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  Show Choir Community    Events    2008 Season    Onalaska Show Choir Classic 2008

   Event Info

January 12th, 2008

Venue Info

Onalaska High School
700 Hilltopper Place
Onalaska, WI 54650

Phone: (608) 783-4561

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  17 Mixed Groups
  1 Middle School Groups


  Onalaska "Hilltoppers"


  Marty DeMott

  Eugene Rogers

  Mark Myers

  Judy Hanson

  Liz McConahay

  Kevin Butler (Critique)


$13 Adults
$10 Students

$10 Adults
$8 Students

All Day Pass
$18 Adults
$13 Students


Onalaska Show Choir Classic 2008

Event Site
Live Stream




 The Classics
 Wheaton Warrenville South High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 
Best Female Soloist 

 Elite Energy
 Eisenhower High School
First Runner Up 

 Mt. Zion High School
Second Runner Up 

 Riverside Company
 Hastings High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Amazing Technicolor Show Choir
 Westside High School
4th Runner Up 

 The Headliners
 Sioux City East High School
5th Runner Up 
Best Male Soloist 

   Mixed Division (Prelims)

   Attending Members

No members signed up for this event.

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EsAreUnimportant on Jan 15, 2008, 11:19 PM (Edited)
Post #302
I definitely think Jorge is entitled to his opinion, and how is any group supposed to get better if they can't accept critique? We agree about the "Endless Night" choreography, I think we're going to tone that down before our next competition.

While I do think you're entitled to your own opinion though, I don't think you could fairly judge "Banana Skins" from our performance. Let me tell you that the tempo fiasco at the beginning was far from the only thing that was off in that number especially.

I am also wondering what else you thought was confused or jumbled in our show - I'd really appreciate all the feedback you have. We're just trying to improve Traditionally Xhilaration improves the most from the first competition to the second (case in point: 8th place at Supernova last year followed with a GC at Benton), and we're only able to do this if we accept critique and use it to our advantage.

Thanks a lot for the good comments too, weinzzettel! I really enjoyed your show, but I especially loved "Strutter".

Stolba on Jan 15, 2008, 11:16 PM
Post #301
QUOTE(weinzettelRC @ Jan 15 2008, 07:04 PM) [snapback]412058[/snapback]
HEY JORGE! What are you some sort of Show Choir GOD or something?! Thanks...I guess for what you said about my choir (minus the tenth place part) But what in your right mind gives you the liberty to say such harsh things especially to Xhileration...their show was awesome and just because it wasn't perfectly polished or amazing gives you no right to put them down like that. NO CHOIR DESERVES THAT I DONT CARE IF THEY ARE WHEATON WARRENVILLE OR SOME LITTLE MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR. Maybe your intentions weren't so malicious as they came off as but maybe you should be a little more careful... btw, serious question: are you a judge? because you sure sounded like you thought you were...

Well, i think they fact that this is a public board and the liberty of free speech allows him to post what he wants.
I think they are a lot nastier ways to post what you really feel. everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think what he said was perfectly in the lines of being okay on this board.

and second of all, Adam is not a judge and he knows that. Considering he made a comment about that in his post. We are all entitled to our opinions and he posted what he thought about the shows.
If you ask anyone what they thought of shows they will tell you one thing in person and turn around on these boards and post the total opposite. Adam doesn't work that way, and from the years he has been on here, won't.

And i am pretty sure he included good things about everyone, even Xavier. Cool the jets, please.


gh063j on Jan 15, 2008, 11:04 PM
Post #300
HEY JORGE! What are you some sort of Show Choir GOD or something?! Thanks...I guess for what you said about my choir (minus the tenth place part) But what in your right mind gives you the liberty to say such harsh things especially to Xhileration...their show was awesome and just because it wasn't perfectly polished or amazing gives you no right to put them down like that. NO CHOIR DESERVES THAT I DONT CARE IF THEY ARE WHEATON WARRENVILLE OR SOME LITTLE MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR. Maybe your intentions weren't so malicious as they came off as but maybe you should be a little more careful... btw, serious question: are you a judge? because you sure sounded like you thought you were...

