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  Show Choir Community    Events    2010 Season    Pike MusicFest 2010

Event Info

February 13th, 2010

Venue Info

Pike High School
Performing Arts Center
5401 W. 71st Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268

Phone: (317) 387-2600

Event Details

No. of Attending Choirs:

  7 Mixed Groups
  6 Treble Groups


  Pike "Encores"
  Pike "Mystiques"

Judges: Unknown


Ticket prices unknown.


Pike MusicFest 2010

Event Site
Live Stream


Groups in order of placement

 F.C. Singers
 Franklin Central High School
Grand Champion 
Best Vocals 
Best Choreography 

 Central Sound
 Lawrence Central High School
First Runner Up 

 Ben Davis High School
Second Runner Up 

 Spotlight Singers & Company
 Brownsburg High School
3rd Runner Up 

 Mooresville High School
4th Runner Up 

Treble Finals

Groups in order of placement

 Ben Davis High School
First Place 
Best Choreography 

 Sweet Sensation
 Lawrence Central High School
Second Place 

 Starlight Voices
 Brownsburg High School
Third Place 
Best Vocals 

Mixed Division (Prelims)
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Treble Division (Prelims)
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Attending Members displaying 6 of 8 members (view all)  







58 comments • Sort by

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soccerrrr24 on Feb 16, 2010, 9:10 PM
Post #38

QUOTE (rengland3991 @ Feb 14 2010, 01:34 AM) *

TRUE!! I knew FC would take vocals and visuals... LC (in my opinion) can't compete with FC. In my honest opinion... Ben Davis should have gotten 2nd. Here is how I thought it should have went:

GC: Franklin Central... Awesome, as usual.

1RU: Ben Davis... VERY good. They had a great show last year, and this one is even better.

2RU: Lawrence Central: They were clean, and had good vocals. I loved the Little Richard song... but everything after that was BORING.

3RU: Brownsburg: Had a fun show. Energetic and had the crowd going.

4RU: Warren Central: Got shafted. Won most creative show, and had 90% of the audience standing after. Good vocals... as usual. And a crowd favorite... as usual.

This is based off what I saw. Congrats to everyone!!

Moorseville got 4RU, not Warren. Just a clarification! I didn't get to see Warren, but my friend hosted them and said they killed it! But here are my thoughts from the day:

FC: INCREDIBLE energy. I mean, my goodness you all are in shape. Great show, great vocals, I thought your Michael Jackson song was put together nicely. A well-deserved GC.

LC: Interesting show idea. The "I Feel Pretty" song was hilarious and performed well. Anything before/after that I don't remember. But congrats.

BD: You guys were hyped up a TON and I was expecting an amazing performance. It wasn't bad by ANY means but I think the hype just got me really excited LOL. Solid performance, and I personally had you above LC in my rankings. P.S., that ballad soloist has some pipes!

BBURG: I'm sorry, but I'm completely blanking on anything you did in your show. I do remember the ballad was performed well.

MOORESVILLE: INCREDIBLE VOCALS IN THE FIRST NUMBER. OMG! After that, again, I don't really remember much.

PIKE: My group You all can dance. That is for sure. But you need to SING OUT. Idk if it was a mike problem or not, but regardless of if the mikes are on or off, you HAVE to project. I was 8 rows back and could not hear a dang thing. You could place very high at BD if you guys work on projecting. GOOD LUCK BABIES See you on Saturday!

Overall, I was disappointed in the shows. This was my first competition this year and I was ready for some show choir, but frankly, I was bored. Hopefully the BD competition this weekend will be AMAZING! Which it should, its STACKED! Congrats to everyone who participated at Pike! And good luck with the rest of your season!


rengland3991 on Feb 16, 2010, 8:00 PM
Post #37

QUOTE (showtime @ Feb 16 2010, 04:41 PM) *

ppl are crazzy these days...LC clearly did their best and for this to be FC's third weekend out they should have blew us out...but 6 points???...come on now lets step it up FC...and this was our first weekend out..and u clearly dont have anything else to do with your life if you're seriously gonna out someone for thinking their group is the best...he's not arrogant at all he just loves CS..

I did not say that HE was arrogant. I said that he came off as arrogant. And he did. You can love your choir all you want... that's great. But one cannot say something like that on national tv and not expect for all show choir hell to break lose.


