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Event Info

February 4th, 2005
Venue Info
Citrus College
Haugh Performing Arts Ctr.
700 N. Citrus Ave.
Glendora, CA 91741
Phone: (626) 963-9411
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
12 Mixed Groups
Event Judges:
Tom Kessler (Music / Performance)
Doug Kuhl (Performance)
Doug Newton (Music)
Kurt Nielsen (Performance)
John Wilson (Music)
Tickets are $9 and will be available at the door.
Diamond Bar Spectacular 2005

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division - Tier I

In Sync
Burbank High School
First Place
Student's Choice

Arcadia High School
Second Place
Musicianship (TIE)

John Burroughs High School
Third Place
Musicianship (TIE)

Sound Vibrations
Hart High School
4th Place

Mixed Division - Tier II

Chamber Choir
Brea Olinda High School
First Place

Sound FX
Los Alamitos High School
Second Place

The Music Machine
Bonita Vista High School
Third Place (TIE)
Student's Choice

Main Attraction
Chula Vista High School
Third Place (TIE)

Mixed Division - Tier III

Royal Stewart Singers
Glendora High School
First Place
Student's Choice

Out Of The Blue
Burbank High School
Second Place

El Rancho High School
Third Place

John A. Rowland High School
4th Place

Attending Members
No members signed up for this event.
155 comments • Sort by

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5AZNsNCounting on Feb 14, 2005, 10:36 PM
Post #155
I know that its a lil' late, but I also want to hear some criticism...frankly, I didn't like our performance at DB and I was wondering how we (or any choir, for that matter) could improve on, so lets hear some criticism dang it! " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

user deleted  on Feb 14, 2005, 10:31 PM
Post #154

TonyAtienza on Feb 14, 2005, 9:09 PM
Post #153
Singndancr is back with a vengance....

" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

Now where is The Adjudicator and Big Bad Wolf? That ought to liven this forum up a bit....


singndancr on Feb 14, 2005, 7:01 PM
Post #152
QUOTE(Neil Tandon @ Feb 7 2005, 04:57 PM)
Okay... I didn't go to DB but this may be the worst results page for DBS I have ever witnessed... where are all the comments about people's shows and critisism... take your rules and crybaby tactics somewhere else... I WANT COMPETITION OPINIONS...

you want opinions??? you can't handle opinions!!! " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />


singndancr on Feb 14, 2005, 6:59 PM
Post #151
QUOTE(Neil Tandon @ Feb 5 2005, 11:31 AM)
Time and time again Arcadia Chanteurs shows a level of singing and dancing calibur that  can overwhelm even the best of competition... Next week they might even get 1st...  Watch out Burbank and Burbank 2...

i'm sure they will do much better now that you are gone!!!!! " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> " border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />

user deleted  on Feb 9, 2005, 10:56 PM
Post #150
QUOTE(AsHtLe @ Feb 9 2005, 05:35 PM)
thanks to those of you who enjoyed the el rancho choraleers comp. set it means a lot to us. we appreciate the fact everyone really had fun watching our show. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love, ashley

El Rancho! I love you guys, you always have something fun going on.

user deleted  on Feb 9, 2005, 8:35 PM
Post #149
thanks to those of you who enjoyed the el rancho choraleers comp. set it means a lot to us. we appreciate the fact everyone really had fun watching our show. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love, ashley


BobTheBuilder on Feb 9, 2005, 1:13 AM
Post #148
QUOTE(Active @ Feb 8 2005, 05:22 PM)
Just a small correction...

Doug Kuhl did not adjudicate in Division C.  And that was due to the fact that he choreographs for Glendora.  He adjudicated Division A and B though. 


That's what I meant... I got the letters confused.


musicj47 on Feb 8, 2005, 11:48 PM
Post #147
QUOTE(capt'nBNR @ Feb 8 2005, 08:03 PM)
i think that they ment since is was harts first comp, and in a way people are kind of putting them down. not like directly but in a way they are.. at least thats how it seems in my opinion.

I know that is what he meant, but i was adding to what he said by saying all groups will get better. Hart and BV have the furthest to go since it was both of our first comps. . . and other groups that DB was their first comp. . .

user deleted  on Feb 8, 2005, 11:03 PM
Post #146
QUOTE(musicj47 @ Feb 8 2005, 04:27 PM)
All the groups will get better!! Not just Hart. . .

i think that they ment since is was harts first comp, and in a way people are kind of putting them down. not like directly but in a way they are.. at least thats how it seems in my opinion.

user deleted  on Feb 8, 2005, 9:45 PM (Edited)
Post #145
QUOTE(BACarroll @ Feb 5 2005, 03:48 PM)
In reference to the comments that were and will be made about In Sync not being in the auditorium the entire evening: 

Our "Out of the Blue" was the first group to go, scheduled to go into warm-up at 6:15pm.  They are mostly freshmen and it was their first competition, so you can imagine how much prep they needed. The "In Sync" kids helped them get ready and, of course, wanted to be there to support their sister choir during their first performance.