heydear on Jan 15, 2008, 11:03 PM (Edited)
Post #299
: )

Jorge on Jan 15, 2008, 9:45 PM (Edited)
Post #298
Eisenhower "Elite Energy"-

It's been four years now that I have become extremely smitten with you all. I thought that I wouldn't know many of you… but I was pleasantly surprised the night before at the hotel to see that younger siblings are entering the mix, and a good number of you that I had got to know at Great River 2005, are also still around! All I can say is, once again, you all have outdone yourselves! Major props immediately go to the mastermind, Mr. Scott Hines, on another amazing show design! The songs all flow so well together, and the positive and energetic message is appreciated. "Slow Me Down/What Could Be Better" is your typical EEE opener. It opens the show with full force and starts us on our 'journey'. The costumes are sooo beautiful and elegant, more props to Scott on his excellent choices from year to year. "How Lucky Can You Get" is a pleasant surprise… it has that nice show-tune feel that Eisenhower really hasn't done in the past. Miss Linda did a fantastic job choreographing it, I think some of her best work I have seen (or at least my favorite of hers). The ballad, "Time", is just gorgeous. You all have worked so hard in putting the appropriate energy into the lyrics. I love how the facials and energy is NOT scripted out, it's just your true feelings. You guys open yourselves to the audience and show TRUE emotion… not fake in any way. Too many show choirs today are being told by their directors what/how to look/feel like. You all have been taught to tap into the emotional side of what is being sung… and it definitely shows off. The girls have some wonderful vocal moments in "Smooth Operator". They get into character soooo well. I also feel this could be the best sounding female year Eisenhower has ever had. The choreography also was very clean in it. "Smooth" for the guys is another grand slam. Every year, EEE has one of the best sounding/choreographed male only song. The guys dance soooo well… usually leaving young girls screaming madly and jumping up and down (maybe an exaggeration). Mr. Moran does a fantastic job with the solo, what a talent! The closer, "Waiting On The World to Change/Don't Give Hate A Chance" is the icing on the cake for the show. "Don't Give Hate A Chance" is PERFECT. You guys did not fizzle out whatsoever… in day round or in finals! The dance break was faultless. SO MUCH ENERGY! I can't tell you enough how happy and proud I was to see EEE back in business (I never saw the show live last year, just portions on YouTube) this year at Onalaska. I would have to say… and I think most of my show choir junkies who I was with at Ona believe that you had the cleanest show. The choreography was just crystal clean, the sound was fantastic, the band was great, and the show is dynamite! I can't wait to show you guys off to the West kids at Mt. Zion. Also… please bring an appetite to Mt. Zion… I'll have something for all of you! Great job, once again! Thanks to all the parents too that I talked to the night before… you all are so supportive and nice!

Mt. Zion "Swingsations"-

I'll start off by saying… you all are a bunch of tricksters. I watched the day round show, and thought, "Wow… they aren't very good at all, and barely deserve to be in finals." The vocals were super weak, the choreography was VERY messy (I'm still baffled as to why you were first in movement in the day round), and I just wasn't feeling the show at all. But… fast forward to finals, and once again… you proved to me why you should be there. The finals show was like watching a completely different group take the stage. I felt like I was watching a NEW show. The choreography was clean, the vocals were still young sounding, but much more strong. The show design is okay, the songs are good. The only really cool thing that struck me was your novelty. I'm so glad that you did it… it really adds a level of excitement to the show that it wouldn't have with out it. It's a fantastic idea… and I know you guys won't be the only ones who takes the risk and does something of that sort with the audience, this season. It was fun watching the final's judges reactions… 3 in deep support, nodding their heads and smiling, and 2 scowling, shaking their heads and talking vigorously. Keep up the great work! It's a solid show… Michael Winslow obviously "gets it".