Rikkuperson on Feb 16, 2010, 7:20 PM
Post #36
showtime, I don't know why you're attacking the FC Singers?


showtime on Feb 16, 2010, 4:41 PM
Post #35
ppl are crazzy these days...LC clearly did their best and for this to be FC's third weekend out they should have blew us out...but 6 points???...come on now lets step it up FC...and this was our first weekend out..and u clearly dont have anything else to do with your life if you're seriously gonna out someone for thinking their group is the best...he's not arrogant at all he just loves CS..


ShowchoirBros on Feb 16, 2010, 3:11 PM
Post #34
I need some help from the groups at finals. FC's best performer awards were misplaced, and if anyone knows where they might be, that would be great. they were in the boxes still on the trophy table. it would mean a lot to the people that won them. thanks again show choirbros


rengland3991 on Feb 16, 2010, 1:20 PM
Post #33

QUOTE (Stolby @ Feb 16 2010, 11:55 AM) *

And it is redic that it is. Do people not understand being competitive and if you want to be the best you have to think you are the best. Confidence goes a long way.

There is a difference between confidence and arrogance. If he had said something like "We think we are an amazing choir, we have a history of excellence and placing well and I think this year is going to be great for us."... That is what a confident person would say. But what he said came off as arrogant. Unfortunately, that comment offended a lot of people. If ANYONE from ANY choir said that, they and their choir would get the same reaction.

Stolba on Feb 16, 2010, 11:55 AM
Post #32

QUOTE (Mr. Step @ Feb 16 2010, 11:20 AM) *

It's really amazing how one quote/comment can haunt an entire group for an entire year/season...

And it is redic that it is. Do people not understand being competitive and if you want to be the best you have to think you are the best. Confidence goes a long way.

If i am correct LC is going to FAME Chicago? If so, i can not wait to see you guys there!


Mr. Step on Feb 16, 2010, 11:20 AM
Post #31

QUOTE (MrGrinch @ Feb 15 2010, 08:06 PM) *

FC: WWWWWOOOOOWWWW! you guys killed it

LC: i was really hopin more form you. i know u guys are always amazing but that was not CS i ever remember competing against. PS. next time u are on nation televison dont say you are the best in the nation.

BD: you guys were great! in a few weeks u guys will b unstoppable!

WC: im upset! you guys should have made finals!!

It's really amazing how one quote/comment can haunt an entire group for an entire year/season...


MrGrinch on Feb 15, 2010, 8:06 PM
Post #30
FC: WWWWWOOOOOWWWW! you guys killed it

LC: i was really hopin more form you. i know u guys are always amazing but that was not CS i ever remember competing against. PS. next time u are on nation televison dont say you are the best in the nation.

BD: you guys were great! in a few weeks u guys will b unstoppable!

WC: im upset! you guys should have made finals!!


rengland3991 on Feb 15, 2010, 6:33 AM
Post #29
Me personally, I had them at 2nd vocally and 6th visually. Pretty much how they usually place (although choreography is better than last year). But who knows... guess we'll just have to wait and see how this year plays out!


Mr.HJA on Feb 15, 2010, 5:00 AM
Post #28
SMH.........i just hope that judging this year is not shakey and crazy...i kinda have a hard time believing warren was not great vocally...i mean even in 2006 when they were barely on the radar they had great vocals.... was it just really close between the vocals?? i kno fc n lc were separated by like 2 points vocally so could that be the case?? hmmm interesting....


rengland3991 on Feb 15, 2010, 4:29 AM
Post #27

QUOTE (Mr.HJA @ Feb 15 2010, 02:59 AM) *

wow last vocally n 3'd visually that is soooooo not what usually happens WOW!!!!

Yupp. Pretty much the exact opposite. haha


Mr.HJA on Feb 15, 2010, 2:59 AM
Post #26

QUOTE (rengland3991 @ Feb 14 2010, 09:59 PM) *

It should be a good one! I just heard that Warren got 3rd visually and DEAD LAST vocally. haha. Just not the normal results they usually get.

wow last vocally n 3'd visually that is soooooo not what usually happens WOW!!!!


rengland3991 on Feb 14, 2010, 9:59 PM
Post #25

QUOTE (Mr.HJA @ Feb 14 2010, 05:03 AM) *

I did hear that warren was really good though. I pray that they are starting to do more choreo this year that is always the downfall of the show to me. Lets hope tha NC, Pike and Carmel bring it this yr (im sure they will) it will make for a banging SC season.