Due to an emergency yesterday, we did not get to leave Burbank ON TIME earlier in the day.  Most of you know how bad traffic can needless to say "our plan" did not get a chance to work (and it was VERY tight schedule for us anyway.) 

Thus, In Sync was not dressed and ready when it came time for the evening to begin....but rather than have "Out of the Blue" not get help from the older kids to prep (and so that they could be there during their younger choir's performance) we had to miss performances. 

And contrary to popular myth, we were not gone having some "super-rehearsal" that gave us the magic ability to win the competition.  I am constantly amazed at some directors and choirs on this circuit who are so bent on winning that they look for any way they can to try and prove that somebody else has an "advantage" that is "illegal".  I would suggest that those people look more at their own performance and their preparation in the days before if they are looking to do better.  I know that I was not completely happy with our performance last night, but that doesn't mean that I am going to look somewhere else to place blame on our not placing higher vocally. 

For those people who were miffed last night, I apologize. Sincerely.  Though,  there WAS a Burbank group in the auditorium seated the ENTIRE evening since we had two groups there.  And for those groups "In Sync" missed watching last night while they were getting dressed, I know you were great and we WILL get to see you MANY times this season.  I think the only real complainers were those people (directors) thinking we were gaining a "leg up" on them, which is quite silly.  You know what?  I will never be a director who tries to stir up trouble on rumors or try to get someone disqualified EVEN if they are not following the rules. (By the way, the rules that I had from Diamond Bar did not have any listed penalty for not being in the auditorium for EVERY group's performance.) I don't want to compete if my winning is so important that I want to bring others down to get there.  I want all of you to bring your best #1 show to the table however you think is best.  If it takes directing in the auditorium or on the stage, using sequenced synthesizers in your band, using risers or not using risers,  using props or not using props, strategically deciding who is close to what microphone onstage to keep good balance, only performing your best three songs because the others aren't ready, copying past choirs/songs and concepts, talking to the judges after the competition to learn what they "want" to see and hear, taking time to get dressed and supporting your sister choirs....ETC.  Whatever it takes, I want ALL the choirs to get a shot to be comfortable, not be rushed, and to perform the BEST SHOW they have ever done. 

Can you believe that there are directors/students/parents who actually are sitting there in the audience WAITING for your choir to "mess up" so that they will score and look better.  Why does their success depend on somebody else not doing their BEST SHOW.  This is an EDUCATIONAL experience not the Super Bowl.  As Mr. Willert said last night, everyone is a winner.  You ALL took time out of your life to learn music, to practice choreography, and to learn a show.  That alone is a monumental task.  And THEN you get up on stage in front of 5000 people and show us what you have worked on.... WHY can't we be happy for everybody who is there??  I thrill in getting to hear Burroughs sing Earthsong, I have a blast getting into Chula's entertaining shows, I sit in awe that Arcadia has the ability to sing with such an incredible blend, and I can't get enough of Hart's breakdancers!  I don't sit there hoping I can find a way to discredit or discount what they did that night.  How petty some have become.  It is a sad commentary on where we place importance in our lives when our success depends on the misfortune of other.

I WILL make a constructive comment here that I shared with Mr. Willert last night after this topic came up.  This is in reference to the warm-up room at Citrus and how the time is handled.  I feel like everyone should have a separate dance warm-up rehearsal before the assigned warm-up slot due to the lack of space and time to properly warm up the performers main instrument: their body!  Stretching muscles and preparing the body for dance is important.  Many dancers and choreographers would call it careless and DANGEROUS to attempt to go out on a stage and dance the way many of our groups do without an adequate chance to stretch out and prepare yourself.  This is a serious and unhealthy flaw in our system.

Burbank DID NOT have that opportunity last night, thus: I had a student last night who had a serious asthma attack after our group's performance.  He would have been in better shape if we had been able to do a proper physical warm-up before the performance.  This would have prepared his system to get ready for a very physical show.  BUT, all we had was the 15 min. or so warm-up where I had to get the singers ready with final instructions and also had to clear up a few problems with my band together with the singers.  They had no time to really get physically prepared to put on a show. 