Hastings "Riverside Company"-

Another trickster group. I had y'all 10th in the day… but after seeing you guys in finals, I pegged you in 4th. You guys were awesome in finals! Everything was sooo much better than in the day. I didn't really think I'd enjoy the "Boxing" theme at the end… but, I really did. Lin Warren is a very smart man, and I applaud him for being so innovative and taking risks on themes that wouldn't even be thought about by most directors. My favorite song was "Strutter/Strut"… I don't really know why, but it is. I loved the "Rocky Theme" a capella part as well. The ballad, "Remember When It Rained" is stunning! Just please remember to keep making it build until the very end. I would almost venture to say "Let Loose!" at the ending "ahhhhs"… it just didn't climax as much as I would have liked it to. The male sound throughout the show is fantastic. Very good job! The choreography is awesome, props to Andrew Cao with providing fresh stuff for you guys every year. Congrats on your first finals finish at "The Classic"… make it happen again next year!

Omaha Westside "The Amazing Technicolor Show Choir"-

I wish you would have had the songs in the program… I don't remember the names of them that well. I loved the opener… it was very unique, having what seemed like a different feeling every 30 seconds. The ballad, "Someone To Fall Back" on was beautiful… it's one of my favorite songs, and is also very special to my heart, so you'll be glad to know I got a little weepy (haha). My only constructive criticism is that I didn't feel like your closer finished the show off on a high enough level. I won't say it just "fizzled out"… but it certainly could have some more energy and end with a "Bang!", instead of a mediocre "Pop!" (sorry for the lame way of explaining) I'm so glad to have been there, once again, for you all making finals. I was there when you first made it in 2005… and was there when you were 1st in vocals in the day round of 2004. Have a good season!

Sioux City East "Headliners"-

I know the debate of recycled songs rages… but casting that aside… fantastic job!!!! "Blue Skies" is terrific! The soloist was phenomenal! He has such a wonderful style and was very deserving of his BMS award! "He's My Son" was great. My favorite part of the entire show was the "60's Dance Party Gone Wild". It was so colorful and full of great songs. I especially enjoyed the "Go Go" portion. The costumes were so much fun… I would request that you send me a green suit (haha). The choreography was shagadelic. The wigs are a really nice touch. The part of the show that is/was shaky was "There's Gotta Be Something Better Than This" and "Nicest Kids In Town". The vocals just sort of die out (since half the choir is off stage)… the energy also disappears. It's a weak point in an otherwise very powerful show. I think it's the reason you ended up in 5th Runner Up. I was VERY impressed with the entire show… and I truly feel that with some work on those weak songs, you could be one of or maybe even the best choir in Iowa this year. Those vocals are really something special, keep it up!

Buffalo Grove "The Expressions"-

I was hoping for some kind of change… something that would make me change my often harsh views on your show choir. But alas, I was disappointed yet again. I thought with a new director, there would be some kind of new energy, or some kind of new vibrancy that would be felt by audience members. Nope… same ole' Buffalo Grove… only this time… it wasn't rewarded. I also was hoping maybe some kind of style The vocals were puny and frail. I could barely understand what you were singing. The songs were pretty dry. The energy was non-existent. I thought Randy did a very nice job with the choreography… but I felt the closer had WAY to much arm movement. Blades after blades. The closer should have been so exciting… but the singing and arrangement made it very dull. Usually, people scream and cheer when a closer is happening… when an awesome dance break happens… well, quite honestly, the audience sat in silence. It was creepily awkward… what should have been getting some kind of keyed up reaction was actually getting silence and thoughts of "When is this going to be over?" You guys have been doing the same thing over and over for years now… and on some level, it has worked. But, this should be a red flag saying, it's not working. You guys were prepared… stronger vocals and energy would have given you a bit of a boost… but not much. The show is a snoozer. Hopefully some adjustments can be made so the rest of the season goes well. This isn't a case of "new director blues"... because from what we see on stage, you can't tell Miss Linda ever left.

Johnston "Innovation"-

You guys are getting there! The vocals were impressive and the choreography was nice. Keep on working, and you'll be at the level you were last year! It was great to see you.

