School
Exhibition Only 
Joy Bomb Award 
 Oceanside High School
Exhibition Only 
Happiest Show On Earth Award 
Best Soloist 
 La Cueva High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Editing 
 Vocal Point
 Serrano High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Virtual Set 
Best Soloist 
 Hart 'n Soul
 Hart High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Overall Theme 

   Mixed Division - Tier III


Groups in order of performance
 Apple Valley High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Visuals 
Best Vibes 
 Blue Heat
 Saugus High School
Exhibition Only 
Most Cinematic Performance 
Most Well Casted Show 
Best Soloist 
 Rider Revolution
 Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Costumes 
Most Lit Fire 

   Treble Division - Tier I


Groups in order of performance
 Carlsbad High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Acapella 
 Sound Sensations
 John Burroughs High School
Exhibition Only 
Spirit Stick Award 

   Treble Division - Tier II


Groups in order of performance
 Capitol Harmony
 Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School
Exhibition Only 
Perfectly Poised 
 John Burroughs High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Potion No. 9 
 Diamond Bar High School
Exhibition Only 
Most Commitment 
 Hart High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Costumes 
Best Soloist 

   Treble Division - Tier III


 Ashwaubenon High School

   Bass Division


Groups in order of performance
 John Burroughs High School
Exhibition Only 
Lovely Lamps Award (Best Use of Props) 
 Who's Yo Daddy?
 Mt. Eden High School
Exhibition Only 
Most Cinematic Performance 
 Hart High School
Exhibition Only 
Best Ninja Battle 

   Middle School Mixed Division


Groups in order of performance
 Trinity Meadows Intermediate School
Exhibition Only 
Cleanest Choreography 
 Lakeside Middle School
Exhibition Only 
Best Staging 
Best Costumes 
Best Soloist 
 Mini Swingers
 Bunsold Middle School
Exhibition Only 
Most Passion 
Most Charisma 
 Dolores Huerta Middle School
Exhibition Only 
Best Freestyle Shots 
Most Expressive 
 Roaring Harmony
 Temecula Valley Charter School
Exhibition Only 
Best Choreography 
Most Fun 
 Sound Sensations
 Calavera Hills Middle School
Exhibition Only 
Boldest Performance 
 Trinity Springs Middle School
Exhibition Only 
Best Ripples 

   Middle School Treble Division


Groups in order of performance
 Lakeside Middle School
Exhibition Only 
Best Stunts 
 Trinity Springs Middle School
Exhibition Only 
Most Commitment 
Best Soloist 

   Attending Members displaying 3 of 3 members  




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1 comments • Sort by

Will. on Jan 6, 2021, 12:00 AM
Post #1
Not gonna lie, I'm digging the green. Props to the SCC team for adding this cool distinguishing factor to virtual events!


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