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Event Info

July 12th, 2012
Venue Info
Aronoff Center
Procter & Gamble Hall
650 Walnut Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: (513) 621-2787
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
4 Mixed Groups
Event Hosts:
Event Judges:
Ticket prices unknown.
World Choir Games 2012

Event Site
Live Stream
Mixed Division

Fairfield Senior High School
Grand Champion
Gold Medal

By Request
Loveland High School
First Runner Up
Silver Medal

Show Cards
Colerain High School
Second Runner Up
Silver Medal

Show Choir
McAuley & LaSalle High Schools
3rd Runner Up
Silver Medal

Attending Members displaying 1 of 1 members
17 comments • Sort by

Nebraska on Jul 29, 2012, 11:20 PM
Post #17
Congrats to Fairfield. Saw them at the Grand Ole Opry last season and LOVED their show.


sdavis on Jul 13, 2012, 10:37 PM
Post #16
Show Choir Category Results from the World Choir Games Website:

Fairfield Choraliers (USA)- 92.00 Gold (Champions)

Bahamas National Youth Choir (Bahamas)- 88.5 Gold

Ball State University Singers (USA)- 85.00 Gold

Vocalista Angels (Indonesia)- 82.50 Gold

Loveland By Request (USA)- 78.00 Silver

Orfeón Universitario Rafael Montaňo (Venezuela)- 71.50 Silver

Colerain Show Cards (USA)- 68.50 Silver

The McAuley & LaSalle High School Show Choir (USA)- 65.00 Silver

Peace & Serenity (USA)- 59.00 Bronze

Sušický Dětský Sbor (Czech Republic)- 54.00 Bronze

participation_plaque on Jul 12, 2012, 5:50 PM
Post #15
today was just fantastic! this was the first ever international show choir competition and it was phenomenal.
the venue was superb (proctor and gamble hall) and was completely sold out several days ahead of time (near 3000 tickets). the groups were:
Ball State University Singers, Muncie, IN, USA;
Show Cards, Cincinnati, OH, USA;
Bahamas National Youth Choir, Bahamas;
Orfeón Universitario Rafael Montaño, Venezuela;
Loveland by Request, Loveland, OH, USA
Choraliers, Fairfield, OH, USA;
Sušický Dětský Sbor, Czech Republic;
Peace & Serenity, New York, NY, USA;
The McAuley & LaSalle High School Show Choir, Cincinnati, OH, USA;
Vocalista Angels, Indonesia

it was truly amazing to see what show choir is like around the globe and for us all to really appreciate each other. the event ran so smoothly. every choir was outstanding, standing ovation worthy (and they got it). i hope this category continues at the future world choir games and can spark even more international competition.

results will be announced saturday.

p.s. fairfield was phenomenal, and all USA show choirs represented our country extremely well

participation_plaque on May 9, 2012, 5:21 PM
Post #14
here's the show choir champions competition rules

Jeff. on May 7, 2012, 11:37 PM (Edited)
Post #13
What days are the show choirs performing?
According to this Schedule of Events, it appears that Thursday July 12th will feature show choirs as well as on the evening of Friday July 13th.

Also, these were the only show choirs I identified as listed on the website:
Fairfield "Choraliers"
ETC "All-Americans"
Loveland "By Request"
Hamilton "Rhapsody in Blue"
Colerain "Show Cards"
Ball State University "Singers"

Rian on May 7, 2012, 11:54 AM
Post #12
What days are the show choirs performing?