It saddens me that I feel like I have to discuss this situation.....  But people run with rumors.  Before you know it, we will be accused of using psychic mediums to influence the judges decision last night. (uh...yeah....that's where we were last night.....around a crystal ball...)  ;)  Maybe those mediums could make everyone, but us, sound like they are singing "out of tune".  OR MAYBE I COULD PLACE A LITTLE MORE EMPHASIS ON WORKING ON MY OWN GROUPS and decide to quit attacking and accusing other groups...

Why can't every director be like Brett Carroll? There is absolutly nothing wrong in what they did; those of you who disagree should be ashamed of yourselves for being so down right mean; you made accusations before understanding the situation.

In Sync, you guys did a phenomenal job and I'm really glad you guys won (@ DB). Working with you that Wednesday was a great learning experience and I'm sure it helped you guys a lot too, as it did for us. I look forward to competiting with such an amazing group this season. Best of Luck to you all, and in fact to everyone this 2005 season!


ShingY on Feb 8, 2005, 9:40 PM
Post #144
QUOTE(Active @ Feb 8 2005, 06:22 PM)
Just a small correction...

Doug Kuhl did not adjudicate in Division C.  And that was due to the fact that he choreographs for Glendora.  He adjudicated Division A and B though. 


i think he meant that. the whole letters thing is kinda confusing. hahaha. -__-;;


musicj47 on Feb 8, 2005, 8:27 PM
Post #143
Doug Kuhl is an awesome guy!


Active on Feb 8, 2005, 8:22 PM
Post #142
QUOTE(BobTheBuilder @ Feb 8 2005, 09:27 AM)
The Division A scores were a little off in repsect to the other divisions becuase Doug Kuhl didn't judge show in A (Tom Kessler judged both music and show).  Since the rest of the divisions were judged by all of the judges, you can't really compare the scores from A to those of B and C.

Just a small correction...

Doug Kuhl did not adjudicate in Division C. And that was due to the fact that he choreographs for Glendora. He adjudicated Division A and B though.



musicj47 on Feb 8, 2005, 7:27 PM
Post #141
All the groups will get better!! Not just Hart. . .


breaolinda2002-03 on Feb 8, 2005, 7:23 PM
Post #140
QUOTE(5AZNsNCounting @ Feb 8 2005, 03:35 PM)
give them a break...It was Hart's first comp and everything was new to them...of course people who had time to improve since the critiques of Aztec would get higher scores, but Hart definitely stood their out for them, they WILL be a top contender...btw, we have something in store for Brea, kind of like an homage..

i dont get tht tree comment i am hoping its really funny cuz people were laughing at it but i dont get it....anyway i know it was harts first comp and i expect them to do really well it was my kinda way of saying watch out for brea cuz we will only get better. anyway good luck to everyone i mean no ill freeling i think everyone is great and seriously i want to know whats up with the tree thing cuz i want it to be really funny and who knows maybe ill have something for you at the brea comp

user deleted  on Feb 8, 2005, 6:59 PM
Post #139
QUOTE(ScazzyMillie @ Feb 7 2005, 05:09 PM)
aw john...YOU LIKED US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i'm flattered.  & wasn't napoleon HOTT?!?!! i took that ish to prom last year (yeah dawg, you could say i robbed the cradle...he was a freshy).  OMG TARA & WOODY!!!!!!!!!!!!  last year...PROM!!!!!  holy, tara, woody & NAPOLEON (patrick murray).  SOOOOOO MUCH FUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!

we were XhardcoreXhawtcoreX!! crap, i love you ameel.

user deleted  on Feb 8, 2005, 6:58 PM
Post #138
QUOTE(JohnPH>7 @ Feb 6 2005, 04:49 PM)
**Tara - I've never had better choir sex.  THanks again!

oh my, it was only the best i've had. no problem, anytime. ;)



5AZNsNCounting on Feb 8, 2005, 6:35 PM
Post #137
QUOTE(breaolinda2002-03 @ Feb 8 2005, 12:11 AM)
anyone know what the placements were if we had all been in the same division?

cuz i heard some crazy talk that brea might have gotten a higher score than hart?

give them a break...It was Hart's first comp and everything was new to them...of course people who had time to improve since the critiques of Aztec would get higher scores, but Hart definitely stood their out for them, they WILL be a top contender...btw, we have something in store for Brea, kind of like an homage..


BobTheBuilder on Feb 8, 2005, 12:27 PM (Edited)
Post #136
The Division C scores were a little off in repsect to the other divisions becuase Doug Kuhl didn't judge show in C (Tom Kessler judged both music and show). Since the rest of the divisions were judged by all of the judges, you can't really compare the scores from C to those of A and B.

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