It should be a good one! I just heard that Warren got 3rd visually and DEAD LAST vocally. haha. Just not the normal results they usually get.


Mr.HJA on Feb 14, 2010, 5:03 AM
Post #24

QUOTE (rengland3991 @ Feb 14 2010, 01:34 AM) *

TRUE!! I knew FC would take vocals and visuals... LC (in my opinion) can't compete with FC. In my honest opinion... Ben Davis should have gotten 2nd. Here is how I thought it should have went:

GC: Franklin Central... Awesome, as usual.

1RU: Ben Davis... VERY good. They had a great show last year, and this one is even better.

2RU: Lawrence Central: They were clean, and had good vocals. I loved the Little Richard song... but everything after that was BORING.

3RU: Brownsburg: Had a fun show. Energetic and had the crowd going.

4RU: Warren Central: Got shafted. Won most creative show, and had 90% of the audience standing after. Good vocals... as usual. And a crowd favorite... as usual.

This is based off what I saw. Congrats to everyone!!

I didn't see the show and I take your opinion for what it s worth. I personally don't agree with bd being better than lc only because bd just is not impressive to me.They have AMAZING ENERGY and perform the hell out of their show but the dancing and sing together just does not work and to me they are a tad bit screamy. FC although I would agree are good (not my preference though) i DO believe CS can and CLEARLY did compete with them. the diff after prelims was 11 points and for finals 4-6 points. This being CS's first comp and FC"S 3'd I'd say they did pretty good. We'll hae to see how the rest of the season goes. I did hear that warren was really good though. I pray that they are starting to do more choreo this year that is always the downfall of the show to me. Lets hope tha NC, Pike and Carmel bring it this yr (im sure they will) it will make for a banging SC season.


ShowchoirBros on Feb 14, 2010, 2:13 AM
Post #23
I need some help from the groups at finals. FC's best performer awards were misplaced, and if anyone knows where they might be, that would be great. they were in the boxes still on the trophy table. it would mean a lot to the people that won them. thanks again show choirbros


rengland3991 on Feb 14, 2010, 1:34 AM
Post #22

QUOTE (Mr.HJA @ Feb 13 2010, 01:34 PM) *

sweep captions easy?? false!! unless cs uses adults in the back up band cs will wen that and unless fc has decided to sing 8 parts instead of 4 or 5 then cs will more than likely wen that...the vocals of cs this year AMAZING one of the BEST singing yrs ever and idk bout fc i know they'll bring it but sweeping?? negative

TRUE!! I knew FC would take vocals and visuals... LC (in my opinion) can't compete with FC. In my honest opinion... Ben Davis should have gotten 2nd. Here is how I thought it should have went:

GC: Franklin Central... Awesome, as usual.

1RU: Ben Davis... VERY good. They had a great show last year, and this one is even better.

2RU: Lawrence Central: They were clean, and had good vocals. I loved the Little Richard song... but everything after that was BORING.

3RU: Brownsburg: Had a fun show. Energetic and had the crowd going.

4RU: Warren Central: Got shafted. Won most creative show, and had 90% of the audience standing after. Good vocals... as usual. And a crowd favorite... as usual.

This is based off what I saw. Congrats to everyone!!

TheOnlyJosh on Feb 14, 2010, 12:32 AM
Post #21
GC: Ben Davis
1RU: Lawrence Central
2RU: Brownsburg

Vox: Brownsburg
Choreo: Ben Davis

Concert Choir:
GC: Ben Davis
1RU: Brownsburg The Blend
2RU: Brownsburg Madrigals

GC: Franklin Central
1RU: Lawrence Central
2RU: Ben Davis
3RU: Brownsburg
4RU: Mooresville

Vox: Franklin Central
Choreo: Franklin Central


Mr.HJA on Feb 13, 2010, 10:49 PM
Post #20
the top two are 11pts apart omfg

TheOnlyJosh on Feb 13, 2010, 9:43 PM
Post #19
Mixed Finalists

Ben Davis
Lawrence Central
Franklin Central

Not in order

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