NoahWho? on May 4, 2012, 7:48 AM
Post #11
The website for the competition is AMAZING

JWill on May 3, 2012, 6:01 PM
Post #10
So who's going?

giovannile07 on Mar 5, 2012, 7:48 AM
Post #9
My edits won't work, I meant to make that clear that we're doing our competition show from the current season.
There's some bug when you use on Mozilla, if that's the internet source you are using, it works on Google Chrome and Internet Explorer I think, I usually just use Google Chrome when I need to edit something on here haha.

k.po on Mar 4, 2012, 1:18 AM
Post #8
My edits won't work, I meant to make that clear that we're doing our competition show from the current season.

k.po on Mar 4, 2012, 1:17 AM
Post #7
According to the Colerain "Show Cards" 2012 schedule, they will also be attending the World Choir Games. source

So, I tried looking around on the website and then got a headache from information overload. So is this going to be like a regular show choir competition or is it just festival performances? If it is a true competition, are show choirs from across the nation attending, besides the local Ohio groups? Also, since it's in July how does that work since seniors should be graduating in May/June and a show choir probably wouldn't be able to put a strong show together in just a month?

I do know that we're performing our competition show. Our director discussed this well before the start of the season and asked us if we would all be committed to staying together and rehearsing through the summer to be able to perform at the games. I'm thinking other groups probably did the same. As far as details in the setup goes, our director hasn't gotten any information whatsoever. We don't even know the day we perform. Just that we're in the World Choir Games. I'm sure we should be informed any day now, it's only like four months away. I'm so excited!

Jeff. on Mar 3, 2012, 11:04 PM
Post #6
According to the Colerain "Show Cards" 2012 schedule, they will also be attending the World Choir Games. source

So, I tried looking around on the website and then got a headache from information overload. So is this going to be like a regular show choir competition or is it just festival performances? If it is a true competition, are show choirs from across the nation attending, besides the local Ohio groups? Also, since it's in July how does that work since seniors should be graduating in May/June and a show choir probably wouldn't be able to put a strong show together in just a month?

k.po on Mar 2, 2012, 8:29 PM
Post #5
I know that Hamilton's Rhapsody In Blue received a special invitation to perform, but you can enter without an invitation I believe. Loveland will also be there.


Ryan Shapiro on Sep 21, 2011, 6:40 AM
Post #4
CONGRATS to Fairfield Choraliers! I cant think of a more upstanding and talented choir and choral program to represent USA!

Last Chaos on Aug 6, 2011, 5:35 PM
Post #3
I'm really excited about the games! I'm really lucky that its so close to where I live :D

(I didn't mean to gives this topic a thumbs down. I thought I clicked the thumbs up XD)

Woo for living in Ohio!!! :D MUST. GO. SEE. at least the show choirs are they gonna ask the best show choirs or how is that gonna work?


powellzilla on Aug 6, 2011, 2:27 AM
Post #2
I'm really excited about the games! I'm really lucky that its so close to where I live :D

(I didn't mean to gives this topic a thumbs down. I thought I clicked the thumbs up XD)


WORLD.CHOIR.GAMES! on Jul 19, 2011, 2:36 PM
Post #1
The World Choir Games, the largest choir festival and competition in the world, is coming to North America for the first time. The host city will welcome hundreds of choirs from all over the world to the USA July 4-14, 2012, and I would especially like you and your show choir to be among them! We are reaching out to those choirs that will best represent our great choral traditions in the United States. As we welcome choirs of the world, we wish to showcase our wealth of choirs of all ages, sizes, genres, and levels.

It's especially important with the advent of GLEE, that we show the world just what the show choir genre can offer. I'm sure you will agree, we want to make a great impression for the world-wide acceptance of this unique art form.

The World Choir Games will feature twenty-three categories of competition such as Sacred, Contemporary, Popular, and Folklore, as well as our country's unique and rich heritage of Jazz, Spiritual, Gospel, Show Choir, and Barbershop. It's truly the Choir Olympics!

Show choirs are important to the face of choral music we present to the world, and we want your choir to join us!

Please feel free to contact Lori Lobsiger, North America head of the games at [email protected] if you have questions or call the North American choral operations for INTERKULTUR WORLD CHOIR GAMES 2012 at 513-561-SING!

Check out some of these links for more info!


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