Totino Grace "Company Of Singers"-

You guys are always so entertaining! The show is full of fun. I love the songs… especially "Boy From New York City" and "Wake Me Up (Before You Go-Go)"… with a little more work, you'll be at the usual amazing Totino level. It was a rough day for y'all… but there's nothing but going up from here. Onalaska is like a test drive for most groups… and well… for you guys, she was a nasty jalopy. But I know… deep down, by the time you arrive at Omaha Westside, you'll be at the top of your game! Great job!

Waconia "Power Company"-

I was really surprised at how strong you guys were! You guys looked fantastic! It was a very good quality show, keep up the good work!

Xavier "Xhileration"-

I was very disappointed in the show… it seems to me from year to year you guys improve, but this year, I'm not so sure. I really do believe that "When Banana Skins Are Falling" sinks your show… get it out of there!!! It makes NO sense… and even though you guys got off vocally… it wasn't at all amusing. The ending 'choreography' at the end of "Endless Night" was a bit excessive as well. "Strangers Like Me" was a great closer… it ended a very jumbled and confusing show on a good note. Good luck with the rest of your season! We'll miss you at Great River.

Sauk Prairie "Executive Session"-

I guess I really need to just stop judging your shows… because I guess the judges and my thoughts just never match up whatsoever. I had you guys in finals. I felt that the vocals were good, the choreography was clean, the show made sense (obviously). It's not always some of the most riveting stuff, but it is all done well. At times, you had some very exciting vocal moments with the entire choir. The sopranos reach notes I didn't even think were attainable. Sweet Charity made the show fun, because there are some really good songs. Keep working hard, and I'm sure it will pay off how you would want it. You guys are performing machines. Always in character 24/7.


Onalaska was a fantastic competition. It was nice to have conversations with some directors (mainly Aaron Olson and Heath Weber)… it was extremely awesome to hang with the SCC/show choir junkies (Nick S, Megan, Nick M, Chris, and Adam Miller* ((*The night before))). It was great to see some friends from SCA (Joe F. from WW especially, congrats on your win and see ya at Mt.Zion). It was lovely seeing my Onalaska girls Heather and Kim. It just was a great day. The competition ended on time… and besides seeing Hastings boys strip their shirts off when being announced 3rd Runner Up, everyone was well behaved… seems that doesn't happen much at competitions these days… but sportsmanship was great (lead by Totino of course :-p) I can't wait for Onalaska 2009!!!


ana on Jan 15, 2008, 12:44 AM
Post #297
QUOTE(tscott @ Jan 14 2008, 07:35 PM) [snapback]411925[/snapback]
And yet your director continues to use them? " border="0" alt="blink.gif" />

They are very similar to the heels that Clinton has been using for years. It's a "look".

sunglasses_chic08 on Jan 15, 2008, 12:07 AM
Post #296
Yeah I don't know, if my shoes were strapless i know i'd have trouble dancing in them. They'd fly off everytime i kicked, lol. Despite that, obviously the strapless shoes still work well for the most part, considering no one else's shoes flew off during that awesome lift. It's cool that they have shoes other than the standard character ones; it really adds to the show.

Jorge on Jan 15, 2008, 12:05 AM
Post #295
QUOTE(dramanator25 @ Jan 14 2008, 04:45 PM) [snapback]411840[/snapback]
so what is Mt. Zion's show?

Most of the shows were posted before. Look back a page or two.

ATSChicks on Jan 15, 2008, 12:04 AM
Post #294
QUOTE(itsthelove4dance @ Jan 14 2008, 07:57 PM) [snapback]411930[/snapback]
Hmmm. I don't recall a shoe flying off at all last year, since you know, I was actually in the group. & obviously if it happened so much to be a problem, you guys wouldn't be wearing them this year. It was a one time thing & she did an awesome job handling it. I didn't even know who's shoe it was until I heard someone talking about it.

Well not to get involved in the issue of Sioux City East shoes, but a Headliner girl who was in the front row on stage left last year lost a high-heeled red shoe at daytime at Onalaska, but handled it very well. She just kicked it behind the monitor so it wasn't in the way or in sight and kept dancing like nothing had happened. It didn't "fly" though, more like fell.


itsthelove4dance on Jan 14, 2008, 11:57 PM
Post #293
QUOTE(snugbugck @ Jan 14 2008, 05:31 PM) [snapback]411858[/snapback]
Those are the same shoes we used last year so them flying off is something we've seen before,

Hmmm. I don't recall a shoe flying off at all last year, since you know, I was actually in the group. & obviously if it happened so much to be a problem, you guys wouldn't be wearing them this year. It was a one time thing & she did an awesome job handling it. I didn't even know who's shoe it was until I heard someone talking about it.


tscott on Jan 14, 2008, 11:35 PM
Post #292
QUOTE(snugbugck @ Jan 14 2008, 03:31 PM) [snapback]411858[/snapback] them flying off is something we've seen before....

And yet your director continues to use them? " border="0" alt="blink.gif" />


gh063j on Jan 14, 2008, 11:20 PM
Post #291
QUOTE(Stolby @ Jan 14 2008, 04:43 PM) [snapback]411839[/snapback]
That would be Sioux City East
The poise that the girl showed was AMAZING
but yeah, that would be the guy who won Best Male Soloist, and rightfully deserved. He was amazing.

Yeah that was awesome I saw that girl kick her other shoe under the stage but that was kind of poor planning to do all those awesome flips and stuff in those strapless HIGH heels (yet alone just walk in them lol) nontheless they look frickin awesome.

about the best male soloist...YES HE WAS VERY GOOD BUT THE BALLAD SOLOIST FROM Xavier Xhileration WAS FRICKIN WAYYYYYYYYY BETTER I was quite angry that he didn't get it...they went early in the morning so the judges most likely just forgot about him :,(

Margaux on Jan 14, 2008, 9:17 PM
Post #290
QUOTE(CECELIAyo @ Jan 14 2008, 04:33 PM) [snapback]411827[/snapback]
You guys know that show choir coma?
the haze you get?
like an hour or two after your show?
when you left your home at 3 in the morning for a 4 hour bus ride, and performed 3 or so hours later?
well, i was in that coma, and i can't remember this one groups name. i feel completley awful, but i was strung out man.all i remember is i was sitting with hastings friends i had made that day :](mary ranweiller! i hope i didn't butcher your name) and we watched this group, and there soloist, literally made me fall in love. hHh.

i was like floating.

they wore red velvet dresses, with wicked high heels, and the boys wore purple velvet suits...
OH PROPS, to the girl who's shoe flew off into the crowd, you ahndled it great and with alotta grace. MAD PROPS GIRRRRL.
TG- fifteen foot tall puppets, woah man. and all those tambourines. MAJOR props to stagecrew ;]
HASTINGS!- way to go kidds. :] terra[right? fighter solo?] YOU ROCKED IT OUT GIRRRRL!
MTZ- seriously, how do you work the name into those songs? and p.s. if you come to waconia (which i'm pretty sure i read that you are) you should incorperate cece in there! :]

i was in total haze the rest of the day.

Hey babes. I told you in geometry today!


Tenorboi18 on Jan 14, 2008, 8:51 PM
Post #289
does anyone have dvd information?
i'd love to know if i could purchase one.

for those of us that couldnt make it to the competition.


snugbugck on Jan 14, 2008, 7:31 PM
Post #288
QUOTE(sunglasses_chic08 @ Jan 14 2008, 05:00 PM) [snapback]411847[/snapback]
Yeah, after I saw the shoe fly, I was looking for the girl who lost it, but couldn't find her! That takes some serious concentration and showmanship--excellent work! I think if that had happened to me...well...i'm not sure what i would've done, to be honest, lol. I probably would've kept dancing, but you'd be able to tell i was messing up majorly, lol.

Those are the same shoes we used last year so them flying off is something we've seen before, the girl it happened to is very a very talented dancer and knows what it means when you say the show must go on. She actually kicked her other shoe off under the stage and just kept going, knowing from experience that its much easier to dance without shoes than a three inch difference in feet.

sunglasses_chic08 on Jan 14, 2008, 7:00 PM
Post #287
QUOTE(lowbass @ Jan 14 2008, 04:50 PM) [snapback]411843[/snapback]
I understand they make some shoes with these things called straps. Very cool, and useful in reducing fly aways.

All joking aside - I have NEVER ever seen that happen before, and yep - she did great! Kudos to the entire group too for not letting it throw them off too badly...

Yeah, after I saw the shoe fly, I was looking for the girl who lost it, but couldn't find her! That takes some serious concentration and showmanship--excellent work! I think if that had happened to me...well...i'm not sure what i would've done, to be honest, lol. I probably would've kept dancing, but you'd be able to tell i was messing up majorly, lol.

lowbass on Jan 14, 2008, 6:50 PM
Post #286
QUOTE(Stolby @ Jan 14 2008, 04:43 PM) [snapback]411839[/snapback]
That would be Sioux City East
The poise that the girl showed was AMAZING

I understand they make some shoes with these things called straps. Very cool, and useful in reducing fly aways.

All joking aside - I have NEVER ever seen that happen before, and yep - she did great! Kudos to the entire group too for not letting it throw them off too badly...

Kyle-By-Request on Jan 14, 2008, 6:45 PM
Post #285
so what is Mt. Zion's show?

Stolba on Jan 14, 2008, 6:43 PM
Post #284
QUOTE(CECELIAyo @ Jan 14 2008, 02:33 PM) [snapback]411827[/snapback]
You guys know that show choir coma?
the haze you get?
like an hour or two after your show?
when you left your home at 3 in the morning for a 4 hour bus ride, and performed 3 or so hours later?
well, i was in that coma, and i can't remember this one groups name. i feel completley awful, but i was strung out man.all i remember is i was sitting with hastings friends i had made that day :](mary ranweiller! i hope i didn't butcher your name) and we watched this group, and there soloist, literally made me fall in love. hHh.

i was like floating.

they wore red velvet dresses, with wicked high heels, and the boys wore purple velvet suits...
OH PROPS, to the girl who's shoe flew off into the crowd, you ahndled it great and with alotta grace. MAD PROPS GIRRRRL.
TG- fifteen foot tall puppets, woah man. and all those tambourines. MAJOR props to stagecrew ;]
HASTINGS!- way to go kidds. :] terra[right? fighter solo?] YOU ROCKED IT OUT GIRRRRL!
MTZ- seriously, how do you work the name into those songs? and p.s. if you come to waconia (which i'm pretty sure i read that you are) you should incorperate cece in there! :]

i was in total haze the rest of the day.

That would be Sioux City East
The poise that the girl showed was AMAZING
but yeah, that would be the guy who won Best Male Soloist, and rightfully deserved. He was amazing.

EsAreUnimportant on Jan 14, 2008, 6:43 PM
Post #283
QUOTE(CECELIAyo @ Jan 14 2008, 04:33 PM) [snapback]411827[/snapback]
You guys know that show choir coma?
the haze you get?
like an hour or two after your show?
when you left your home at 3 in the morning for a 4 hour bus ride, and performed 3 or so hours later?
well, i was in that coma, and i can't remember this one groups name. i feel completley awful, but i was strung out man.all i remember is i was sitting with hastings friends i had made that day :](mary ranweiller! i hope i didn't butcher your name) and we watched this group, and there soloist, literally made me fall in love. hHh.

i was like floating.

they wore red velvet dresses, with wicked high heels, and the boys wore purple velvet suits...
OH PROPS, to the girl who's shoe flew off into the crowd, you ahndled it great and with alotta grace. MAD PROPS GIRRRRL.

That would be Sioux City East. I'm guessing the soloist you're talking about was the one for "Blue Skies"? He ended up winning Best Male Soloist too.

And yeah I thought the flying shoe was handled amazing well too.

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